No one likes Scott Tolzien


Section 246
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Found this on the Wiz of Odds. After scoring a big TD last weekend no one on the Badger sideline would give Tolzien a high five. I make no further comments and will let Bronko and GVBadger slug it out from here. :)

Scott Tolzien has cooties

Despite wearing the Badger uniform, from what I've seen from Tolzien in games and practice he looks like an intelligent, down-to-earth, polite, very nice guy.

No wonder nobody on the Badger team likes him.

I'm guessing this was AFTER the second pick-6 he threw? Maybe it was after the fake FG TD though, in which case the game was still actually competitive... either way he got hung out to dry.

Oh holy hell...the cooties comment and the smiley face didn't give away that the post is meant in jest? You two need, I dunno, caffeine or something. Sigh...

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