Now that Coyle is on board, what are his major challenges?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I don't have a list to choose from but there are some major issues that must be addressed. Some are unique to the UM and some are due to the nature of college athletics.

1. Clean house. Get his own team; those Coyle can trust and depend on going forward. The AD has not been viewed favorably and its been publicized that former players and coaches have concerns. Are guys like Najarian and Hutton worthy of positions in the AD and can they help with alumni relations?

2. Hit the fund raising trail hard and lock in more donors. If he can do that in a short period of time, others will pay attention and he will get off on a good start.

3. Address the football donation fiasco. From this site and others, it appears that many long time ST holders did not renew. Welcome them back and push hard for a sell out this Fall.

4. Obviously mens hoops and Pitino have to be very high on his to-do-list.

5. Fill the student section and take a hard look at the tailgate policy.

6. Work with Kaler and the Regents to shelf any motions to allow the Regents to control salaries. This is Coyle's job with Kaler's backing.

7. Start a short list of coaches to contact for future hires. His message is be accountable to pack your bags.

8. Finalize any current discrimination issues and move forward.


Your turn.

7. Start a short list of coaches to contact for future hires. His message is be accountable to pack your bags.

This should include Robinson and Lucia. Both have won National Titles, and have no plan to win again.

1. Listen to staff, students and fans.
2. Get to know his coaches
3. Reintroduce himself to the donors
4. Develop a long-term strategy for the dept.
5. Identify some low hanging fruit and act.

Ensure the happiness of the Gopherhole patrons.

I don't like the idea of making the coaches feel like they are on a short leash. You do this, and a successful coach is more likely to leave when offered. He needs to give this coaches his full support and work with them to achieve the goals he sets forth for them.

With regards to donation seating. The U called me a couple months ago and I had a good half hour talk with a manager about my feelings towards the donation seating increases. They took very detailed notes about why I thought they were a bad idea at this time. Their reason was to be able to provide the feedback to the new AD when they come on board. Coyle seems to be a guy who understands the fan experience and wants to maximize it.


It goes without saying - Build a strong administrative team and staff that he can trust will deliver, oversee compliance, oversee athletes.

Build a culture of accountability for everyone involved in the athletics program - administrators, staff, coaches, student athletes.

He has to have a clear vision of where he wants to lead the athletic department moving forward, make sure everyone buys into it. Instill a wining attitude.

With accountability comes performance appraisals.

I think one of his major challenges is to improve the image of the U's brand in the local community. It seems like local sportswriters relish every opportunity to take shots at the U. Its difficult to build excitement and in the program when the locals read how screwed up it is everyday.

1. Listen to staff, students and fans. 2. Get to know his coaches 3. Reintroduce himself to the donors 4. Develop a long-term strategy for the dept. 5. Identify some low hanging fruit and act.


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