next years schedule? michigan, florida, and texas compete with more then the gophers do for the above mentioned. This is great then, are one of the fans who are realistic about their football team. Below average is the norm and youre ok with it then probably.

Not really, the difference being NONE of those teams share a metropolitan area with 4 major sports franchises or one for that matter. I don't expect us to compete for the Big Ten year in and year out as long as the Vikings are as big as they are. With that being said, it doesn't excuse the 40 year drought. But you better believe I expect us to beat the Hawkeye's this year!

Dear Gophers,

Please do not suck this season. GopherGod's perpetual hard-on for all things Nebraska aside, that schedule does not hurt in our quest for that breakout 2011 season we have all been pointing towards.

With a rookie QB?

With a rookie QB?

Great point. No team in the history of college football has ever won with a rookie quarterback. Especially one that will have 26 games of experience under his belt by the time he's the starter.

All the receivers are back. All the tailbacks are back. All the tight ends are back. 10 of the 11defensive starters on the field tomorrow night will be back.

Impending disaster! Sun Belt us!!!!!!!

Great point. No team in the history of college football has ever won with a rookie quarterback. Especially one that will have 26 games of experience under his belt by the time he's the starter.

All the receivers are back. All the tailbacks are back. All the tight ends are back. 10 of the 11defensive starters on the field tomorrow night will be back.

Impending disaster! Sun Belt us!!!!!!!

How many of these players are likely to be better than the 2nd stringers of the big 4 or 6 programs.

It is just a complete joke.....why are many mn fans so stumped by why they dont rule the big ten? I just find it completely funny. Just open your eyes and look around, the U of MN football team isnt going anywhere. 2-11 is are the predictions most have the gophers at. I actually think they are a .500 team. If someone told you 4 years ago when brewster was hired that in year four they were slated for 2-11 would you be ok with that? I cant think you would be. He is the wrong coach hired by the wrong AD. It's just that simple. Quit trying to put lipstick on the pig.

Don't worry we leave that for you and your coeds.

I like these stuff.

Let's mix it up...It's Football Season!!

How many of these players are likely to be better than the 2nd stringers of the big 4 or 6 programs.

Well, Gray led a TD drive against Ohio State last year, but it was discounted because "it was against 2nd stringers."

The Iowa game last year was close only because "they had their 2nd string QB playing."

Get off of it....the top programs do reload rather than rebuild most of the time, but quit thinking that all 22 backups at Ohio State, Penn State, Nebraska, Iowa & Wisconsin would start at Minnesota.

I thought the same thing. The hawks really only need one season to break in the New Kinnick North. U of MN simply isn’t a college football university anymore then the Indiana. Think about it...every university has something they are known for, not football
Penn State..Football
OSU..Football ++
Iowa..Football and Wrestling
MN.. Hockey and Wrestling and sometimes basketball.....NOT FOOTBALL

Do you realize if you are 40 years old you havent been alive since they even won the big ten
Anyone who buys into Brew or Maturi is simply just "wishing them better"

Think about what makes WI and IA football strong....reproducible results. They both make more out of average then they probably should. That's what its about when you’re not Michigan, OSU, or PSU.

The only thing Brew has done is recruiting.....or did he. Not many of them make it to the field. Maybe other coaches passed on those guys because they knew they didn’t fit their programs. It's a joke and everyone knows it.

6 coordinators in 4 years. IA Same crew through thick and thin for a decade. Brew promised a rose bowl......It isn’t happening. IA and WI want Brewster to stay right where he is at because with him at the helm nothing and I mean nothing is going to change.....Smoke and Mirror my friends.

Stick with the facts....MN football is about what IA basketball is.......nothing to write home about

I have to admit, I did a double take on this first, I reacted by saying "Wow! MplsHawk is usually a civiled, balanced, even-tempered poster about both the Gophers & Hawkeyes. What's his problem today?"

Then, as I looked up, I saw that said poster was "MSPHawk." It all made sense.....just another animal for the zoo...just toss him in the cage with C-Note & Pantherhawk.

Do you realize if you are 40 years old you havent been alive since they even won the big ten

WHAT!!!???? I had no idea! I wish I had known this earlier! Time to register at the Alabama message boards for the season. I wonder who I'll be a fan of next year? I guess we'll see! Roll Tide!

The bronze pig is something we know about, it's been in iowa city for the last 8 out of 10 years.

And you had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of any of those games, but please keep running your trap like you did. It's cute.

It is just a complete joke.....why are many mn fans so stumped by why they dont rule the big ten? I just find it completely funny. Just open your eyes and look around, the U of MN football team isnt going anywhere. 2-11 is are the predictions most have the gophers at. I actually think they are a .500 team. If someone told you 4 years ago when brewster was hired that in year four they were slated for 2-11 would you be ok with that? I cant think you would be. He is the wrong coach hired by the wrong AD. It's just that simple. Quit trying to put lipstick on the pig.

leave IA cheerleaders out of this.

Getting back on topic. I think one of the burning issues on GH for next season will be keeping visiting fans out of our bank.

NDSU, Iowa, wisky, and Nebraska all come to Mpls. I really hope people aren't sellouts with their tickets, because these fans will be looking to get in.

I'm excited to have so many meaningful home games. I'm from Illinois, so maybe that one is more meaningful to me than the average Gopher fan. In any case, we should have no problem keeping alumni and students interested with a home schedule like that.

lets just save it for the field. .

So why did you start the banter?

Seriously, you wrote about lipstick and pigs and then you want to "save it for the field". You are giving us way too much material to rip on you.

What a tool. Didn't we have a 10 win season in like 03?

mpls hawk

You made your choice by where you live. Minnesota rules.

It's not mplshawk, he isn't a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# like this tool.

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