Need 1 more person for Star Nursery Lot tailgate space! & it's cheaper than parking!

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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Need 1 more person for Star Nursery Lot tailgate space! & it's cheaper than parking!

Wanted to post this as it's own thread as a last ditch effort. Myself and outstandingcoffee are looking for a third vehicle to buy a tailgate space with for the UNLV game. It's cheaper that way and more Gopher fans together and another spot for Gopherholers on foot to get free beer. If anyone was planning on paying the $40 for a single spot send me a private message and I'll coordinate the 3 of us getting a space. Don't pay $40 for a single spot. Thanks

All parking across the street from the stadium is free. You have to walk a block....

Tailgating spots are not free. PM sent

Tailgating lots ARE free....the dirt lots on the south end of the stadium are free. I asked the guy why they were free and why the nursery lots cost money and he said that the grass lots are where the students tailgate and the only difference is that its grass and not dirt.

Our group rented a 24 person shuttle bus and are doing the south lot. The nursery lot doesn't allow walk ins so we are just sitting tight in the south lot.

I stopped by the stadium on my way from Hoover Dam today. The Star Nursery Fields are very nice, with well-manicured and surprisingly green grass. When I picked up our passes at Thomas and Mack Center yesterday there were perhaps 10 reserved spots remaining. The guy assisting me at the UNLV AD offices said our Lot (32) was in an area of primarily Gopher fans. At that time the lot immediately next to ours was still available. I believe the Alumni Association tent is on that side (southeast corner) as well.

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