No need to get so chapped...

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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I find it funny that fans (like me) get so upset about a post, yet they call others uneducated "fans" like they are anything more than a fan themself. Here's news, if you're not playing or coaching for the Gophers, than you're just a fan. I don't care if you played in the past or coached in the past or are playing or coaching now for some other team. And I'm a huge fan of the Gophers and want to see Jerry Kill take them to a top 25 ranking in the next couple of years. And yes, I too played college football, for a little D2 school called Minnesota Duluth. So if I'm wrong, which I may very well be, I'll be the first to admit it, and that would be great if I'm wrong, but it's just fodder for discussion.

Gray's second half passing: 3 of 11 for 17 yards.

3rd down efficiency (for game): 3 of 13

We'll see what happens when we get into Big 10 play. My guess is it will be much like USC. Gray will not be able to handle Big Ten defenses. Remember his touchdown drive against USC was about 25 yards. I love the Gophers, I guess I just have higher expectations. I'm not going to be ecstatic about a last second hang on win against Miami of Ohio. Gray is not going to be able to run only against Big 10 teams. When it comes to crunch time you have to be able to throw the ball, it's kind of a prerequisite to being a Quarterback. I would love to see what people's responses would have been if Miami would have caught that last pass and kicked the extra point. I think Kill is doing everything he can to develop Gray but at some point I just think his hand is going to be forced and he's going to run out of time. He's a hell of a coach and we're damn lucky to have him and I hope like heck he get's back to full speed soon. I hope the seizures subside and he has a long career here at Minnesota or we're probably in trouble again. No one has been, or is more excited about his hire.


OOOH. I'm so sure I'm right that I'm going to start a second thread. Nobody cares where you played. The coaching staff knows what they're doing. If they thought Shortell gave them a better chance to win, he'd be the starting QB.

First of all: Not one, but two redundant threads started for no reason. Derp.

Second: I see your writing is beginning to resemble something a competent person would write. You're not quite there yet. And any points you gain for your modest improvement are offset by your decision to play the "being shouted down for criticism" card. You're not being yelled at for criticizing Gray. You're being yelled at for acting like an idiot.

Do yourself and all of us a favor and start writing, reasoning, and behaving like an adult human. If that's beyond you, either learn how or leave.

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