New Toy: Marion Barber III Statuette


Knows Less Than Coaching Staff
Jan 4, 2009
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From Big Boyz Toyz. I should get it next week. Just another fun addition to the collection.



That is freakin' awesome!!

I'm surprised that no one has pointed out the glaring inaccuracy. MBIII didn't start wearing those stupid dreads until he got to the NFL. Maroney was the one with the (stupid) dreads. A lot of times, on first glance, from the stands, I discerned who was carrying the ball based on the hair.

I'm surprised that no one has pointed out the glaring inaccuracy. MBIII didn't start wearing those stupid dreads until he got to the NFL. Maroney was the one with the (stupid) dreads. A lot of times, on first glance, from the stands, I discerned who was carrying the ball based on the hair.

Why is it surprising when we have you around to point out any and every glaring inaccuracy known to mankind since the dawn of time?
It surely must suck having to be right all the time.
Even when your not.

I heard a story once about a guy who had a gerbil in his ass. I thought that was rather INHUMAN.

Why is it surprising when we have you around to point out any and every glaring inaccuracy known to mankind since the dawn of time?
It surely must suck having to be right all the time.
Even when your not.

I don't know what you expect. Do you expect me to apologize for having standards? It's not going to happen. Get over it. I've been here a lot longer than you have, and will probably be here long after you're gone. If I see something wrong, I'm probably going to point it out. You crying like a little bitch isn't going to change anything.


I'm surprised that no one has pointed out the glaring inaccuracy. MBIII didn't start wearing those stupid dreads until he got to the NFL. Maroney was the one with the (stupid) dreads. A lot of times, on first glance, from the stands, I discerned who was carrying the ball based on the hair.

we had this conversation in 2010 and you have probably stored this little bit of info in your overly-fastidious subconscious since then.

the MBIII toy was first released by spawn in 2008. MBIII in a cowboys uniform.

then in 2010, spawn released an MBIII in maroon and gold with the dreads and people mentioned it then. it was theorized that spawn had simply used the MBIII cowboy toy and repainted it maroon and gold.

the toys look similar but slightly different, so i don't know. but this was the conversation. since you always seem to have so much time to spend enforcing standards on this board, perhaps you could do a search.

i'm not going to call you out on your imbecilic judgement of his dreads, because i know that is what you were hoping for when you added it parenthetically.

Can I just add that I still like it and it will be delivered May 14?

I'll never understand why people whine and gnash their teeth when someone points out something that is factually wrong. Assuming that most of you went to college (since this is the fan board of a college football team), did you all go whine to your professors when they graded your papers and tests and marked something wrong? "Waaaa, I don't care if it's wrong, I want an A anyway!" What a bunch of babies.

What Season Is It Now?

I have always found the time between the spring game and fall camp a dead zone. There is really not much to talk about so what do you do? But now I realize what you do is play the Pissing Match Game.

I'll never understand why people whine and gnash their teeth when someone points out something that is factually wrong. Assuming that most of you went to college (since this is the fan board of a college football team),did you all go whine to your professors when they graded your papers and tests and marked something wrong? "Waaaa, I don't care if it's wrong, I want an A anyway!" What a bunch of babies.

Tilting at windmills?

I don't know what you expect. Do you expect me to apologize for having standards? It's not going to happen. Get over it. I've been here a lot longer than you have, and will probably be here long after you're gone. If I see something wrong, I'm probably going to point it out. You crying like a little bitch isn't going to change anything.


Interesting way to finish a post about "having standards."

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