Nebraska Sucks.

everybody knows my name

Freakishly Hyperintelligent
Jan 18, 2010
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Here I am just sitting here tonight, minding my own business, and boom. I just realized that I still hate Nebraska. I hated them years ago for what they did to the Gophers the last few time they played, and I hate them still.

The Golden Gophers have a winning record against Nebraska and they always will have.

"Nebraska Sucks. "

Wrong. Nebraska is OK. It's the people there that suck.

I've hated Nebraska forever, but I'm starting to come around on them. After all, there's only room for one team supported by farmers with a good football program and nothing else to hitch their wagons to. Iowa's been that one-trick pony in the Big 10 for years, now there's a new pony in town who does much better tricks. Suck it, Ferentz.

They aren't that bad.

I think Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan are much worse.

They aren't that bad.

I think Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan are much worse.

Not that bad? I didn't say they don't win. I said they suck!

In the pantheon of despicability I place Nebraska ahead of Wisconsin and Iowa, and just behind Michigan.

My Ranking system of dislike is as follows.

1. Wisconsin
2. Ohio State
3. Michigan
4. Iowa
5. Michigan State
6. Penn State
7. Northwestern
8. Nebraska
9. Illinois
10. Purdue
11. Indiana

I live in Sioux City, IA which is a tri-state area of Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota, so I hear it from all fan bases. The Iowa fans are the worst, Nebraska for the most part have been pretty nice, they more or less barely know who the Gophers are or feel sorry for us. They are far from the arrogant, cocky Squawk fans I deal with on a regular basis. USD's campus is only about 30-40 miles from here so I had to hear it from my sister-in-law when the Coyotes beatdown the Gophers a few years back, what a terrible day that was.

Funny....the thread here on gopher hole has post after post about how nice the fans were when visiting TCF stadium.

I live in Sioux City, IA which is a tri-state area of Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota, so I hear it from all fan bases. The Iowa fans are the worst, Nebraska for the most part have been pretty nice, they more or less barely know who the Gophers are or feel sorry for us. They are far from the arrogant, cocky Squawk fans I deal with on a regular basis. USD's campus is only about 30-40 miles from here so I had to hear it from my sister-in-law when the Coyotes beatdown the Gophers a few years back, what a terrible day that was.

I never really thought of Nebraska fans as rude but who knows.

It depends on the people you meet and your experiences.

FSU fans are pretty nasty but thats because I went to a few games there and had some rough experiences.

Another pointless thread but I guess it'll provide some chatter until we get commit #4. That said, I'll add to the pointlessness and state that I do like Nebraska fans. Unlike a lot of Iowa fans (not you Carlos), most are knowledgable and friendly. Iowa fans are hit and miss. SIN-BAD is at the bottom of the barrel with the lowest I.Q. along with tOSU as least friendly.

Nebraska fans ain't bad.

In the famous words of Early Cuyler... “Nope, I don’t need no Internet. No sir, not in my life.”

Their fans are fine. I don't like NU because of 84-13. That will never change.

Their fans are fine. I don't like NU because of 84-13. That will never change.
Not so fast my friend. That was just one of 9 losses that year. 1983 was more about how miserable the Gophers were than the Huskers "running up the Score". I was there. The Gophers were in press coverage and Mark Dusebabek tried to jam Irving Fryer. The result was about a twenty yard throw and an eighty yard touchdown. He had another 78 yard TD that was a slant and 60 yard run. He had two catches. Mike Rozier ran for 196 yards on 15 carries and three TD's, and Turner Gil ran for over 100 yards. 60 players traveled to Minneapolis. The problem was the Husker talent changed very little when the third quarter came and the I tandum was Roger Craig and Tom Rathman. The teams were polar opposites. One chasing a National Title, the other defenseless. This beat down was as much about how poor the Gophers were as it was about Nebraska. How bad was this team? 1983 was a year that saw the Gopers give up 518 points in 11 games. Against Ohio State they gave up 69, Wisconsin 56, Illinois 50, Michigan 58, Iowa 61. Your dislike should be directed more to Joe Salem than the Cornhuskers.

