MN loss to IA...Outcoached or outplayed? combination of the 2?


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Jul 22, 2009
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I posted earlier how impressed I am with Kill's understanding of the college football game in real time. In an attempt to rank Jerry Kill with the other best BT HCs I stumbled on the Iowa game. I do think that that game Ferentz outcoached JK. I'm I overlooking any other games where JK got outcoached in 2012? Di Nardo was correct JK wins the match games.

Not sure on those two points, but I think we were out-healthed...

Not sure if we were out-coached. Iowa didn't do anything out of the ordinary. We turned the ball over 4 times, they turned it over 0. They ran the ball effectively, we didn't.

I chalk it up to a lot of young guys playing on the road in the B1G for the first time. If I remember correctly, we only had something like 8 guys that had ever been to Kinnick before.

I'm generally very excited about Kill as a coach, but I think he got outcoached vs. Michigan.

Not sure it would have made a difference in the outcome, but we could have easily been well ahead at the half if our game plan was a little more diverse.

I have been thinking a lot about that Iowa game. It is sticking out as a sore thumb as the biggest bummer of the 2012 season. In the end, I think it was a case of bad timing. Iowa happened to be playing their best football of the year, and the Gophers came in to their first B1G road game with a banged up offensive line and an unsettled situation at QB. At the time the QB situation seemed clear going in, but in hind sight it was the game where the future of that position began to truly reveal itself.

Iowa played well, didn't turn the ball over, and had the beneift of Weisman being somewhat of a new comodity... healthy and with not much film history. Meanwhile the Gophers turned the ball over multiple times. I just think that unfortunately that game was a perfect storm of conditions that favored Iowa. Iowa continued that second wind through the following game with Michigan State, before ultimately being exposed as the bad team everyone was starting to think about at the end of the non-con season.

Of course all games can be won with hind sight, and the old saying about "ifs and buts/candy and nuts" - all that being said, I think coaching had much less to do with that outcome compared to the perfect storm of timing that worked in Iowa's favor that day. What if all the Gophers were healthy? What if that deep sideline pass isn't handed over to Iowa? What if it was the third or fourth B1G road game instead of the first? What if Iowa had played like they did in the non con schedule, or these past few weeks? What if Nelson had begun his eventual starting role that game? On and on it goes.

With hind sight, the Wisconsin loss doesn't feel any worse today because it would likely happen again if the team's played tomorrow. The Iowa loss is the one that hurts the most given what has transpired since.

We couldn't stop the run and gave the ball away. It was a combination of both.

I think our guys were intimidated.

First big road game you need some senior leadership. Which we really didn't have that day.

Totally stupid question. Iowa beat us, it's in the past, we are bowl eligible. Give a damn about losses, we have 6 wins, Let's Go Gophers!!!

That is my over analyzing things.

Don't really know that Kill was out coached but we definitely underpreformed on both sides of the ball. The offense was in a coma for the entire first half and after a solid 1st quarter the defense suddenly couldn't stop their running game at all for the rest of the half. What I thought at the time and still think now is it was simply a case of two very average football teams duking it out and we made more mistakes than they did so they won.

Wait! What!

They beat us. We lost. They were a better Team...on that particular day!

Stick around. Want to wager on next year's game at TCF? I am a Gopher!

Don't really know that Kill was out coached but we definitely underpreformed on both sides of the ball. The offense was in a coma for the entire first half and after a solid 1st quarter the defense suddenly couldn't stop their running game at all for the rest of the half. What I thought at the time and still think now is it was simply a case of two very average football teams duking it out and we made more mistakes than they did so they won.

This sounds about right to me. My wife is thinking of sending me to Houston, she loves that my Christmas present is so easy to buy for. Go Gophers!

I don't think we got outcoached, but that 50 yard or so TD pass to put Iowa up 17-0 in the second quarter, literally right after we punted, seemed to deflate the team quite a bit. By the time things settled down in the third, the game had already been lost.

