No Whining?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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No complaining about the Student Section? No whining about ticket "discounting" de-valuing Season Tickets or how "those people over there just don't get it"? No "Gray missed 7 open guys" or "Gray left 5 Touchdowns" on the field? No complaints about the D-Backs not being able to cover anybody? Where are all the "Our Kicking Game sucks" posts? There haven't even been any "Ruesse HATES the Gophers" threads. Nor any "Why won't the defender ever turn a look for the BALL!" threads. Well, "ab-sah-lute-lee" loved it when a D-back turned and looked for ball and then picked-it off. Good job Mr. Shabazz! Hope you weren't scolded! :cool:

Okay, there was a little (misguided?) thread about the Quarterbacks, but overall Gopherhole has been a fun read today.

Man, winning really is nice isn't it? :)

If you want whining, check out buckyville or hayseedhatgoldpants or whatever those stupid pig farmers call their board. I'm sure there's whining a plenty.

For at least a week us Gopher fans can feel good about things. No reason to bitch and moan after your squad does what it is supposed to do against and FCS opponent for a change.

I took a peak at a few message boards from around the conference. Outside of Michigan State, Ohio State, Northwestern, Purdue (sort of) and surprisingly Indiana there is not much positivity out there with the Conference. Just a lot of doom and gloom.

Iceland, all of the Whining Wandas made up for it during the week last week.

I mean, geez, MG lost a step, AJ is over rated, MG can't hit the open guy, Shortell should start, Hageman stands up too soon, kicking game sucks, MG doesn't throw enough, MG throws too much, AJ punt returns are reckless, so and so doesn't play enough, so and so plays too much. The armchair QB's were out in full force all week, beer tent lines were too long, beer tents don't sell the right kind of beers, Student sections are too empty, everything is still Maturi's fault, I could go on and on and on, but you get my drift. :)

Winning big quieted them down.

Go Gophers!!!

Iceland, all of the Whining Wandas made up for it during the week last week.

I mean, geez, MG lost a step, AJ is over rated, MG can't hit the open guy, Shortell should start, Hageman stands up too soon, kicking game sucks, MG doesn't throw enough, MG throws too much, AJ punt returns are reckless, so and so doesn't play enough, so and so plays too much. The armchair QB's were out in full force all week, beer tent lines were too long, beer tents don't sell the right kind of beers, Student sections are too empty, everything is still Maturi's fault, I could go on and on and on, but you get my drift. :)

Winning big quieted them down.

Go Gophers!!!

I'll give it until Tuesday...

Iceland, all of the Whining Wandas made up for it during the week last week.

I mean, geez, MG lost a step, AJ is over rated, MG can't hit the open guy, Shortell should start, Hageman stands up too soon, kicking game sucks, MG doesn't throw enough, MG throws too much, AJ punt returns are reckless, so and so doesn't play enough, so and so plays too much. The armchair QB's were out in full force all week, beer tent lines were too long, beer tents don't sell the right kind of beers, Student sections are too empty, everything is still Maturi's fault, I could go on and on and on, but you get my drift. :)

Winning big quieted them down.

Go Gophers!!!

We can never complain enough about Joel Maturi. Inquiring minds would like to know what sort of blackmail or protection racketeering was invoked in order to give him the severence package that he got. The guy is finally gone and we are still paying deep six figure pay checks every year. Unbelievable, but this is how organized crime operates. Like Meyer Lansky said, "We need to sell them pertection." Anybody know which famiglia Joel works for?

Guess saying the whiners and haters would hold-off until Tuesday was way to optimistic.:horse:

Guess I was way to optimistic.:horse:

Maybe we should erect a statue, similar to the one in front of "The Wall" at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC. Instead of the three soldiers, Joel Maturi is in the center, flanked by Tonya Moten Brown on one side and Chris Voelz on the other. Partners in crime, destroying Golden Gopher revenue sports. Question is, "Where on campus to erect this tribute?"

Some people suffer from Maturi-Related OCD.

Maybe it is Post Maturi Stress Disorder (PMSD). We had a decent, not great, but respectable football program until this organized crime plant was hired. Many have said he set us back 10 years. Let's hope Jerry Kill cuts that prediction downward. I am furious that when I pay for my child's U of M tuition bill, some of that money is siphoned off for the Joel Maturi corporate welfare / extortion fund.

Maybe it is Post Maturi Stress Disorder (PMSD). We had a decent, not great, but respectable football program until this organized crime plant was hired. Many have said he set us back 10 years. Let's hope Jerry Kill cuts that prediction downward. I am furious that when I pay for my child's U of M tuition bill, some of that money is siphoned off for the Joel Maturi corporate welfare / extortion fund.

Your child's tuition isn't paying Maturi's salary. Ticket sales, TV revenue, but not tuition. And look up the word "extortion".

Your child's tuition isn't paying Maturi's salary. Ticket sales, TV revenue, but not tuition. And look up the word "extortion".

I disagree. You can play hide and seek with the money any way you like. This is the American way since the 1980s. Your argument sounds like that of a contemporary non profit tax lawyer. With respect to extortion, read post #7 of this thread. Next you will tell me that PSU tuition money in no way, shape, or form subsidized or supported Jerry Sandusky's extracurricular activities. Yet PSU is being sued for at least 9 figures and is being fined 8 figures by the NCAA ($60,000,000).

Iceland, all of the Whining Wandas made up for it during the week last week.

