Not trolling/new coach

Dec 28, 2016
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All speculation and joking aside, I have heard from a very good source (assistant to a rich person) that the U knows they have few big time donors lined up to pay what is needed for a new coach. Specifically PJ was mentioned by said boosters. I am certain it is up to fleck to take the money. Without doubt coyle is taking his marching orders from the top donors on this one. I was personally hoping he wouldn't do that, but everyone is out to cover their own @$$ these days unfortunately.

If that's the case, unless Fleck had already agreed to take the money, this was a gamble that this program couldn't afford to take.

What is "big money"? If boosters really want to flex their muscles, go get Dave Aranda or Chip Kelly.

Go Gophers!!

What is "big money"? If boosters really want to flex their muscles, go get Dave Aranda or Chip Kelly.

Go Gophers!!
If there is actually 4+ million per year, give it all to an offensive genius and keep the defensive staff.

Let's hope so. I've lost my faith in Coyle. A good hire would help me regain some.

If that's the case, unless Fleck had already agreed to take the money, this was a gamble that this program couldn't afford to take.

Completely agreed. And if he hasn't agreed who the hell would want to come here then as previously stated many times on GH? This all makes me think something is a done deal and tomorrow we get the zinger. I would be sure of that if I didn't think the 2 overseers were completely inept.

Coyle has no plan. He's making it up as he goes along and he's not to be trusted. He deserves to have a Tim Brewster tyoe coach come and utterly ruin what we were trying to build. The way Coyle threw Claeys under the bus should cause all reasonable coaches to flee from this job.

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