I wouldn't say he got out coached in the Iowa game. I can see how some might think that, but If I remember correctly we misfired on several wide open deep throws. If we connect on one or two of those early in the game I think it is a much more competitive ball game. We got crushed in the first quarter and didn't find ourselves till after halftime.

The difference between a veteran team and a young team in that situation is that a veteran team will be able to at least stop the bleeding and go in to halftime with the game not completely out of hand.

It's the usual wait! what? dumb thread that we all seem to fall for: a subject from weeks ago that faded away. We're going to a bowl and Iowa is not. We crushed, mangled, and befuddled Illinois this week, and coaches Kill, Limegrover, and Claeys outcoached Beckman, Fuchtup, and Howe. Enough said.

I disagree. The Iowa subject is an interesting one now that we can look at it with more hind sight perspective, and considering how far down the drain Iowa has slipped since then.

Iowa did go on the road and beat Michigan St. the following week. I know Michigan St. is nothing special this year but they were playing decent ball at that time. Either way, it's in the past.

Iowa did go on the road and beat Michigan St. the following week. I know Michigan St. is nothing special this year but they were playing descent ball at that time. Either way, it's in the past.

"descent ball"... is that the same as having a 'downhill running game'? :)

We were outplayed and outcoached to a certain extent, we coughed it up 4 times and couldn't scheme an answer for the Iowa run game or tackle Weisman to save our life. It was just a bad day for us and good day for them.

If Barker makes that catch (instead of giving up interception) it could have been a different ball game.

Yes, missing the open receivers, poor tackling, not being able to run the ball, and the turnover differential all doomed us that day. Momentum within a game is a powerful thing. If we hit a couple of those deep balls early, it could turn the game into a Purdue type of game.

We were outplayed and outcoached to a certain extent, we coughed it up 4 times and couldn't scheme an answer for the Iowa run game or tackle Weisman to save our life. It was just a bad day for us and good day for them.

Pretty much. Even further, it was about an 8 minute collapse of time in the 2nd quarter that really had a big impact on the season. They hung tough early, but it was like they couldn't stop the train for those few minutes and that was that. They hadn't really been punched in the mouth yet, and I think they just got a little stunned, but unfortunately, this is conference play, you don't have time to be dazed for a bit, next thing you know, it's 24-0 and you're on the road.

Jerry kill has been out coached on numerous occasions over the past 2 years. As has every coach in the country. Iowa was one of those. Anyone not willing to admit that is blind either by ignorance or intention.

Pretty much. Even further, it was about an 8 minute collapse of time in the 2nd quarter that really had a big impact on the season. They hung tough early, but it was like they couldn't stop the train for those few minutes and that was that. They hadn't really been punched in the mouth yet, and I think they just got a little stunned, but unfortunately, this is conference play, you don't have time to be dazed for a bit, next thing you know, it's 24-0 and you're on the road.

What's the point. This game is in the past. Unless you have a time machine and can go back to counsel JK on what he is doing wrong this is a mute discussion. We're moving forward - Nebraska this week. I think we will play them tough. We beat MSU on the 24th.

Is something like this the best that you pups have to do when you don't have a class to go to?

Talk about and correct the past. Ya, good luck.

He wasn't outcoached. Those passing plays were very good calls Shortell just misfired & nobody knew how awful our run defense was until that game as we had played pass heavy teams...

Kill did not get outcoached vs. Michigan - When you can pull a WR into QB and not miss a beat, vs. us who has to burn a Redshirt to get some athleticism behind center when our Athletic QB gets hurt, that isn't coaching, Michigan has more talent right now.

Iowa was Turnovers - once again, not Kill. Nelson has 2 picks since he has started. We've been playing a lot better, even if the W/L's don't show it. Yes we might have lost a trophy game there but at the end of the year, we'll be able to say that we played in a Bowl Game. Will Iowa be able to say that? I don't think so....

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