I mean, geez, MG lost a step, AJ is over rated, MG can't hit the open guy, Shortell should start, Hageman stands up too soon, kicking game sucks, MG doesn't throw enough, MG throws too much, AJ punt returns are reckless, so and so doesn't play enough, so and so plays too much. The armchair QB's were out in full force all week, beer tent lines were too long, beer tents don't sell the right kind of beers, Student sections are too empty, everything is still Maturi's fault, I could go on and on and on, but you get my drift. :)

Winning big quieted them down.

Go Gophers!!!

It's all sunshine and lollipops in the valium infused dreamworld of our beloved Dr. Don!

I disagree. You can play hide and seek with the money any way you like. This is the American way since the 1980s. Your argument sounds like that of a contemporary non profit tax lawyer.

Disagree all you want, but facts are facts. Maturi's salary doesn't come from tuition. It comes from ticket sales and TV revenue. If he wasn't on the payroll, tuition wouldn't be reduced by so much as a penny. Your argument, such as it is, is the same as those who oppose football because they think it raises their tuition. They think that if it weren't for football, the U could take all that money and apply it to other areas. But if it wasn't for football, that money wouldn't be there in the first place, and thus, the U couldn't spend it. It's the same with your position that the U spend tuition money on Maturi's salary. They didn't, they spent money from athletics revenues. I have no idea what your rant about non-profit lawyers is about.

With respect to extortion, read post #7 of this thread.

I've read it, nothing there in any way, shape or form makes a case for extortion. Simply saying the word "extortion" isn't evidence.

Next you will tell me that PSU tuition money in no way, shape, or form subsidized or supported Jerry Sandusky's extracurricular activities. Yet PSU is being sued for at least 9 figures and is being fined 8 figures by the NCAA ($60,000,000).

Penn State being fined in no way implies that the money came from tuition.

Disagree all you want, but facts are facts. Maturi's salary doesn't come from tuition. It comes from ticket sales and TV revenue. If he wasn't on the payroll, tuition wouldn't be reduced by so much as a penny. Your argument, such as it is, is the same as those who oppose football because they think it raises their tuition. They think that if it weren't for football, the U could take all that money and apply it to other areas. But if it wasn't for football, that money wouldn't be there in the first place, and thus, the U couldn't spend it. It's the same with your position that the U spend tuition money on Maturi's salary. They didn't, they spent money from athletics revenues. I have no idea what your rant about non-profit lawyers is about.

I've read it, nothing there in any way, shape or form makes a case for extortion. Simply saying the word "extortion" isn't evidence.

Penn State being fined in no way implies that the money came from tuition.

I hear you. You are using La Cosa Nostra tax lawyer logic. I can make an allegation if I want to. I am not compelled to provide you "evidence" in order to state my opinion. The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is part of the University of Minnesota, and any of their liabilities become the University's liabilities. Witness Penn State's situation. We agree to disagree. Just because you may be a Joel Maturi apologist does not make you right and me wrong.

The new genomics building and nano technology lab will work to create cyborgs using the DNA of Macturi and left over parts from recycled iPads. Nostradamus predicted this is where zombies will originate.

We had a decent, not great, but respectable football program until this organized crime plant was hired.

Huh? With Indiana, we were the poster child for football mediocrity and that's being charitable.

Mason's Record:

32-48 Big 10 record.
Best finish? 2 times tied for 4th in 10 years.
7-21 record in our trophy games.
No major bowl appearances.
Last 3 seasons he was 20-19 which is pretty bad considering his non-conference schedule.

You want the run-down on Wacker, Gutekunst, and Smokey Joe also?

You obviously haven't a clue but your crime analogy is so clever you just have to keep doubling down on it.

I hear you. You are using La Cosa Nostra tax lawyer logic.

Well, I am using logic. A lawyer would use similar logic, because it is a fact that Maturi is not being paid from tuition. The money doesn't go into one big pot. Paying Maturi means less money available for other expenditures for the athletics department.

You're wrong for the same reason that those who think that they could eliminate football and still have access to the football revenues.

I can make an allegation if I want to. I am not compelled to provide you "evidence" in order to state my opinion.

Allege anything you wish. Without evidence, you might as well accuse Maturi of being a ham sandwich. If you're going to accuse people of criminal acts, you could technically be sued for slander. I say technically, because no one would take your ranting seriously.

The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is part of the University of Minnesota, and any of their liabilities become the University's liabilities.

I never said any different. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Maturi is not being paid with tuition.

Witness Penn State's situation. We agree to disagree. Just because you may be a Joel Maturi apologist does not make you right and me wrong.

Just because I don't make unsubstantiated criminal accusations doesn't mean I'm a Maturi apologist. He may have been a bad AD, but he's not the devil. But what I think doesn't make you wrong. What makes you wrong is that you are in fact wrong. You have no basis for claiming that Maturi has engaged in criminal behavior, let alone engaged in mafia-like behavior, and it is a fact that he is not being paid from money that comes from tuition.

Don't waste your time with him as 6 Nov 1999 is one of Wren's buddies. We all know that Wren lost brain cells by holding his breath as to not breath in the "chemtrails". His cronies aren't too far behind his craziness.

It's all sunshine and lollipops in the valium infused dreamworld of our beloved Dr. Don!

Kuato...and here I thought you were after me and my sugar pops, when you really are after 6 Nov 1999?

Please do not say it was a case of mistaken identity, or I will have to take a valium with my gin and tonic. :)

After all, I am schizophrenic and so am I.

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