Once again, it is not a handout. He will be working for his salary. He will almost certainly earn back much more money for the University than he will earn. Then again, you are clueless, so I wouldn't expect you to know that.
Read this dopodoll, you clueless wonder: badger (stinking) joel macturi has NOT done well in raising funds compared to even average Big Ten Athletic Directors....why should prexy k throw away half a million dollars from his slush fund to carry out prexy b's old-boy-network-care package for macturi when macturi is not even as effective as the most ineffective ad's in the Big Ten Conference. If macturi was supposed to have been a Big Ten AD, why did he have such a bad fiscal record here at Minnesota?????
Minnesota NEEDS to do a LOT better than badger (stinking) joel macturi has done here and prexy k has made a huge mistake by pouring money down a rat hole by creating a job for b(s)jm in the future. It will come back to haunt prexy k in MANY ways...
; 0 )
macturi/prexy b resorted to some funny stuff:
"...The “six-and-a-half-million dollars” Eull referred to is the lingering loss from the previous year, when Minnesota fired, bought out and replaced its football coach and its men’s basketball coach. To help recover the losses, the University loaned athletics $4 million in 2008. In addition, a $3.5 million debt payment by athletics, which had previously been paid each June 30 — the last day of the fiscal year — was instead bumped to July 1, 2008. The one-day bump moved the payment onto the next fiscal year’s account..."
prexy b and b(s)jm need to be moved into the admnistrative "hall of shame..." at the University of Minnesota...and to the very top of the list.
They need to start taking away macturi's retirement pay rather than to start making up positions for him to continue to earn more...The University of Minnesota is being so fiscally abused by some of these administrators I simply can NOT believe it. It has been going on for a LONG time...macturi has been one of the VERY worst ad's in the Big Ten Conference in terms of raising money in addition to the huge pay outs from tv contracts that EVERY Big Ten school automatically gets. That is dsigraceful. Management at the U of M really does need to be shaken up and put on a VERY short leash.
Having membership in the Big Ten Conferene means huge pay outs from football and men's hoops tv contracts. macturi and prexy b threw football under the bus at the expense of the non-revenue sports. They were satisfied to collect the big payout from Big Ten football while subjecting all of Minnesota's fans to "brewball..."
macturi has been among the VERY worst Big Ten athletic directors for the past 10 seasons concerning the revenue sports programs. Throw the bum under the bus. prexy k will pay the price for his half-million dollar gift to macturi...
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