That's not the point, and you know it.
It's not about difficulty of schedule, it's about equity of schedule. Assuming it happens this way, what is fair about stacking the deck in OSU's favor so they have an easy path to the championship game every year? Is it fair that they get to play Indiana, Northwestern, and Purdue every single year, while we have to play Nebraska, Iowa, and (assuming they're ever good again) Michigan every year?
That's the great thing about the geographic alignment - you're not playing any favorites, and you're not trying to contrive some unattainable "competitive balance." Teams play the teams closest to them every year (as geographic location on a map will never change, though competitiveness, interest, money, etc. all will), and sometimes you'll get the "marquee" matchups, sometimes you won't. But it will always be fair and equitable. That's why the geographic alignment is the only acceptable one - anything else is contrived and therefore inferior.