More Joel maturi and Sid Hartman


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Feb 22, 2012
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Gopher supporters here is another example of the leadership from the Athletic Directors office. Last week in Sid Hartmans column Joel Marturi talked about hiring an outside firm to sell Gopher football and basketball tickets because "we have plenty of seats available." The problem with making this public is that it really hurts football and basketball recruiting. Other schools really do track statements like this and use them to recruit against Minnesota. plenty of seats to available? Not at Wisconsin or Iowa. Joel needs to keep quiet. He has done enough damage.


Gopher supporters here is another example of the leadership from the Athletic Directors office. Last week in Sid Hartmans column Joel Marturi talked about hiring an outside firm to sell Gopher football and basketball tickets because "we have plenty of seats available." The problem with making this public is that it really hurts football and basketball recruiting. Other schools really do track statements like this and use them to recruit against Minnesota. plenty of seats to available? Not at Wisconsin or Iowa. Joel needs to keep quiet. He has done enough damage.

Did you know that other schools track your statements and use them to recruit against Minnesota? Get a life!

Gopher supporters here is another example of the leadership from the Athletic Directors office. Last week in Sid Hartmans column Joel Marturi talked about hiring an outside firm to sell Gopher football and basketball tickets because "we have plenty of seats available." The problem with making this public is that it really hurts football and basketball recruiting. Other schools really do track statements like this and use them to recruit against Minnesota. plenty of seats to available? Not at Wisconsin or Iowa. Joel needs to keep quiet. He has done enough damage.

I call b.s. on this!

plenty of seats to available? Not at Wisconsin or Iowa.

Great point. I've been trying to get Iowa basketball tickets for 30 years. No dice.

Joel needs to keep quiet. He has done enough damage.

You've given us all a lot to think about. I'm going to personally contact President Kaler and tell him Joel needs to go and he better be gone by June 30. Enough is enough!

Is there any doubt that Joel is the reason the Gophers have not been to a Rose Bowl since 1961?

Hey Joel deserves zero credit going out the door let alone nearly a half of million dollars to teach a class. Really? To teach a class? When is last time Joel taught a class? Just another reason tuition is so darn high for the average college student. Joel should be embarrased to take the money with no recent teaching experience, President Kaler should be more ashamed to give this guy a dime going out the door. C'mon Man, start thinking rational.

5 posts and you're already getting ignore listed...

Hey Joel deserves zero credit going out the door let alone nearly a half of million dollars to teach a class. Really? To teach a class? When is last time Joel taught a class? Just another reason tuition is so darn high for the average college student. Joel should be embarrased to take the money with no recent teaching experience, President Kaler should be more ashamed to give this guy a dime going out the door. C'mon Man, start thinking rational.

Completely clueless...I'll stop at that.

There are plenty of seats available. Trying to sweep that under the rug would be crazy. You have to deal with the situation you have. And he's not being paid to teach a class.

Because said schools could never tell from TV that half the seats are empty. Wow.

If you don't like badger joel macturi: be proud...and tell the whole world! b(s)jm needed to go YEARS ago and unfortunatley, prexy k continues to keep the wisky macturian candidate on the payroll. prexy k should hang his head in shame...

Take that mobbers and bashers...

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If you don't like wren: be proud...and tell the whole world! b(s)wren needed to go YEARS ago.

Take that mobbers and bashers...

; 0 )

Every once and a while when wren stops drinking he can makes sense. He just needs a little help in using the right name when he posts.

killjoy: you just die out there with your pathetic stuff...

It's ALL ABOUT running a clean program...graduating ever increasing numbers of student athletes and BIG TEN wins killboy...remember that. How many Big Ten wins did the macturi tenure bring us in football and men's hoops? Big Ten wins killboy...Big Ten wins tells the WHOLE story... macturi failed us BIG TIME with the way he handled the football and men's hoops scene...but you love your boy macturi...don't you killboy and apologize for him whenever you get the chance...

