Next Gopher OL to be drafted into the NFL??


Active member
Jan 9, 2009
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It was good to see two Gophers (RaShede and Brock) get drafted a month or so ago -- the first Gopher draftees since Eric Decker was taken 4 years ago.

I noticed how many Gophers (relatively speaking) were drafted during the Glen Mason era, as opposed to the Tim Brewster era (blanked during the 2011, 2012, 2013 NFL drafts, when most of Brewster's recruits would have been draft eligible).

Also noticed the Gophers haven't had an OL drafted since Eslinger/Setterstrom nearly a decade ago. With OL being the perceived team strength by most Gopher fans, I wondered who might be the next Gopher OL to get drafted?

It was good to see two Gophers (RaShede and Brock) get drafted a month or so ago -- the first Gopher draftees since Eric Decker was taken 4 years ago.

I noticed how many Gophers (relatively speaking) were drafted during the Glen Mason era, as opposed to the Tim Brewster era (blanked during the 2011, 2012, 2013 NFL drafts, when most of Brewster's recruits would have been draft eligible).

Also noticed the Gophers haven't had an OL drafted since Eslinger/Setterstrom nearly a decade ago. With OL being the perceived team strength by most Gopher fans, I wondered who might be the next Gopher OL to get drafted?

I think Epping will be drafted in the late rounds of next years draft. He is a classic mauler which some nfl teams love.

It was good to see two Gophers (RaShede and Brock) get drafted a month or so ago -- the first Gopher draftees since Eric Decker was taken 4 years ago.

I noticed how many Gophers (relatively speaking) were drafted during the Glen Mason era, as opposed to the Tim Brewster era (blanked during the 2011, 2012, 2013 NFL drafts, when most of Brewster's recruits would have been draft eligible).

Also noticed the Gophers haven't had an OL drafted since Eslinger/Setterstrom nearly a decade ago. With OL being the perceived team strength by most Gopher fans, I wondered who might be the next Gopher OL to get drafted?

Rashede and Brock were Brewster recruits as were the two OL mentioned in this thread in Epping and Campion. We also "blanked" in '08 and "09 and had just one draft pick in '07, so the trajectory of the program before Brewster took over was pretty clear.

Campion and Epping both have the size (320) to be drafted, but I don't know if either has the athletic ability to be drafted. Epping is also listed at 6'2 and if he measures shorter than that, it would be really tough to see him drafted in the NFL as that's about as short as an OL as there is on an NFL roster. Campion's chances would be helped immensely if scouts think he can play guard and right tackle. Very few teams carry a backup lineman that's limited to the RT spot, and I don't think he's the type of kid a team will think can come in and start in the NFL as he's been good, but not dominant as a Gopher.

The kid I thought would be making waves was Isaac Hayes. He's in his third year in the program this year and we haven't heard a ton about him pushing for playing time. Maybe Ben Lauer continues to surprise? He wasn't a standout last year, but he played left tackle as a RS freshman and has good size (listed at 6'7 310).

Rashede and Brock were Brewster recruits as were the two OL mentioned in this thread in Epping and Campion. We also "blanked" in '08 and "09 and had just one draft pick in '07, so the trajectory of the program before Brewster took over was pretty clear.

Campion and Epping both have the size (320) to be drafted, but I don't know if either has the athletic ability to be drafted. Epping is also listed at 6'2 and if he measures shorter than that, it would be really tough to see him drafted in the NFL as that's about as short as an OL as there is on an NFL roster. Campion's chances would be helped immensely if scouts think he can play guard and right tackle. Very few teams carry a backup lineman that's limited to the RT spot, and I don't think he's the type of kid a team will think can come in and start in the NFL as he's been good, but not dominant as a Gopher.

The kid I thought would be making waves was Isaac Hayes. He's in his third year in the program this year and we haven't heard a ton about him pushing for playing time. Maybe Ben Lauer continues to surprise? He wasn't a standout last year, but he played left tackle as a RS freshman and has good size (listed at 6'7 310).

For all Brewster's recruiting "prowess," he's had 3 players in the NFL: Gray, Hageman, and Vereen. He couldn't get Campion into school, so Campion is a Kill recruit.

Epping in the late rounds next year. After that, it would likely be Lauer and/or Pirsig given their size and athletic ability.

I wouldn't be so quick to credit Brewster with getting any of those 3 to the NFL. Marqueis made it on pure physical ability. Brewster got the other two to MN, but Kill got them to the NFL. I don't think Vereen and Hageman develop the way the did if Brewster stays. Heck, Hageman flunks out and never has this chance if Brewster stays.

pirsig has a shot. And, I don't know if he'll get drafted, but I could see Tommy Olson making a roster as a backup guard/center type. NFL teams like to have backups with position flexibility - especially at center. Down the road, it will be interesting to see if Connor Mayes lives up to his billing.

