Nice in-depth feature on Kill in the STrib today


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Nov 11, 2008
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The Star Tribune has a cover story on Kill today, it's one of those "Sunday exclusives" so it won't be posted online until Wednesday. There is also a nice Q&A with a number of the HS coaches who met him this week.

Go Gophers!!

Who cares how he met his wife.
What's he going to do to get top Forida and Texas kids to come to Minnesota?

Who cares how he met his wife.
What's he going to do to get top Forida and Texas kids to come to Minnesota?

I do.
And I'm more interested in how he's going to get Minnesota kids to come to Minnesota.

And BTW PurplePride...are U on the right board?

This story was much more than just about Kill and his wife. It went into great detail talking to former players about what the Gophers can expect in practice. It sounds like the practices are going to be very demanding. Most of Kill's players don't like the intensity at first and start to resent him, but come around big time and all will run through a wall for him. Most senior classes that leave have a deep rooted respect for Kill, as he serves as a hard driving mentor. The practices are up-tempo, precise and hard work is expected.

Go Gophers!!

Yes, because learning more about our coach is a terrible thing.

I would like to learn more. More about what he is going to do to make the Gophers a winner.
Not the little cute stories about his love life.
Does anyone in Alabama even know if Nick Saban is single or due they care?

Then you write the article that you want to read, Purp. This article is what it is, it's no good griping about what it isn't.

I would like to learn more. More about what he is going to do to make the Gophers a winner.
Not the little cute stories about his love life.
Does anyone in Alabama even know if Nick Saban is single or due they care?

PurplePride, I take it you didn't read the article.

Go Gophers!!

I would like to learn more. More about what he is going to do to make the Gophers a winner.
Not the little cute stories about his love life.
Does anyone in Alabama even know if Nick Saban is single or due they care?

I'm sure no articles ever will touch on this. In fact, I bet Phil Miller doesn't write a single article in the lead up to next year that touches on coaching philosophy, schemes, etc. I mean, why would he do that when the first game is coming up??? :rolleyes:

It's December PP. This is the "get to know your article", the piece that introduces fans to the man. Something tells me this is exactly the article the STrib editors asked for. There is plenty of time and ink left to talk about his schemes to the Nth detail. In fact, time and ink (both real and digital) have been used on both already, though there is plenty more to go.

I get that you're interested, but an article about the details of his schemes/plans for the future right at this moment improves his chances of succeeding by more how? Unless you think its the only time a recruit will read about it. Something tells me he's not spending his time with recruits talking exclusively about how he and his wife met. But that's just me.

This story was much more than just about Kill and his wife. It went into great detail talking to former players about what the Gophers can expect in practice. It sounds like the practices are going to be very demanding. Most of Kill's players don't like the intensity at first and start to resent him, but come around big time and all will run through a wall for him. Most senior classes that leave have a deep rooted respect for Kill, as he serves as a hard driving mentor. The practices are up-tempo, precise and hard work is expected.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks much BleedGopher, that's exactly what I wanted to know. I'll have to wait until Wed to read the detail.

It is amazing, a positive story on the Gophers coach with a big photo on the front page of the Sunday Star Tribune sports section in December for a team that's not going bowling and there are people who still bitch.

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