; 0 )


killjoy: you just die out there with your pathetic stuff...

It's ALL ABOUT running a clean program...graduating ever increasing numbers of student athletes and BIG TEN wins killboy...remember that. How many Big Ten wins did the macturi tenure bring us in football and men's hoops? Big Ten wins killboy...Big Ten wins tells the WHOLE story... macturi failed us BIG TIME with the way he handled the football and men's hoops scene...but you love your boy macturi...don't you killboy and apologize for him whenever you get the chance...

; 0 )

LOL wren - I am not apologizing for anybody. If you would just sober up you might realize that. Until you do, why don’t you go back and type "It is all about Big Ten wins" 50,000 time. That seems to make you feel better. Then when you are sober, figure out what you are going to do with your life when Maturi retires.

In just over four months, Maturi won't be the AD. You would think that the people that wanted him gone would be happy. But with the screaming, you would think that Kaler signed Maturi to be AD for life.

rodent ram ( turn the) page: prexy k had better hope that things go well in the future. This macturi job-creation/ old-boy-network-golden parachute blunder has cast a great deal of doubt upon his ablity to manage a University that will face a GREAT fiscal challenge going into the future. prexy k can NOT just throw half-million dollar "care packages" out there to retiring employees. "Social Security" can put food on macturi's table... prexy k had better NOT raise the student's tuition bills any time soon...

; 0 )

prexy k had better hope that things go well in the future

Really? Someone who has a job hopes that things go well so he can continue to keep his job? Alert the media!! This is really groundbreaking stuff here.

This macturi job-creation/ old-boy-network-golden parachute blunder

Maturi and Kaler met for the first time less than a year ago. How is this an "old boy network"? You need to get your Maturi-hating-talking-points in better order so that they might make some sense.

prexy k can NOT just throw half-million dollar "care packages" out there to retiring employees.

Yup, he's not going to be doing any work for his salary. None at all. He probably won't even come into the office.

rodent ram ( turn the) page: prexy k had better hope that things go well in the future. This macturi job-creation/ old-boy-network-golden parachute blunder has cast a great deal of doubt upon his ablity to manage a University that will face a GREAT fiscal challenge going into the future. prexy k can NOT just throw half-million dollar "care packages" out there to retiring employees. "Social Security" can put food on macturi's table... prexy k had better NOT raise the student's tuition bills any time soon...

; 0 )

Another clueless post!

Looks more to me as though the U of M has hired another "clueless prexy..."

It's time for the state to cut down on the financial package that prexy k will be begging them for. IF he has money to carry out prexy b's promise to b(s)jm that he would be "taken care of..." by the new prexy. prexy k: better watch your fiscal management style. Money doesn't grow on trees prexy k. You will NOT spend your way into prosperity and money paid out to badger joel macturi is money down a rat hole. You have got big time problems coming right at you prexy k. Better save that slush-fund money for a rainy day and for a REAL need that the University of Minnesota will have during the next five to ten years. Hard times are here for the land-grant university system. You screwed up prexy k. This macturi-fare hand-out is ALL on your head...One of these days the bills will come due and you will wish you would have saved your slush-fund for that rainy day, prexy k...

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This macturi-fare hand-out is ALL on your head

Once again, it is not a handout. He will be working for his salary. He will almost certainly earn back much more money for the University than he will earn. Then again, you are clueless, so I wouldn't expect you to know that.

Once again, it is not a handout. He will be working for his salary. He will almost certainly earn back much more money for the University than he will earn. Then again, you are clueless, so I wouldn't expect you to know that.

Read this dopodoll, you clueless wonder: badger (stinking) joel macturi has NOT done well in raising funds compared to even average Big Ten Athletic Directors....why should prexy k throw away half a million dollars from his slush fund to carry out prexy b's old-boy-network-care package for macturi when macturi is not even as effective as the most ineffective ad's in the Big Ten Conference. If macturi was supposed to have been a Big Ten AD, why did he have such a bad fiscal record here at Minnesota?????

