My thoughts on the GOLD uniforms


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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From the thread below I can tell that I'm going to be in the minority here, but folks I'm just don't agree with you. We ARE the GOLDEN GOPHERS! I don't know if it is Gopher pride in me or something else, but I think these all gold uniforms, outdoors, with all of the colors of the field and the stadium, look absolutely FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!!!! In my opinion, this should be our permanent home uniform.


I will have to respectfully disagree. I think they take these mustard colored monstrosities and just toss them in the trash after the game. Immideatly.

I AGREE WITH U2GOPHER i like them !!

I'm a fan of a more traditional look but I'll admit these things looked pretty good on tv, with the exception that they looked poor when sweaty.

I'll still don't like the striping, particularly on the side of the pants. I couldn't quite put my finger on the look, buy my non-sports afficiondo wife, who particularly abhores all things racing, said the striping looks like "Nascar."

I like the look of them and they are not the old Mustard color. They match the seat colors. I do think the different material for the bottom of the jersey looks bad when it gets wet. Nike needs to find something else.

With that said, I hope they only bring these out for special occasions.

Love 'em we've never ever lost a game at TCF Stadium whilst wearing them!!!

They looked 100x better than they did in the dome, but that's probably because they matched the stadium. I still prefer maroon jerseys and gold pants though.

They looked 100x better than they did in the dome, but that's probably because they matched the stadium. I still prefer maroon jerseys and gold pants though.

I too do like the Maroon jerseys and the gold pants. But tonight I thought the gold jerseys and pants were cool!!

Maroon and gold pants=#1
gold and gold pants =#2

way better then the Wacker uniforms!!!

I changed my mind several times during the game...

I loved it at first, then noticed the Cheetos' eating finger colored patches and was not happy, then mellowed on it, but as the players started to sweat noticed the patches were very simular to Oregon State's "Bro" Uniforms in to summarize...I don't know what I think, I am confussed. I did like the Maroon numbers words and trim on them, that was very sharp. The sparkly helmets really showed under the lights tonight.

The team is called the GOLDEN Gophers. Someone wrote the gold is not traditional....well when they won all those national championships they wore all gold uniforms. These uniforms tonight were beautiful. I LOVE them and hope they become the permanent home uniform. The all maroon is ugly. And I wish we had gold helmets, also.

I didn't think those were sweat patches. From what I could tell, it seemed like there were two different materials being used. What looked like sweat/wet was a meshlike material, wasn't it? I don't mind the Gold unis, but they need to make it look consistent. The change in color made it look worse than it probably was.

The team is called the GOLDEN Gophers. Someone wrote the gold is not traditional....well when they won all those national championships they wore all gold uniforms. These uniforms tonight were beautiful. I LOVE them and hope they become the permanent home uniform. The all maroon is ugly. And I wish we had gold helmets, also.

what he said! :clap:

As I said in another post, I thought they looked much better tonight than they did at the dome for some reason.

here is an idea - or maybe we can be like the iowa hogeyes & copy the p-burg steelers

the all-gold unis that the gophers wore tonight are a nod to a classic, throwback look of the 1930's & 1940's when the gophers were busy winning 5 national champioships while wearing all-gold unis. they look good.

I like them, but think that they should only be worn on rare occasions (much as the Irish don their green jerseys). More than once per year would be too often.

Having said that, I'm guessing that they will be wearing the all-Gold for the Wisconsin game (as they are pushing for a gold out).

I would be curious to see how a gold jersey with maroon pants would look.

It's the Maroon and Gold, not Maroon and corn-smut yellow. Dump those ugly things and all yellow piping on the maroon and white jerseys.

Put the "Gold" back in Gold Country!

the all-gold unis that the gophers wore tonight are a nod to a classic, throwback look of the 1930's & 1940's when the gophers were busy winning 5 national champioships while wearing all-gold unis. they look good.

I am with you on this. I think the uniforms were kind of ugly myself, but I don't care. They are an important part of our history and are the reason why we have our nickname of the 'Golden' Gophers. This is a great way to stay connected to our oustanding history.

I really don't care. My only complaint with U of M uniforms is when the Men's Hoops team wears white at home. They should always be gold in the barn, the white uniforms are for the ladies.

Loved 'em. It brought out an extra loud cheer from me to see the team wearing the gold uni's. Much better than the prior all gold uni's we wore against tOSU. They are a 1000x better than all maroon combo.

That being said, I'd only want to see the gold jerseys once every year or two for a special occasion (opening TCF fits in this category) and maintain the status quo of maroon jerseys at home.

I really don't care. My only complaint with U of M uniforms is when the Men's Hoops team wears white at home. They should always be gold in the barn, the white uniforms are for the ladies.

Basketball is because of a rule change that white needs to be worn at home. I believe they need special permission to wear another color.

All Gold was awful. I thought they were going with all maroon...I was wrong. Finally, the all gold unis looked orange on the DAKscreen.

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