New Brick By Brick Video Episode 2: Transformation

Yikes. Worst one yet. Unfortunate timing with Roderick being the star after his performance and seeming demotion. Hope he turns it around.

I liked the game recap portion of previous Brick By Brick seasons. Hopefully they start doing that again once B1G season starts.

I liked the game recap portion of previous Brick By Brick seasons. Hopefully they start doing that again once B1G season starts.

They did a separate video with the highlights earlier in the week. Not sure if this was just because the game was Thursday or if they will do that the rest of the year.


They did a separate video with the highlights earlier in the week. Not sure if this was just because the game was Thursday or if they will do that the rest of the year.

Thanks GII, I've been traveling for work and missed this one. Glad they are still producing a game-recap video.

When "Brick by Brick" first came out (and the subsequent years/episodes leading to now) I thought it was great, high quality and very well calculated with appropriate marketing direction regarding the U, the Gophers football program, the city of Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota. This episode however was an epic fail, hope they can get it figured out again or just drop it all together if this is what we can expect.
The game-recap is still nice but needs something else to go with it for it to really take hold.

Yikes. Worst one yet. Unfortunate timing with Roderick being the star after his performance and seeming demotion. Hope he turns it around.

Totally agree

Why focus on the goat of the game? And what is it now, Lizard-by-lizard?

Too excited for the game.... Can't sleep.

While I agree with some thoughts outlined in this thread about that episode being disappointing, I think it will be much better moving forward. They must've produced most of that before the season started.

My theory: the video was supposed to be one complete video instead of two separate parts this week, but they saw the game Thursday and considered doing something else. Clearly, they ultimately decided not to.

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