Minnesota NEEDS to do a LOT better than badger (stinking) joel macturi has done here and prexy k has made a huge mistake by pouring money down a rat hole by creating a job for b(s)jm in the future. It will come back to haunt prexy k in MANY ways...

; 0 )

macturi/prexy b resorted to some funny stuff:

"...The “six-and-a-half-million dollars” Eull referred to is the lingering loss from the previous year, when Minnesota fired, bought out and replaced its football coach and its men’s basketball coach. To help recover the losses, the University loaned athletics $4 million in 2008. In addition, a $3.5 million debt payment by athletics, which had previously been paid each June 30 — the last day of the fiscal year — was instead bumped to July 1, 2008. The one-day bump moved the payment onto the next fiscal year’s account..."

prexy b and b(s)jm need to be moved into the admnistrative "hall of shame..." at the University of Minnesota...and to the very top of the list.

They need to start taking away macturi's retirement pay rather than to start making up positions for him to continue to earn more...The University of Minnesota is being so fiscally abused by some of these administrators I simply can NOT believe it. It has been going on for a LONG time...macturi has been one of the VERY worst ad's in the Big Ten Conference in terms of raising money in addition to the huge pay outs from tv contracts that EVERY Big Ten school automatically gets. That is dsigraceful. Management at the U of M really does need to be shaken up and put on a VERY short leash.

Having membership in the Big Ten Conferene means huge pay outs from football and men's hoops tv contracts. macturi and prexy b threw football under the bus at the expense of the non-revenue sports. They were satisfied to collect the big payout from Big Ten football while subjecting all of Minnesota's fans to "brewball..."

macturi has been among the VERY worst Big Ten athletic directors for the past 10 seasons concerning the revenue sports programs. Throw the bum under the bus. prexy k will pay the price for his half-million dollar gift to macturi...

; 0 (

Read this dopodoll, you clueless wonder: badger (stinking) joel macturi has NOT done well in raising funds compared to even average Big Ten Athletic Directors....why should prexy k throw away half a million dollars from his slush fund to carry out prexy b's old-boy-network-care package for macturi when macturi is not even as effective as the most ineffective ad's in the Big Ten Conference. If macturi was supposed to have been a Big Ten AD, why did he have such a bad fiscal record here at Minnesota?????(

Did you even read your own link?

Dpo stated in his post "He will almost certainly earn back much more money for the University than he will earn."

From the article:
"But in May and June, as preferred seating became available at the new TCF Bank Stadium, the athletics department’s fundraising team procured 255 donations from corporations and individuals totaling at least $2 million. That number could be much larger, as the University foundation reports only a range rather than exact amounts, and donations smaller than $5,000 are not reported."

"The donations, for tickets or otherwise, are considered athletics revenue."

Your blind hatred for anything attached to Maturi's name is nauseating.

Anybody in the ad's office can force preferred seating charges...they don't have to pay macturi half a million bucks to get some of the people with preferred seating charges to pony up and call it "fund-raising..." They will either do it...or they won't. Hell, they can kick long-time season ticket holders out of their choice seats and open them up for bid with the corporations. IF the corporations buy them...they will be filled...if they don't they will be empty and the long-time-loyal ticket holders will have been thrown under the bus. It doesn't take macturi to do that crap. Anybody can do that...

; 0 (

macturi should be thrown out the door with NO further contact with the University of Minnesota.

SO, bye bye mrs badger (stinking) joel macturi...aka unregistered macturi apologist...

; 0 )

There is a big problem all right, the problem is Joel thinks people pay a lof of money for basketball and football so we can have 25 athletic teams. They don't! They pay to watch good basketball and football. We do not have a marketing problem, we have a product problem, fix the damn teams numb nuts. All of your financial engineering and marketing busy work will not fix a problem of uncompetitive teams. Give the revenue sport coaches what they need or get guys who can do it and give them what they need, but this other stuff is mostly wasting money.

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