No way to tell, but I wonder how many of the top recruits......

Nov 20, 2008
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really consider a school for its education value? Case in point. The High School Bowl yesterday, did anybody hear the 4**** recruit RB Greg Garmon from Erie, Penn talk about his committment to Iowa? He sounded like he had just made it past the 6th grade level. It was really rather sad. I'm going out on a limb here,but I don't think he ever sees the field as a Hawkeye.

It is sad when you see those guys that have obviously been pushed through the system due to their ability on the field. Those are the guys that when their playing career ends they are toast because they have nothing to fall back on. Gary Russell was an example of that for us in that he had no business being on a college campus from an academic standpoint but he looked damn good carrying a football so somehow he got in. It took a herculean effort by the staff just to keep him eligible for the three years he was here.

The fact that Kill puts so much emphasis on academics does make me feel about the direction of the program. I feel that we will have a much more stable program with kids that are here 4-5 years instead of 1-2 years.

**Before people jump all over me....I'm well aware that we need to see how his recruits do in the classroom and on the field before we can judge...blah blah blah.....

.....ok....back to optimism :)

It is okay to be optimistic this time, we have a professional football coach once again, who is great with people and understands building from the bottom which is exactly where we are. The kids really do have to toe the line, work hard, go to class, and not be complete hell raisers. There will be issues, but he will manage them and the guys that don't turn around will be gone.
If he can keep his staff ( they are good) we will be fine. It won't be overnight, but it will happen. Or you can sit on the side lines and decide to get involved after the game is decided.
The best thing that can happen is getting an AD in here who is committed to winning in FB. JM is clueless about what it takes. In hindsight, despite my issues with Glen M's occasional abrasiveness, it is clear that the guy who should have been fired was Maturi. He needs to worry about the teams that pay the bills and have a chance to increase revenues. That is a grand total of about three teams; a good women's bball coach could get them back to breakeven, so make it four.
We play those sports for a grade, the others are pass/fail.

Yea, Garmon sounded as intelligent as my 9 yr old nephew, and I'm not trying to be a jack @ss. Have a hard time believing he would be capable of passing college course on his own.

Yea, Garmon sounded as intelligent as my 9 yr old nephew, and I'm not trying to be a jack @ss. Have a hard time believing he would be capable of passing college course on his own.

I believe Kill and staff offered Garmon as well.

I believe Kill and staff offered Garmon as well.

The staff seemed to make quite a few conditional offers based on both athletic and academic progression. We've seen Kill pull offers when kids didn't hold their end of the deal.

This is why I have so much respect for programs like Northwestern.

To answer your question, schools are redesigning their unis to be more flashy because players are choosing schools with flashy unis. Enough said.

That's not really fair because there are a lot of players who do choose based on the education they will receive but there is sadly a large % of players who are starting to schoose which school they attend because the unis are flashy and hip.

It's sad when people who don't talk well are assumed to be dumb.

One thing my Father used to tell me was you are often judged by the company you keep or the manner in which you speak. As much as most of us deny it I think this is very true, if you cannot communicate in even the most rudimentary fluent manner your intelligence is questioned. Whether it is true or not.

really consider a school for its education value? Case in point. The High School Bowl yesterday, did anybody hear the 4**** recruit RB Greg Garmon from Erie, Penn talk about his committment to Iowa? He sounded like he had just made it past the 6th grade level. It was really rather sad. I'm going out on a limb here,but I don't think he ever sees the field as a Hawkeye.

The last Iowa running back under Ferentz to play for all four years without getting suspended or kicked out of school was Damian Sims, who finished his career in the fall of 2008. This doesn't include only RB's who have had career ending injuries, which has happened plenty too.

Since he left, Ferentz has recruited 10 running backs that have either been booted from the team or from school.

While your perspective / assessment on Garmon and his interview skills is spot on, consider this...............He has survived both Cancer and his house burning down. I'm sure his education took a back seat in his fight in battling cancer (as it should). According to Rivals, Minnesota offered Garmon as well. Hard not to, at the very least, hope the kid has both academic and some athletic success (just not against us on the field).

Lastly, on a side note in reference to Stanford: I thought it was really cool story when Sean McDonough shared how Stanford Women's Basketball coach, Tara Vanderveer met a kid on a recruiting visit prior to Jim Harbaugh being offered the job. Forget the kid's name, but he said she was involved in his recruitment (when they had yet to announce a coach) and said, "Stanford sold itself to me"

Great link!

I never heard the interview with Garmon. I don't closely follow recruiting. This kid has gone through a lot for a tender age. I can't stand the Hawkeyes. Noting that, I hope he Garmon goes on to have a great career surpassing one of my love/hate Iowegian runningbacks, Tavian Banks.
Great eye opening story. Thanks for the link

Here are three rules I'd like the NCAA to adopt to begin returning college football to respectability. 1. Freshman are ineligible to participate in varsity games. 2. Scholarships are to be awarded to qualified student athletes for five years and by individual. 3. If a scholarship holder leaves a program for any reason, the remainder of his five-year scholarship must be re-assigned to a student non-athlete. These rules would get schools to recruit good students, good citizens who will stay with their programs and get an education.

One thing my Father used to tell me was you are often judged by the company you keep or the manner in which you speak. As much as most of us deny it I think this is very true, if you cannot communicate in even the most rudimentary fluent manner your intelligence is questioned. Whether it is true or not.

I don't think that is really true and I especially think it isn't necessarily true with people under the age of 25.

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