Nice Q&A with Gophers Michael Hurt


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Nov 11, 2008
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per his hometown Rochester Post Bulletin:

In what ways are you guys better this year than last year?

HURT: Offensively we're a much more threatening team. We have five (starters) who can all make plays. And (power forward) Jordan Murphy (averaging 23 points and 12 rebounds) is one of the toughest guys in the country to guard. But I think offensively we all bring threats to score. I think all of us have taken a step up with our offense.

What do you see as your role on this team? Is it defined?

HURT: What coach (Richard Pitino) cares about from me is how I play defensively. He doesn't care about how I play offensively because we have so many weapons. But I know I can break through and score, too.

In what ways are you better this year and what's allowed that to happen?

HURT: Getting that experience last year and getting thrown in there has really allowed the game to slow down for me this season. It was the same transition that I had going from my freshman year in high school to my sophomore season. Also, getting stronger and quicker has helped. I've gained 20 pounds since last year ended. Our strength and conditioning coach, Shaun Brown, does a great job with us. Having that added strength is huge. I'm 20 pounds bigger but I feel like I'm quicker. Having that extra weight helps, like when I have to guard Murphy sometimes in practice.

What is the best way to guard Murphy?

HURT: Don't let him get the ball. But when he gets it, you just have to try to hold him out of the paint, make him use as many dribbles as you can, and then have guards dig in and help. But Murphy has taken another step forward. He knows when to go make plays. Now, he's capable of driving and taking guys off the dribble, and he's gotten even quicker.

Go Gophers!!

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