Norwood Teague: "We started a master facility plan."

Why didn't we already have one? Responsibilities of AD:
1) Keep list of potential men's basketball and football headcoach in wallet
2) Hang master facility plan on wall
3) Everything else

Maybe maturi had one but it was a bad one.
It did seem that maturi seemed to view all of the projects (tcf, basketball practice, baseball, boathouse) as separate ideas rather than one plan. That could be maturi's messaging problem though. Maybe he did have a plan and just didn't communicate it.

Why didn't we already have one? Responsibilities of AD:
1) Keep list of potential men's basketball and football headcoach in wallet
2) Hang master facility plan on wall
3) Everything else

I'd insert:

3) Market your top programs (football, basketball, hockey) like crazy to build a fanbase
4) Fund-raise like a demon (goes hand-in-hand with #3 IMO)

Those 2 simply cannot be lumped in with "Everything Else" as they are essential to an entire Ath Dept functioning and thriving.

1) Make money so that you can afford all the crap you need win in order do to make more money
2) Win so you can make more money get all the crap you need to help you win more
3) Repeat from step #1

Why didn't we already have one? Responsibilities of AD:
1) Keep list of potential men's basketball and football headcoach in wallet
2) Hang master facility plan on wall
3) Everything else

I honestly don't think Maturi had a plan. I think it was handled as needs came up. I think he knew someday he'd need to put in a new baseball stadium, but I don't know that he had it prioritized versus anything else.

Of course, it's hard to fault him when the most glaring need was a football stadium and much of his effort was being poured into making that happen basically until it opened. After that, there were a couple obvious items (baseball stadium crumbling). But now the department is in a different place and can look at where they want to be in 10 years...

I'd insert:

3) Market your top programs (football, basketball, hockey) like crazy to build a fanbase
4) Fund-raise like a demon (goes hand-in-hand with #3 IMO)

Those 2 simply cannot be lumped in with "Everything Else" as they are essential to an entire Ath Dept functioning and thriving.

Obviously it was a bit tongue in cheek and was not meant to be an all inclusive list. So obvious as to not require elaboration.

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