NCAA 2013


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Nov 1, 2011
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Is it worth it to buy the game or has it not changes much since the '12 version? I love the game and buy it every year, but if it's basically the same I'm not buying it for a while.

12 was broken. I heard they 'fixed' the gameplay issues '12 had. I didn't buy it, not sure if I will.

13 is much better than 12. 12 was a disgrace. 11 is the best though.

13 is much better than 12. 12 was a disgrace. 11 is the best though.

In your opinion, what was wrong with '12. It frustrated me as well so I'm curious to hear your complaints.

13 is much better than 12. 12 was a disgrace. 11 is the best though.

Haven't played either 12' or 13', but I thought 11' was a disgrace. Gameplay was fine, but dynasty mode was broken beyond belief. Player progression was almost non-existent. After five to ten years, the team is filled with 70-80 overall players which were three through five star recruits. Of course EA was selling '"max player progression" as an upgrade. Why would I pay extra for the players to progress correctly?

Ended up skipping 12' due to my frustration with 11'. Will probably end up buying 13' because I love the NCAA games.

Used to play it and edit the whole Gophers roster with current player names (took me all night). I heard there is a way now to download the correct names to replace the numbers on the Xbox. Is it that simple?

Parski: Yes.

afurry91: 11 sucked as bad as 12. Gameplay was not even tweaked between the two. I'm hoping that '13 is fixed (at least the gameplay) enough for me to eventually buy it. We'll see.

Haven't played either 12' or 13', but I thought 11' was a disgrace. Gameplay was fine, but dynasty mode was broken beyond belief. Player progression was almost non-existent. After five to ten years, the team is filled with 70-80 overall players which were three through five star recruits. Of course EA was selling '"max player progression" as an upgrade. Why would I pay extra for the players to progress correctly?

Ended up skipping 12' due to my frustration with 11'. Will probably end up buying 13' because I love the NCAA games.

I agree completely with everything you said. Player development is poor and I hate having a 210 lb MLB when he is a senior. I understand that sounds ridiculous, but I like it of it is a little more realistic.

I love the new game. It's got the new uniforms in it which look absolutely amazing as well as the old ones, so you can mix and match for different looks. The presentation got way better this time around and Marqueis is an absolute weapon in the game. I would recommend you getting it. The last version I had was NCAA 11, but this one is infinitely times better.

I haven't had a chance to play it that much yet, but it appears the play action pass is improved. I found play action useless in previous versions, you got sacked in about 1 second. I haven't tried the modes where you play as a Heisman winner, I'm interested in the Gophers. Now, if you could play as Bruce Smith, that might be different.

I think it is great to play, with one exception. EA Sports seems as if they still cannot get the Gophers on the correct sideline at TCF. Bugs me every time I play. Otherwise the player motions are very good and gameplay is great.

I'm not a huge graphics hound.. but to be honest I was shocked that from the 2008 version (the last one I played) and now the background models, graphics, etc haven't improved much. talking detail on stadiums (particularly TCF Bank) like texture quality, quality of stuff outside the stadium, and even fan models and randomization. As a former bando I'm shocked that not only are the U of M band unis wrong, they all hold saxes, and all move 100% in unison (and even cheered for UW when they scored a TD). The giant scoreboard looks like it has maybe 5 pixels on it (I remember in NCAA08 the Texas screen looked pretty good, actually), and player models for in-game plays (not cutscenes after a play or for coin flips) looks pretty un-detailed as well (dredlocks look awful, for example). After playing some Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, I was shocked at how much less detail there is for each venue than what Batman can see in the distance from those games. Just my opinion.

Sounds are still a little bland - I'm nota fan of the versions of the songs they have in-game (the Rouser is almost not audible because of the way they play it). They also don't do a good job of getting any other music in to the game, something that bothers me for a company that expects its fans to buy an incremental version each year - can't you go to 10, 15 stadiums a year and find out what exactly they play in each situation, what is piped in vs. band, what the band does for pregame, etc? Example, when Wisconsin scores a TD, they don't play On Wisconsin before the PAT, they play "Hot Time" with the students alternating up and down body motions. Then after the PAT they play the football version of On Wisc. Where is Minn March or any of our other school songs? etc etc. The crowd also doesn't get in to certain plays like I would imagine they would. For a game on a PS3 with plenty of horsepower (and a Blu-Ray disc to hold all this information) I'm disappointed in the way they distinguish the collegiate atmosphere. Especially for $60 + tax.

The game mechanics are pretty good - passing is now a challenge, play action works like it should (somewhat), and the slowdown legend mode is interesting. I haven't tried the pick any Heisman winner thing yet but it seems a little hokey and limited since not all winners are available. The commentary is pretty good and the way they weave in ESPN's college gameday feel to everything does a pretty good job.

