New B1G championship trophy

Fuzzy Rumpton

Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score

The football is removable so it can be passed around to each teammate.

Love it. Simple, yet looks great!!

The trophy itself is nice, but is besmirched by that ridiculous, awful, and ridiculously awful logo in the background.

The removeable football is a very nice touch.

I have to say I have a tough time believing the same group of folks that came up with "Legends" and "Leaders" had anything to do with this trophy. It's simple, classy, speaks to football, and looks like something I'd like to get my picture taken with at the Fair!

Great job to those who created this!

Love it. Really glad those crazy corn growers in Iowa weren't in control of coming up with this trophy.

Nice trophy. As the years go by, I can see it becoming iconic too.

Well, I guess the cy-hawk trophy is already iconic... but in a different way.

Is it me or is that thing gigantic?


That's what she said.

Beat me to it, you jerk!;)

The trophy itself is nice, but is besmirched by that ridiculous, awful, and ridiculously awful logo in the background.

Actually the logo could be made to look quite nice if they'd replace the blocky hole in the middle of the "G" with an outline of the State of Minnesota. That would work for me. Maybe one of you Photoshoppers on the board could do that to the picture and display it on the forum. Love the trophy.

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