For all Brewster's recruiting "prowess," he's had 3 players in the NFL: Gray, Hageman, and Vereen. He couldn't get Campion into school, so Campion is a Kill recruit.

Nate Triplet was also drafted in 2010. I might give Brew credit for that one.

I wouldn't be so quick to credit Brewster with getting any of those 3 to the NFL. Marqueis made it on pure physical ability. Brewster got the other two to MN, but Kill got them to the NFL. I don't think Vereen and Hageman develop the way the did if Brewster stays. Heck, Hageman flunks out and never has this chance if Brewster stays.

That's quite the assumption.

So he doesn't get credit for players that exceeded under him but weren't his recruits. (Decker)

He doesn't get credit for players that he brought to the program but graduated under other coaches (Gray, Vereen, Hageman)

Doesn't really make sense.

That's quite the assumption.

So he doesn't get credit for players that exceeded under him but weren't his recruits. (Decker)

He doesn't get credit for players that he brought to the program but graduated under other coaches (Gray, Vereen, Hageman)

Doesn't really make sense.

Nevermind. I don't want to be a culprit of that discussion.

I wonder who Wren gives credit on Decker to?

I wonder who Wren gives credit on Decker to?[/QUO

Well then, post directly to me and ask me, spoofin. What are you? A man/worman or a mouse. (The name spoofin certainly is non-gender specific. Heck, I don't know if I'm posting this to a dude or a dudette...With a name like spoofin, how the hell could I ever believe a word this spoofin person says any way?

spoofin, are you a man or are you a woman? Are you telling the truth about anything, spoofin? Will you swear on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? And, don't give me any of this: "...I, spoofin, do solemnly swear..." crap.

With a name like spoofin, how could any one EVER take anything you say seriously?

Now, don't you DARE read any of this spoofin. I know you have me on ignore. It's just so damn fun talking about you behind your back. What a hoot this is!

ps as dopodoll is so fond of saying: "just stfu...",, you spoofin ignorer (Maybe he doesn't say it too fondly, but, he does post that to posters around here sometimes.) I would never lie to you about something like that spoofin... You will always lie in the bed you made for yourself spoofin...

I wonder who Wren gives credit on Decker to?[/QUO

Well then, post directly to me and ask me, spoofin. What are you? A man/worman or a mouse. (The name spoofin certainly is non-gender specific. Heck, I don't know if I'm posting this to a dude or a dudette...With a name like spoofin, how the hell could I ever believe a word this spoofin person says any way?

spoofin, are you a man or are you a woman? Are you telling the truth about anything, spoofin? Will you swear on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? And, don't give me any of this: "...I, spoofin, do solemnly swear..." crap.

With a name like spoofin, how could any one EVER take anything you say seriously?

Now, don't you DARE read any of this spoofin. I know you have me on ignore. It's just so damn fun talking about you behind your back. What a hoot this is!

ps as dopodoll is so fond of saying: "just stfu...",, you spoofin ignorer (Maybe he doesn't say it too fondly, but, he does post that to posters around here sometimes.) I would never lie to you about something like that spoofin... You will always lie in the bed you made for yourself spoofin...

What the hell is your problem?

You try to demean people in every post you make. The reason people here put you on ignore is not that they question whether or not you are a fan of the Gophers, it's just that you're an asshole and you constantly insult people.

It's crap like your post that keeps getting you banned, and it can't happen again soon enough for me.

I wonder who Wren gives credit on Decker to?[/QUO

Well then, post directly to me and ask me, spoofin. What are you? A man/worman or a mouse. (The name spoofin certainly is non-gender specific. Heck, I don't know if I'm posting this to a dude or a dudette...With a name like spoofin, how the hell could I ever believe a word this spoofin person says any way?

spoofin, are you a man or are you a woman? Are you telling the truth about anything, spoofin? Will you swear on a Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? And, don't give me any of this: "...I, spoofin, do solemnly swear..." crap.

With a name like spoofin, how could any one EVER take anything you say seriously?

Now, don't you DARE read any of this spoofin. I know you have me on ignore. It's just so damn fun talking about you behind your back. What a hoot this is!

ps as dopodoll is so fond of saying: "just stfu...",, you spoofin ignorer (Maybe he doesn't say it too fondly, but, he does post that to posters around here sometimes.) I would never lie to you about something like that spoofin... You will always lie in the bed you made for yourself spoofin...

Yet you're name is imthewalrus or wren.

To anyone who may have attempted to contact me, I am ignoring anything I don't like. No, I have not engaged the ignore function. I merely use will power and have an impeccable sense about what is worth reading and what is not worth reading. And, of course I never let those ba$t%rds get me down, even when they act outlandishly and attempt to instigate, I merely turn the other cheek, walk away ignore their feeble attempts. So, it's on to the next day. It's on to the next topic. And it is time to remind people who have not contributed to GOPHER HOLE that this site needs their financial assistance!

