My email to Joel Maturi...

Nov 21, 2010
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Mr. Maturi,

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1990. I have been a Gopher fan all of my life, and I actually grew up playing football (youth through High School) with Darrell Thompson in Rochester. I am writing to you to urge you to make a splash with the hiring of the new football coach. I am sure that there are many qualified candidates, but I encourage you to look at someone that is a proven winner. Some of these candidates will not have a spotless record, but they have proven that they can deliver on the most important part of a major football program:

1) Win some football games and get the fans excited about coming to the games

2) Have a top notch graduation rate for your players – 99% of them are not playing in the NFL, and they will be happy to have a degree from the University of Minnesota

3) Beat Wisconsin, Iowa and some other Big Ten teams on a regular basis.

Mr. Maturi, there is no reason that we cannot have a winning football program at the U. I have seen both Wisconsin and Iowa both raise their programs to a high level and I have been eternally frustrated on why we cannot replicate their success.

Frankly, I am tired of getting our ass kicked by Wisconsin, and other Big Ten teams on a regular basis. I hope that we can hire a new coach that can provide a new direction to our program.

I do not know who you are talking to, but if your “A” list of candidates are not interested, let’s hire a winner, let’s hire Mike Leach. This is not a personality contest this is about building a winning program for our great University.

I appreciate your consideration.

Ski U Mah!!!

If Leach comes here, I will make you a pirate themed cowbell.

If we actually hire Leach (and I'm aware that the probability of it happening is slimmer than a bulimic Nichole Ritche hopped up on meth), I'll learn to do a backflip in pirate garb.

Leach will not be hired. If you don't believe me watch the Leach video posted in the other thread. That's only one example.

Leach will not be hired. If you don't believe me watch the Leach video posted in the other thread. That's only one example.

I didn't watch it, but I understand. God forbid we hire someone on the edge - afterall, Ohio State didn't have much luck with Woody Hayes, he was only 238–72–10 overall. Let's hire Mike Grant.

Enough with the political correctness. He wins, he graduates players and he will fill the stadium. :rockon:

Let it go.

Leach isn't coming here. He isn't going anywhere. The rest of the world has caught on to his act. Why can't Gopher fans? People are reacting like he is the only coach that can win a football game. I don't recall him in the NC game, much less winning it. There is all this talk about all of Leach's bowl appearances. Hell, Brewster got his team to bowl games. He is not a long term solution and probably not a short term one either.

Leach isn't coming here. He isn't going anywhere. The rest of the world has caught on to his act. Why can't Gopher fans? People are reacting like he is the only coach that can win a football game. I don't recall him in the NC game, much less winning it. There is all this talk about all of Leach's bowl appearances. Hell, Brewster got his team to bowl games. He is not a long term solution and probably not a short term one either.

Calm down sir. While there are a few fans throwing out hyperbole, there are no fans that think he is the only person who could win here.

But when the local media would have you think that none of the top 50 candidates are available, it is only natural for a fanbase to want a coach who is admittedly interested to at least be a candidate. He took what was one of the bottom 5 BCS programs, with the worst facilities in the Big 12 and put up almost a .600 winning percentage in conference play. You can make an argument that he did no more than Brewster or Mason, but it is only you who sounds like an idiot.

I can understand gripes about the guys personality. I can understand the administration not wanting his baggage. But if they are going to settle for a mid-level candidate from a non-BCS school and a .500 record, they themselves are creating a PR nightmare by not having him be a candidate. They would not even have to hire him to make themselves look better. When the only guy who looks good on paper is not even a candidate, those doing the hiring look like fools. When a guy like you makes the argument that Brewster achieved as much at MN as Leach did at TT, you look like a fool.
Just letting you know.

I personally think they are going to make a very good hire, but if they end up making a hire that I deem as bad, I will be angry and I will consider dropping my season tickets (because I would rather go for 3 bucks a game buying them from scalpers). If they make a bad hire while Leach is available, they will look completely inept.

Leach isn't coming here. He isn't going anywhere. The rest of the world has caught on to his act. Why can't Gopher fans? People are reacting like he is the only coach that can win a football game. I don't recall him in the NC game, much less winning it. There is all this talk about all of Leach's bowl appearances. Hell, Brewster got his team to bowl games. He is not a long term solution and probably not a short term one either.

First off, you are 99.99999% correct in that Leach isn't coming here. Doesn't mean we can't dream about it.

But on the bolded.. I'll be expecting to personally serve you your crow when he does get hired. I'd ask you how you want it done, but since I'm the one serving it, you'll eat it however I serve it. That, or you come out the moment he is hired and admit how wrong you were.

The rest of your post didn't even make sense. Leach = Brew? What?

well this is what i just sent...somewhat along the lines of the first email, with a bit of a twist.

Mr. Maturi, there is no reason that we cannot have a winning football program at the U. I have seen both Wisconsin and Iowa both raise their programs to a high level and I have been eternally frustrated on why we cannot replicate their success. As a season ticket holder for the past 5 seasons, I am sick and tired of going to a Gopher football game only to be embarassed, and then hear how great our "effort" was on the radio broadcasts. To be completely honest, I am tired of getting our ass kicked by Wisconsin and Ohio State, and other Big Ten teams on a regular basis. With Nebraska entering the Big Ten come next season, specifically our divison, the schedule only gets tougher. I hope that we can hire a new coach that can provide a new direction to our program. I do not know who you are talking to, God knows there are enough rumors floating around, but if your “A” list of candidates are not interested, let’s hire a winner, let’s hire Randy Shannon or Mike Leach. This is not a personality contest this is about building a winning program for our great University.

I appreciate your consideration, and Go Gophers!

Shannon or Leach?! lol

last time i checked, randy shannon has a winning record every season at Miami.....anyways, i was giving him an option so he can feel like hes making the decision...LEACH!!!

last time i checked, randy shannon has a winning record every season at Miami.....anyways, i was giving him an option so he can feel like hes making the decision...LEACH!!!

Haha.. You must read some Maxwell or Carnegie, eh? =D

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