More corruption - Shocking I know

Bobby Lowder is dirty. This was already established in 1993. The fact the NCAA allowed him to continue associating with the Auburn football program for all these years after amazes me.

what was the time frame he was being recruited by Ohio State?

Is this stuff not prostitution? "Pick any girl in the room". Should I really believe that these girls aren't being compensated something for this? And at this point, doesn't it become prostitution? Really disgusting sh!t here, I hope these schools go down in flames but I'm sure the NCAA will turn their heads ala Newton Gate.

Easy way to stop it, investigate and if it is true give Auburn the death penalty for 5 years. Do that one time and it won't happen again.

Easy way to stop it, investigate and if it is true give Auburn the death penalty for 5 years. Do that one time and it won't happen again.

Will not happen to an SEC member. NCAA doesn't have the stones to carry it out.

None of this is shocking. But payments directly from a coach? That's beyond looking the other way. If the NCAA does nothing about this, college football will officially become a joke.

There are quite a few people who claim no Division 1 FBS team (especially a BCS team) will ever be given the death penalty. If these allegations are proven true I sure hope those people are wrong. I remember a few years ago the U got in trouble (from itself not the NCAA) for having players bring recruits to "gentlemen's clubs". Seems pretty weenie when compared to basically a school run brothel.

The reality here is it will probably be a major violation for a lower member of the SEC (Ole Miss, Miss St or whoever they can prove) and a backdoor warning to the other schools to clean it up.

If you haven't seen the ESPN 30 for 30 "Pony Exce$$" I strongly recommend it. It's about when SMU received the death penalty. Absolutely shocking how far things had gone there and what the death penalty meant for the school. Anyway, I'm betting the SEC is not that far away from the old SWC back in the 80's...

This doesn't really suprise anyone does it? Still, I don't think anything will come of it. This type of stuff has been rumored many times before and still happens.

I thought Tommy Bowden already told this story??? What's new here...Auburn players getting paid...old news. NCAA isn't going to do anything about will be he said, she said.

Regarding tOSU sex thing...not a long as there are stars...there will be groupies...nature of the world. And may be your daughter...or wife that was a groupie in just don't want to

I can deal with hearing about money. But after reading the line about picking a girl like it is a brothel during an Ohio State visit, I now hate OSU as bad as Iowa and Sconnie.

Will not happen to an SEC member. NCAA doesn't have the stones to carry it out.

Nope. IF it ever happens, and that's a big IF, it will be to some upstart like Boise State. SMU was in a major conference at the time, but they weren't a powerful school politically. The NCAA would never have pulled that with Texas or A&M, who were probably equally as dirty.

There are programs that the NCAA protects. I brought up the example of UCLA hoops a few weeks ago. Wooden's guys were dirty as hell, but they waited until after Saint John retired to investigate, and only went back to the year following his retirement.

An ESPN reported said yesterday that the NCAA has ignored the vast majority of allegeded violations that occurred more than four years ag. However, he stated that this may be and should be an exception.

If you haven't seen the ESPN 30 for 30 "Pony Exce$$" I strongly recommend it. It's about when SMU received the death penalty. Absolutely shocking how far things had gone there and what the death penalty meant for the school. Anyway, I'm betting the SEC is not that far away from the old SWC back in the 80's...

SMU is still trying to recover from this.

The SEC really is becoming like the old Southwest Conference and the NCAA needs to do something about it. We know they don't want to take down one of big guys, so look for Mississippi State or Ole Miss to play the role of SMU.

The SEC really is becoming like the old Southwest Conference and the NCAA needs to do something about it. We know they don't want to take down one of big guys, so look for Mississippi State or Ole Miss to play the role of SMU.

How very true...probably be Miss State taking it in the butt so the big boys from AL, FL and LA don't lose any money...if you don't think the NCAA makes its decisions based on money your crazy....thats why tOSU wont get really hurt...they brings in the dolla...make the NCAA holla...whatwhat!

Makes you respect L. Murtha and similar 18 yr olds that much more.

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