husker70 said:
Not so fast my friend. That was just one of 9 losses that year. 1983 was more about how miserable the Gophers were than the Huskers "running up the Score". I was there. The Gophers were in press coverage and Mark Dusebabek tried to jam Irving Fryer. The result was about a twenty yard throw and an eighty yard touchdown. He had another 78 yard TD that was a slant and 60 yard run. He had two catches. Mike Rozier ran for 196 yards on 15 carries and three TD's, and Turner Gil ran for over 100 yards. 60 players traveled to Minneapolis. The problem was the Husker talent changed very little when the third quarter came and the I tandum was Roger Craig and Tom Rathman. The teams were polar opposites. One chasing a National Title, the other defenseless. This beat down was as much about how poor the Gophers were as it was about Nebraska. How bad was this team? 1983 was a year that saw the Gopers give up 518 points in 11 games. Against Ohio State they gave up 69, Wisconsin 56, Illinois 50, Michigan 58, Iowa 61. You dislike should be directed more to Joe Salem than the Cornhuskers.

Good points, probably all true. Still hate them. Like I said, always will.

Salem's DB coach was Chuck Dickerson. He said during the week before the game they were going to neutralize their speed by pressing them at the LOS so as not to give them any seems or gaps to blow by the Gophers on their routes. The group of ass't coaches compiled had to be one of the worst ever assembled under any of the Gopher coaches. Salem never had the resources to keep or get top ass't coaches. I was at that game and never thought Osborne ran up the score. I was down
in Lincoln during the Rick Upchurch years and the fans were great.

I used to hate Nebraska as much as anyone, even though I am married to a Nebraska grad (she never attended the games). I won't cheer for them, but their fans are not the boors that Wisconsin and Michigan fans are. I am not a Hawkeye fan at all, but I have a lot of friends who are hawk fans so it is a more friendly rivalry for me.
I just dislike OSU because they are an SEC program in disguise.

Their fans were great, it's not just fluff. The Madison papers were printing letters from disappointed NU fans for months after their visit. They apparently did not receive in Madison the kind of civility they are used to in Stillwater, Norman, or Manhattan. You could tell by the tone of the letters that they are nice people.

First of all Camp Randall is like a giant erector set. Other than Cal, it is the most uncomfortable stadium I've ever sat in. I never go to Madison without watching my backside before, during, or after the game. It is the only college venue that I know of where you could actually get sucker punched by some knucklehead skunk fan.

If it wasn't Roger Craig then it was Jeff Smith

I don't mind UNL at all. I wasn't around during the beat-down, so I guess that may factor into it.. I appreciate the classy fanbase they have. Which is a nice change from the clowns we see from Iowa or Wisky.

They aren't that bad.

I think Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan are much worse.

You must not know any of their fans. Arrogant would be the correct word for it. They are right on par with the other 3 mentioned teams.

I think UNL was the school that accepted Motley Crues Drummer Tommy Lee and then made a show about it. Big Ten schools don't do stuff like that.

I don't mind UNL at all. I wasn't around during the beat-down, so I guess that may factor into it.. I appreciate the classy fanbase they have. Which is a nice change from the clowns we see from Iowa or Wisky.

They're great winners Formo. Ask Missouri fans how Husker fans act after they lose a couple of games. After beating the Tigers for about 600 years in a row, Missouri won 4 out of 6 from 2003 to 2008. My buddy was down there for the games in 2006 and 2008. He was sitting in Huskers seats and cheering for Big Red. Let's say he found the Huskers fans rather "Iowa like" when a team they use to beat down kicked them back.

Nebraska is poison

Here I am just sitting here tonight, minding my own business, and boom. I just realized that I still hate Nebraska. I hated them years ago for what they did to the Gophers the last few time they played, and I hate them still.

The Golden Gophers have a winning record against Nebraska and they always will have.

Ditto that disapproval of Nebraska! They ran the score up on us so many times, I lost count - though Bo was kind last year (a fellow Big Ten guy, after all). We need Nebraska on our schedule every year like we need poison in our corn flakes.

I have no problem with Nebraskans. Was down there for the College World series and stopped in Lincoln to check out the stadium. They never came across cocky and were more interested about hearing the potential the offense has with Gray this season.

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