New look formations in the backfield


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I liked some of the new look formations in the backfield. Our one back out of the shotgun is too predictable. They had a number of different formations that should help us be less predictable in the future. The one play that we run over and over always gets stuffed. It looks like Gray and the running back run into each other. They just need a little misdirection once in a while.

It could just be that the coaches are more comfortable with those formations after the team has had more practice with them. I'm not sure, just guessing.

Zam, methins you've hit on it. We will see the playbook expand all season. This is an experienced coaching staff that has a good feel for just how fast a new sstem can be put into place. This is particularly true given that MG hasn't played QB for four years.

Obviously they're just trying to give future opponent defense more things to prepare for.

The coaches are on record saying they've tried to simply the playoff so that the guys can play fast and not think too much.

Formations are a very easy way to make it look like you're doing something different when in fact it's the same base play.

I would assume the Gophers at this point have probably 5 or 6 base runs and 5 or 6 base routes - with a ton of different formations.

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