Notre Dame to get shorter TV timeouts from NBC so offense can flow better

That smells like corruption. NBC has a vested interest in Notre Dame doing well, so they adjust their commercial timing to suit Notre Dame's offense. Racketeering, anyone? NBC's broadcast of the games should be independent of any vested interests. This comes at the expense of Notre Dame's opponents. It would be sweet if teams refused to play Notre Dame due to this corruption.

Eh, non-issue. They're still going to have the same amount of commercial time, just more and shorter breaks. They say right in the article that it is already done in the NFL, so it's not like there's no precedent for it.

I personally don't see the big deal.

Slippery Slope argument coming here....

"Kelly motions to the booth, to have them skip the next break, because Notre Dame has the momentum..."

I gotta go with non-issue. Frankly, I wish this is what they did with all games. TV timeouts suck, but long TV timeouts suck WAY MORE.

If they are indeed making changes to their commercial schedule in order to give Notre Dame an edge, I'd say that's an issue.

You ever watch those ND games? They take forever. I was in attendance for one against MSU a few years ago. Kickoff at 1:30, still in my seat when it finished at 6:10. The game had absolutely no flow, and I'll never go back there again.

If they are indeed making changes to their commercial schedule in order to give Notre Dame an edge, I'd say that's an issue.

Not really. It isn't against the rules and its not Kelly telling NBC during the game how long the timeouts should be. Its them deciding to use a different format ahead of the season. The Big Ten Network could do the same thing if they wanted.

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