not Shaka... not Stevens... not Flip


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Jan 30, 2013
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If the University decides that Tubby's time is over, I would love to see Buzz Williams as the next Gopher coach. He can recruit, coach and motivate. With the whole Catholic 7 degrading the Big East, I think he can be targeted. Watching him get his players to play with energy last night AGAIN sealed it for me. It's clear to me that Tubby isn't on this guys level.

He would leave because the Big Ten is the Big Ten, and he could recruit and beat Bo Ryan head's up 2 or 3 times a year instead of 1.

I would LOVE to see Buzz here, but he is VERY loyal to Marquette because he feels they took a risk in hiring him. I don't think he would even be interested, but who knows.

Not sure why someone would voluntarily take a demotion.

My dream coaching staff - Flip, Trent Tucker, Q Lewis, DeL. Coach, Eric musselman or F. Hoiberg

Pretty doubtful he would leave Marquette without a substantial increase in pay. Considering he's making $2m a year (reportedly), I highly doubt we're going to shell out $3m/year for our next coach.

He's said he is not interested in other jobs because Marquette took a risk hiring him.

Then again just about everyone has a price, but I agree with gopher07, I don't think Norwood is going to be shelling out ~$3 million minimum to get Buzz.

Well he stole Vander Blue right out from under Bo's nose so that ought to invite a nice slap on the back and a "well done"!

Well the Catholic 7 is (guessing they'll have a different name) Is about to be a better conference than the Big East, so I think Marquette will stay as the top basketball program in the state of Wisconsin

I think, if it comes to that point, Flip will get a token interview, but will so impress, that he'll have a real shot at getting the job. As for the Catholic 7 leaving degrading the Big East, well, honestly that's only going to help the individual teams in the 2 separate conferences. Like the Big Ten, they beat each other up right now and so teams that might deserve a #5 or #6 seed, get instead only a #10 or #11 seed and will be that much more likely to lose in the 1st round. Create 2 separate conferences and they won't have to beat up on each other anymore, they'll beat up on the new teams brought into both conferences to fill each conf out, and teams like Marquette will benefit from this, not be hurt by it. So his job will be an even better one going forward than it is now. And like others have said, I don't think we're going to pay anyone 3 mil a year.

Only problem for the big east is their non catholic schools are fleeing to the ACC, they have UCONN,Cincy and Memphis coming in and than a bunch of bums like USF, Tulane and SMU rounding it out

UConn and Cincy are already in the BE, but yes, Memphis is joining the BE as well. With UL, Syracuse and Pitt leaving, it would seem like a really bad situation. But like Memphis is now crushing the competition in the cusa, UConn, Cincy and Memphis can dominate the BE and all get really good seeds in the future. It doesn't have to be seen as a bad thing. The NCAA BB tourney is such a HUGE tourney, uber conferences like the BE is, are not necessarily a good thing. Because seeding is such an important factor in how well a team will do when they get to the tourney. The main problem will be that UConn and Cincy also want to play football, and so will leave the first chance they get, but that won't affect Marquette, because they'll be in a decent bb only conference. It will however affect Memphis, who is trying to move into a more competitive conference and may end up being the only dominant basketball power in whats left over of the Big East if it survives?! Poor Tigers.

He'd be a good hire. The only reason I could see him doing it, is because of the dissolving of the Big East. Locals believe that if Buzz were to jump, it would be for the Texas job.

I know for a fact (heard from the horse's mouth) that he could be the 2nd highest paid coach in the country if he wanted, but he is committed to Marquette. The Catholic 7 leaving will be a benefit assuming they add the 5 or so teams that are rumored (ie Butler, VCU, St. Louis, Xavier etc.). That is going to be a premiere conference. There is about as much of a chance of Buzz coming here that there is Stevens. I'd say Shaka would be more likely.

I have succeeded in getting Parski1 and station19 to finally become friends. Hallelujah!!!

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