Next week


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Next week starts the signing period (correct?). It could be the greatest or the worst Gopher BBall week in a long, long time.

What I hope and expect will happen:

Walker comes in - is impressed with Tubby and the city and commits. On signing day C.Joseph follows and perhaps another forward signs as well. We are set, ready to compete for championships. Icing on the cake comes and Mbakwe's case is dropped and I'll not even mention another possibility....

I don't expect this but...

On the dark side- we don't get Walker or Joseph and Tubby , frustrated with his inability to get the studs to Minny starts to actually look at other jobs. Nuclear winter sets in.


Next week starts the signing period (correct?). It could be the greatest or the worst Gopher BBall week in a long, long time.

What I hope and expect will happen:

Walker comes in - is impressed with Tubby and the city and commits. On signing day C.Joseph follows and perhaps another forward signs as well. We are set, ready to compete for championships. Icing on the cake comes and Mbakwe's case is dropped and I'll not even mention another possibility....

I don't expect this but...

On the dark side- we don't get Walker or Joseph and Tubby , frustrated with his inability to get the studs to Minny starts to actually look at other jobs. Nuclear winter sets in.

My optimism regarding Mo and Cory has been tempored by the sad news of Paul Carter leaving.

I sure hope Mo gives a verbal this weekend. We need him.

We could use a boost!
Go Gophers.

Can we please keep the hyperbole to a minimum? Regardless of what happens next week with Walker and Cory, it won't signal the beginning of a new empire of Minnesota basketball or the onset of nuclear fallout if things go wrong. Is it a big week? Absolutely. But it won't make or break the program either way.

Having said that, I'd much rather have Maurice Walker and Cory Joseph sign on as Gophers than the alternative. ;)

Next week starts the signing period (correct?). It could be the greatest or the worst Gopher BBall week in a long, long time.

What I hope and expect will happen:

Walker comes in - is impressed with Tubby and the city and commits. On signing day C.Joseph follows and perhaps another forward signs as well. We are set, ready to compete for championships. Icing on the cake comes and Mbakwe's case is dropped and I'll not even mention another possibility....

I don't expect this but...

On the dark side- we don't get Walker or Joseph and Tubby , frustrated with his inability to get the studs to Minny starts to actually look at other jobs. Nuclear winter sets in.

It's a bit over-dramatic, but it's kind of true. Two weeks from now we could have Cory, Walker, Royce back in school and Trevor aquitted. A true Sweet 16/Final Four caliber team.

Or we could have none of those, Tubby at Wake Forest, Sampson and Devoe following him out of town, and Dithering Joel Maturi taking until May to hire some coach from the MAC. A starting 5 of Hoff, Hollins, Williams, Elliason and Iverson really is nuclear winter.

Anyway, think positive.

It's a bit over-dramatic, but it's kind of true. Two weeks from now we could have Cory, Walker, Royce back in school and Trevor aquitted. A true Sweet 16/Final Four caliber team.

Or we could have none of those, Tubby at Wake Forest, Sampson and Devoe following him out of town, and Dithering Joel Maturi taking until May to hire some coach from the MAC. A starting 5 of Hoff, Hollins, Williams, Elliason and Iverson really is nuclear winter.

Anyway, think positive.
I like you howeda, but its posts like this that make me focus on the baseball season. Can't wait for opening day at Target Field!

If walker and CJ sign, and royce returns and keeps his nose clean. we very well may have a minny empire. on talent alone. for a year or two til they all go to the nba

Think positive. I have a good feeling that things are going to work out for the best.

That being said, I wish Paul the best as well.

Can we please keep the hyperbole to a minimum? Regardless of what happens next week with Walker and Cory, it won't signal the beginning of a new empire of Minnesota basketball or the onset of nuclear fallout if things go wrong. Is it a big week? Absolutely. But it won't make or break the program either way.

Having said that, I'd much rather have Maurice Walker and Cory Joseph sign on as Gophers than the alternative. ;)

Sorry- you are right- too much hyperbole. I think things will work out but we are looking at an important next week or two.

I like you howeda, but its posts like this that make me focus on the baseball season. Can't wait for opening day at Target Field!

Me either. I can't believe they released 500 tickets at face value yesterday, a few days after I paid many times that for my tickets. Oh well.

Me either. I can't believe they released 500 tickets at face value yesterday, a few days after I paid many times that for my tickets. Oh well.

Off subject, I know here Howeda, but are you now living back in Minnesota? I know you have said you live in Virginia in the past, but I noticed in recent days you posting about listening to Sid and to 1500 on the radio and now you mention you're going to the Twins game. If you're back, welcome back!

Off subject, I know here Howeda, but are you now living back in Minnesota? I know you have said you live in Virginia in the past, but I noticed in recent days you posting about listening to Sid and to 1500 on the radio and now you mention you're going to the Twins game. If you're back, welcome back!

No. Just visiting family and going to the game.

I still listen to CCO and KSTP now and then. The internet is a wonderful thing. The only local sports show in Charlottesville in the morning is hosted by some UVa student and like listening to finger-nails on a chalkboard. Other then whining about the mass-exodus occuring on Tony Bennett's team there's nothing interesting to talk about anyway. No one cares about professional sports here at all, except the Redskins.

Ummm. This is a message board. Without hyperbole, it would be pretty damn boring.:cool:

You're right. Sorry for interjecting rationality here. My mistake. :rolleyes:

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