I'd say if you didn't buy '12, this is a good purchase. And yes, getting rosters now is extremely easy - there's a Roster Share/Download area and there are several people who have put in a lot of time and shared it all for free, including names, tweaked stats, updated physical characteristics (for players and coaches), and even a lot of the incoming HS names. Look it up.

I know some people on here were talking about putting together all the music/sounds that TCF Bank Stadium has... in the interest of saving myself some time, is anyone who did it (if any) willing to share?

I totally understand the back and forth on the game but I just wanted to point this out:

I find it amusing that games have gone from 8-bit squares where you were excited that the team colors and names were in the game to being so realistic "in-game" (which is all that should matter) that we now complain about/gripe about/wish for more realistic things like correct band uniforms and time-out songs, almost like its expected they get it right. I understand game progression and all that yadda yadda yadda but it seems like a hilarious slippery slope to getting all the season ticket holders vehicles correct in the tailgate lots, complete with accurate looking Weber grills and drinking games.

I am just messin', so don't take it too seriously. I am in the same boat, wanting more realistic advances and such, so I am jabbing at myself here too.

Edit: And from what I have heard. '13 is worth the buy. Do it. Do it.

I totally understand the back and forth on the game but I just wanted to point this out:

I find it amusing that games have gone from 8-bit squares where you were excited that the team colors and names were in the game to being so realistic "in-game" (which is all that should matter) that we now complain about/gripe about/wish for more realistic things like correct band uniforms and time-out songs, almost like its expected they get it right. I understand game progression and all that yadda yadda yadda but it seems like a hilarious slippery slope to getting all the season ticket holders vehicles correct in the tailgate lots, complete with accurate looking Weber grills and drinking games.

I am just messin', so don't take it too seriously. I am in the same boat, wanting more realistic advances and such, so I am jabbing at myself here too.

I hear you, it's amazing how realistic the games have become. But we get used to a certain level of reality. Games what we use to ooh and ahh over for their realism now seem quaint and outdated. We don't just want a game, we want a simulation. People do expect more if they are going to lay out another $60 for the current version, otherwise, they would just continue to play the older versions. One thing that annoyed me was that the players would stop instantly upon crossing the goal line. In reality, momentum will carry them through for a few yards. It didn't affect the game play, but pulled me out of the realism of the game.

I hear you, it's amazing how realistic the games have become. But we get used to a certain level of reality. Games what we use to ooh and ahh over for their realism now seem quaint and outdated. We don't just want a game, we want a simulation. People do expect more if they are going to lay out another $60 for the current version, otherwise, they would just continue to play the older versions. One thing that annoyed me was that the players would stop instantly upon crossing the goal line. In reality, momentum will carry them through for a few yards. It didn't affect the game play, but pulled me out of the realism of the game.

Oh yeah, like I said, I totally get it. Just for some reason, I always seem to step out of that though process and chuckle at how ridiculous it seems even though it makes total sense. Then I jump back in and wonder why in the heck on a screen pass my receiver runs straight out of bounds even when there is no defender within 20 yards. :shrug:

HDMI really helps the graphics just plug it in to the back of the console it also gives you an espn ticker while your playing.

My biggest gripe is that they still have us on the wrong sideline. The sounds I can deal with because I end up transferring over better fight songs from my computer. The OperationSports fourm has community rosters that usually are pretty good every year.

I have the '12 version on the xbox 360 (first I bought since '08 I think). I did used to buy it every year but it just doesn't change enough to shell out $60 every year and EA has pissed me off so much they're lucky they are the only game on the market. I thought about getting '13 since the passing is supposed to be so much better, but I read that the game still freezes as much or more than the '12 version I have (which freezes all the time). EA's menu systems suck, heard they are also worse in '13 and that recruiting got even longer and more complicated (now you have to scout guys in the off season). I'm a big dynasty fan and the recruiting in '12 is too much already (I miss the days of only off season recruiting). I think I'll just skip it and save my money for '14 or '15...

It's still amazes me some details from last gen that enhanced gameplay still aren't in next gen.

I'm still thinking about picking up 13, haven't yet...
Any other thoughts from those playing?

i bought it and enjoy it. pm me if you are wondering more specifics.

I have the game, it doesn't seem that much different than last year's version. There are some differences, play-action passing works better. In last year's version, it seemed you got sacked in about 1 second. This time around it is a little more realistic. I don't care about the mode where you play as one of the Heisman winners. If you could be Bruce Smith, sure. I'm just interested in the Gophers.

I do have some things on my wish list. I'd like to see the FCS teams added. New Hampshire is on the schedule, not FCS Northeast. I'd like to be able to add stadiums. I'd love to play a game at Memorial.

Does anybody have the custom sounds playlist for TCF bank stadium? it would be great if you could give everybody a link to a ZIP file with all of the MP3s...
The sounds are just another neat feature that can be added for customization and I was wondering if anyone has one, or is willing to make one. Thanks.

i downloaded all the rosters and it made the game much much better. nelson was finally not rated like a 52 but got some of the respect he "deserves" with his ranking

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