NFL Network on TC Comcast


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
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Does anyone know when the 24-hour NFL Network "freebie" kicks in for the Twin Cities Comcast customers? It's channels 180 and 275 on my digital package but the feed is not authorized yet.

I spoke with the customer reps and they knew of the deal but not when it started.

I guess by game time and I'll have no complaints.

Go Gophers! Beat the Jayhawks!

Don't Wait Call Right now!

Does anyone know when the 24-hour NFL Network "freebie" kicks in for the Twin Cities Comcast customers? It's channels 180 and 275 on my digital package but the feed is not authorized yet.

I spoke with the customer reps and they knew of the deal but not when it started.

I guess by game time and I'll have no complaints.

Go Gophers! Beat the Jayhawks!

Please - Find out when it will be turned on and please post what their response is.

Charter Cable???

Does Charter carry the NFL network or add a freebie weekend as well?

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