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Nov 17, 2008
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KeithRIVALS Keith Niebuhr
Hearing #Minnesota WR commit Jamel Harbison from Charlotte Mallard Creek may official to #Vandy

Hope he stays with the U

Wasn't it McNeal that went there? Maybe he could dissuade Harbison from switching...

he said when he commited he was going to still take his officials

mcneal went to clemson, and is transfering

That is why I said that...if he is transferring, maybe the reason might be enough to keep Harbison at the U...just a thought.

I read on another board the same thing that it is just an intended visit...that is somewhat comforting and obviously I hope he sticks with the U.

McNeal did not commit to the U, but went to Vandy I think.

Just to be clear...

I think some people are mixing up a couple different people.

McNeal went to Clemson and is now transferring away from Clemson.
McDonald had committed to the U, backed out, and has committed to Vandy.

PS: Maybe the Harbison thing is McDonald backing out again and coming home, since they are both WRs...

This doesn't make a lot of sense, Vandy has 2 WRs committed, and an athlete that projects as a slot receiver. I would expect that they would have other areas of need.

This doesn't make a lot of sense, Vandy has 2 WRs committed, and an athlete that projects as a slot receiver. I would expect that they would have other areas of need.
As stated earlier, when harbison commited to us, he clearly stated he was going to take his officials, vandy is one of thoes schools he taking one at, and i do agree with what vandy has commited in this class at wr i dont see them taking on another

So the tweet essentially doesn't mean a whole lot. Harbison said from the beginning that he may still take official visits elsewhere and all this says is he may visit Vandy.

Thanks for all the info guys. Sorry for all the confusion I caused by forgetting MnNeal went to Clemson and not Vandy and remembering Harbison said he was going to take more visits.

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