More trouble in Happy Valley

Wow. If A can be connected with B here, Franklin is fired immediately.

this whole story seems like a whole lot of name calling and finger pointing. not a ton of substance at this point

this whole story seems like a whole lot of name calling and finger pointing. not a ton of substance at this point

People will be rightly concerned for quite a while when the words "Penn St, Coach and Rape" all collide in the same sentence.

Any place called Happy Valley is bound to find trouble. They should probably re brand and start fresh.

Most things I've read about Franklin indicate he's a real ass, so in that regard, he's fits in well with the Penn State culture.

Still, you would think the folks over in State College would try to steer clear of individuals who have been implicated in more sex scandals. Alas, their new president and football coach both have those clouds hovering above their heads. In other words, business as usual in crappy valley.

Probably not a good idea for a coach to get in contact with a (alleged) rape victim.

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