More UM-PSU Postgame Recaps - Patriot News Beat Reporters


Section 211
Nov 12, 2008
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Well...with the bye week the dream of a Bucky-beatdown is starting...but there's still room for some post-Nittany Lions bitching about getting beat by the 2013 edition of the Golden Gophers.

Exhibit 1 is the following 3-minute or so piece after the game from TCF by Bob Flounders and David Jones with the Patriot News. As best I can tell they are the PSU equivalents of Christenson and Souhan, with the exception that they have had the benefit of a pretty good team to report on...correction, a good team off and on over their report on.

Anyway, here's the watch:

If Rodney Dangerfield were with us again, he'd swear like him that Minnesota gets "no respect."

Go Gophers! Enjoy the bye!

Here's Exhibit 2...the written piece...a little more respect for how the concoction of factors around the program this year AND the Big 10 in general...are breaking the Gophers' way.

What really caught my eye was the first sentences of the article:

"Overheard from one Minnesota football beat writer talking to another: “Two things I’m gonna get sick of hearing from fans this week – 1. Do you think the Gophers should be ranked? 2. Do you think College GameDay will come next game?”

Wonder who that was....?

Here's the link:

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust!

Pathetic News Beat Reporters?

he referred to our school as the 'U'

makes the writer ok in my book.

Does Sandusky know these clowns????

What a bunch of crap.

Souhan's twin brother on the right.

"Are the Gophers getting that much better? Probably not"

Classic homers in denial...

They both seemed fit...not Souhan fit, but then who is Souhan fit except Souhan?

Say what they will I am just grateful my last name is not flounders. Oh and one more thing: 24-10!

Good photography.

They keep harping on the weather. Did PSU know the Big Ten is a northern conference when they signed up?

"The truth is the truth: Minnesota is a fairly ordinary team spiced by the zest of sudden self-belief. And Penn State, not to mention the rest of the league outside of Ohio State and possibly Michigan State, is sort of a big bland pot of creamed wheat."

The B1G is bad, many programs are "down," poor PSU had nothing to play for, it was cold... I don't care how you spin it, what the excuses are. You still have to go out and do it. The Gophers are doing it and this stretch of games is just the jolt this program needed.

What is the name of this stadium again?

We're into this, big time.

That would be ESPN’s pregame circus reserved for very big clashes and marquee teams – for which neither Wisconsin at Minnesota in two weeks nor the Minnesota Golden Gophers themselves qualify. But it just shows how irrationally excited the locals are getting right now about their college football team.

Still, Minnesota has an immediate future to dream about: The possibility of a respectable bowl game for the first time since it was led to the post-1961 Rose Bowl by Uniontown-bred Sandy Stephens – one of the very first black quarterbacks at any level of football. Since then, it’s been a scattering of occasional December promotional bowls sponsored by home appliances and fly-by-night dot-coms.

What exactly does this have to do with the Gophers beating their beloved Nittany Lions 24-10? Their team lost, so instead of actually reporting about the game, they just decide to take shots at the U?

Writers who act like they are above it all really bug me. Bt all means, find another line of work, please!

What exactly does this have to do with the Gophers beating their beloved Nittany Lions 24-10? Their team lost, so instead of actually reporting about the game, they just decide to take shots at the U?

It appears as if they are gunning for a promotion to the Twin Cities market...

Writers who act like they are above it all really bug me. Bt all means, find another line of work, please!

They're even worse than that IMO, they act like they and also the program they are covering are above it all. The tone seems to be that the Gophers beating them is just a reflection of the sanctions, the fact the conference is down, etc. Otherwise there's no way lowly Minnesota could beat mighty Penn State.

It's as if before all this Penn State dominated the Big Ten since they joined. It's also as if they don't remember we won 4 meetings in a row in the Mason years.

I know that many of you may not want to hear this; but I love that fact that other reporters and other schools fans are disrespecting the Gophers. Throw another piece on the bulletin board and give our guys more motivation. The coaches do not have to say a thing except, look what you have done this season and they still don't think you are that good. Lets go show them who we are as a team. I wanted Vegas to give us a ****ty spread and I want Rittenberg and Bennett to pick against us. Lets just go out there and prove them wrong.

The only thing that concerns me is that we still have another 12 days to wait for Wisconsin. You know the guys are sitting there thinking about this game too much. I hope between now and then they relax and have fun. We played so dam tight against Iowa and it showed. When we are loose and having fun, this team can get after it.

Hold on here. Something isn't quite right.

Don't these know it all guys understand that PSU fielded about a dozen Rivals 4*'s, a 5* QB and 3*all-world receiver in Allen Robinson!!! Average talent?

How many 4* did the Gophers have out there? Zero! Actually Coach Kill has yet to sign a 4*, let alone a 5*. The only 4* recruits listed since 2009 are Hayo, Carter, Liscomb, Edwards and Gjere and Carter is the only impact player on the bunch.

So much for the star system which I always felt was over rated. I really believe that Coach Kill can build a competitive squad with average players who really buy into his system.

You know the guys are sitting there thinking about this game too much.

I don't know that at all. I'm confident the staff knows how to keep their head's on straight. But I agree with the rest of your post.

Here's Exhibit 2...the written piece...a little more respect for how the concoction of factors around the program this year AND the Big 10 in general...are breaking the Gophers' way.

What really caught my eye was the first sentences of the article:

"Overheard from one Minnesota football beat writer talking to another: “Two things I’m gonna get sick of hearing from fans this week – 1. Do you think the Gophers should be ranked? 2. Do you think College GameDay will come next game?”

Wonder who that was....?

Here's the link:

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust!

There's a great comment on this article:

"'Gophers' benefiting from officiating bias is enough in 24-10 defeat of stolid Nittany Lions'

There, fixed it for you. Penn State won the football game on the field. Too bad the refs gave it to the lesser team."

I must have been watching a different game.

There's a great comment on this article:

"'Gophers' benefiting from officiating bias is enough in 24-10 defeat of stolid Nittany Lions'

There, fixed it for you. Penn State won the football game on the field. Too bad the refs gave it to the lesser team."

I must have been watching a different game.

Wow, just wow! Yes, there were bad calls in that game...both ways and I'd argue most worked against us. Even the PSU fans near us agreed.

Ref's do NOT win or lose games. Oh, wait!what?

The biggest game changing calls in College Football are phantom PI calls and non-called PI's.

We had more than our share of both go against us in the PSU game, and still won the damned game.

No one has mentioned it yet, but one of the "reporters" claimed that it was 20 degrees. Does anyone know where this guy was sitting?

No one has mentioned it yet, but one of the "reporters" claimed that it was 20 degrees. Does anyone know where this guy was sitting?

Don't know the answer, but obviously someone was blowing cold smoke up his a$$.

Ya gotta remember, UST, East Coasters still think we are fighting Indian wars here in the MidWest.

Yep, the cold reference, the "what stadium is this?" reference to make them seem like they are touring rock stars, etc. etc. Even the looks on their faces were finally tuned to show they are soooooooo far above all of this. Classic!!!

I mean according to wikipedia, Penn state went 0-alot between 1998-2011... I don't know why you can be so arrogant if you don't win a football game for 14 seasons right?

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