New Here


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hey there, I know I'm new here but after finding out about the horrible passing of Gary Tinsley and after following the football and hockey team for a while I think it's time I joined the site. Hopefully our great Golden Gophers can rise from the ashes and revive the football team even after this horrible tragedy. I believe in all Gopher teams!

welcome. look forward to seeing what you have to say. p.s. as a "newbie", don't let some of the resident idiots, trolls, flamers and haters get you down.

Welcome aboard, IcedBox. I just want you to know that I am the Official Head Referee of All Pissing Contests that eventually pop up on the GopherHole, and I am always looking for new blood to add to our Official Pissing Crew.

All newbies should have to fill out a questionnaire about the following topics:
(1) 40 times - hand held and electronic
(2) Recruiting Rankings
(3) Adam Weber
(4) Glen Mason
(5) The spread offense

Welcome! It seems like it was just yesterday that I quit lurking and started posting.

Welcome! It seems like it was just yesterday that I quit lurking and started posting.

it is a special day in every young boy's life and one we all must go through. it is more awkward for some compared to others. it is a time of change. just teasing. ;-)

All newbies should have to fill out a questionnaire about the following topics:
(1) 40 times - hand held and electronic
(2) Recruiting Rankings
(3) Adam Weber
(4) Glen Mason
(5) The spread offense

HAHA. +1

All newbies should have to fill out a questionnaire about the following topics:
(1) 40 times - hand held and electronic
(2) Recruiting Rankings
(3) Adam Weber
(4) Glen Mason
(5) The spread offense

Don't forget about beer, or no beer

Thanks Ski U Mah Gopher

Don't forget about beer, or no beer

I though it was a lttle strange that there was only five main topics here for a year. Most good soap operas have a least six themes that they use off and on. With beer we now qualify as a "good" never ending soap opera.

Woah, lots replies since last I checked, thanks everybody. And as for beer or no beer, well I love drinking it so I guess yes. haha

Don't let people on here contaminate your views with their negativity! Stay positive - ski-u-mah!

Welcome IceBox - hope you enjoy your time posting, reading, and learning here as much as I do.

I raise my can of Surly Furious towards you in a gesture of good will! GO GOPHERS!

Hopefully you never have to see this IceBox:

who cares about non - conference.... i'm concerned about BIG TEN WINS... badger joel MACturi killed glen mason for no good with that stinkin prexy b.. if prexy k doesn't understant what we need... fire him too... we should judge on BIG TEN WINS... badger joel MACturi will be gone and prexy k should hire an AD who focuses solely on BIG TEN WINS....


Welcome Icebox. Do not take a hijacked thread personally. It can happen to anyone at anytime.

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