Onward and upward!

Go Gophers!

...I merely turn the other cheek, walk away ignore their feeble attempts.

Here are some recent examples of wren "turning the other cheek":

*as dopodoll is so fond of saying: "just stfu...",, you spoofin ignorer
*What else has your speech therapist helped you learn how to say killjoy? I feel so sorry for you since you were left in the condition you appear to be in. Was it an accident, or did it occur at birth?
*No, foolish iowa poster. - Now, foolish iowa Gopher - However, in your case, you should shorten your darn little strings of letters down from their current length. In your case a simple word or two would probably be too much.
*No skin off my a$$, fool
*You are a pretty damn funny little fool killjoy
*just TWERK your butts on by this post. It will be entirely too long for your tastes, concentration levels and styles
*That's the ONLY way to go maximusjerkacus
*No e.notsobigbutprettylow....that has no place in this thread. What have you been smoking?
*You can do that if you want, I guess unregistered@hole. But your $.it is blowing right back in your face. You must really love all that blowback splattering upside your cheek and gums...
*Sorry unregistered@hole: it's going to take a hell of a lot more than that kind of crap from you to bother me. Come on, you can top that. You have been posting that for well over a year now. Do more. Do it more often. Be cruder. Be more obnoxious. Gross more people out. You must be invincible. The moderators around here will let you get by with anything...everything... Come on unregistered@hole. Take it to a new level. You, and you alone can do what ever you damn well please.

I don't think you understand the meaning of "turning the other cheek", wren.

And you are clearly not capable of ignoring all these posts. All these examples are from the first week of June.
Don't you look at me so smug
And say I'm going bad.
Who are you to judge me
And the life that I live?
I know that I'm not perfect
And that I don't claim to be.
So before you point your fingers,
Be sure your hands are clean.

Judge not
Before you judge yourself.
Judge not
If you're not ready for judgement.

The road of life is rocky
And you may stumble too.
So while you talk about me,
someone else is judging you.

-Bob Marley

"This message is hidden because imthewalrus is on your ignore list."

posted by unregistereduser

don't think you understand the meaning of "turning the other cheek", wren.

certainly not when you post the little thing you post that shows a patient on a table in the E. R. in a hospital with all that s,it being dislodged and finding a clean spot on the Dr's scrubs to land on...and then it repeats itself over and over. All the while you attempt to type your aggressive, attacking style of message into the sad, sick images you have posted here on GH. Talk about need for a long time out from this board for you unregistereduser. You pride yourself in doing like that. I'll have to hand it to you, the moderators around here let you get by with it.

Well, the thing is, since you and killjoy and a few others around here are constantly coming after me, after months of just ignoring you people, I decided to stand up to your hostility and talk back to you people every once in a while. You can't try to throw your at me without a little discussion taking place about it and without a little bit of that flying landing back on you.

That's all. No hard feeling unregistereduser. You like to have fun at my expense. So do a few others. They expect me to have thick, I decided to let them have a little of their own fun back in good, clean fun. You know how it is unregistereduser. You know, how that killjoy character attaches himself to most of my comments.

And, so it goes. It goes around. It comes around. Why, it won't be long and you will most likely be posting some of your little nasty videos and talking really tough and accusing me of things without bothering to mention your own part...or the part of a few others of your type. It's ok, I guess, since the moderators here let it all go. I'll probably just start letting it all go too...again...maybe.

But, every now and then, I will probably talk back a little bit and have a bit of fun with a moniker like "spoofin" Don't you see the humor in a moniker like "spoofin" Equating the truth with "spoofin" just makes me's really funny.

So, have a really nice night unregistereduser. Give my regards to the "others" and I of course will just be around, saying the stuff that I want to say in the way I want to say it. And you will do what you do. I will either not comment on what you do, or maybe will comment now and then.

Stay your nice friendly self unregistered. As for me, I never will let any ba$*ards get me down!

Sigh... As far as who gets drafted next....
I don't know. I bet a few of the players on our O-Line right now might get into the NFL via rookie free-agency, but I'd have to wait and see what they do this season and at the combine/pro day in order to make a good guess if they get drafted or not.

Sent from my MUCH i5 using Tapatalk

BTW, Spoofin is the name of a race horse I followed when I first got into horse racing. A simple 3 and 4 year old that had modest success at CBY before retiring. Nothing more.

What the hell is your problem?

You try to demean people in every post you make. The reason people here put you on ignore is not that they question whether or not you are a fan of the Gophers, it's just that you're an asshole and you constantly insult people.

It's crap like your post that keeps getting you banned, and it can't happen again soon enough for me.

I second the motion!

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