New way of paying recruits?


King of the Too's
Dec 10, 2008
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After the Georgia incident where recruits stole stuff during the visit, I started to wonder...has anyone ever thought of using this as a method to pay recruits? Think about it, you just leave valuables sitting out in a locker room for recruits to "steal." As long as they don't get caught, it's genius.

How would a team get in trouble for a recruit stealing? If the recruit gets caught and tries to rat them out, the team simple denies it and stops recruiting the kid.

If a team was attempting to bribe a recruit by leaving them alone with cash or other valuable items, it wouldn't give the school plasible deniability. "I left that envelope of cash sitting next to him by accident, I swear! I'm shocked that he put it in his pocket." Wouldn't fly.

Plus, somehow it would come out that the school planted it. Not everyone would keep quiet. Then you'd run into a fraud situation (not sure of the legal precedent, but I'm sure it's there) where the University would have knowingly reported property to be stolen when it wasn't the case. Ban. Hammer.

If the school only reported it stolen after the recruit the story broke, it would raise major red flags. If the school reported it stolen immediately, they would need to find a way to avoid implicating the recruit. And it would raise a lot of red flags if every time a recruit visited, there was a theft.

After the Georgia incident where recruits stole stuff during the visit, I started to wonder...has anyone ever thought of using this as a method to pay recruits? Think about it, you just leave valuables sitting out in a locker room for recruits to "steal." As long as they don't get caught, it's genius.

Why would you want to pay recruits? :confused:

I don't see how this would guarantee a commitment out of the recruitment since they aren't interpreting the gesture as a deal being made.

Besides, even if they did ultimately commit, it tells you a little about the character of your players.

Iowa could start here:


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