Now is when real fans would rally around the team

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Of course, I'm not expecting that to happen. I just find the difference between how Gopher "fans" handle any type of adversity and how Indiana fans stuck with their team through 8 conference wins in three years.

Sure, go ahead and point out the obvious differences in the cultural relevancy of college basktball in Indiana and Minnesota. I'd argue that the culture had to come from somewhere, and the fans haven't stepped up.

I split season tickets and will be at every game I have them for. But as much as I want to scream my head off for this team, and I'm sure I will, I feel so badly for Trevor it is hard to get excited.

I'm not willing to write this team off yet. But man it is awful for Trevor to go out like this. Hopefully he uses it as motivation and gets to the NBA for a solid, long career.

I split season tickets and will be at every game I have them for. But as much as I want to scream my head off for this team, and I'm sure I will, I feel so badly for Trevor it is hard to get excited.

I'm not willing to write this team off yet. But man it is awful for Trevor to go out like this. Hopefully he uses it as motivation and gets to the NBA for a solid, long career.


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