Not Going to Look But,


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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There's a 8 page thread on the P.A. guy? Internet boards are fun(ny). :D

PA guy, concessions. We're tackling the big issues.

If we can just get a parking thread and a uniform thread we'll have hit the insipid topic grand slam.

PA guy, concessions. We're tackling the big issues.

If we can just get a parking thread and a uniform thread we'll have hit the insipid topic grand slam.
That's better tackling than the team showed on Saturday. (too soon?) :)

Amazingly we got through a home game without a single sit/stand debate.

Lean to the Left.
Lean to the Right.
Stand up, Sit down.
Fight, Fight, Fight!

A guy with nearly 5000 posts who started a thread about a thread about the P.A. guy!

LOL, good call. And really, to OP, you should check it out. It will enrage you and cause you to question humanity. It's a must read thread IMO.

LOL, good call. And really, to OP, you should check it out. It will enrage you and cause you to question humanity. It's a must read thread IMO.

3800 views and 151 posts? No, to rich for my blood.

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