MN Daily Letter to Editor: New athletic facilities plan is wrong for the University


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New athletic facilities plan is wrong for the University
By Willard Shapira, University alumnus

July 17, 2013

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and athletics director Norwood Teague are totally distorting the mission of our beloved university with their wrong-headed plan to raise millions from the private sector to expand the facilities of the Department of Athletics.

Athletics have absolutely no connection to the purpose of the University (education) and would take away from private donations to vital education projects.

I also refuse to believe our sell-out governor will not, at some point, find a way to get state money involved, just as he did for a Vikings stadium.

What difference does it make to anyone whether the University not only wins or loses but even competes at any level in intercollegiate athletics except those whose careers depend on sports?

Our teams not only lose more than they win but have brought scandal and shame upon the University by the misbehavior of our “student athletes.”

I suggest students, faculty and others who back education over big-time sports publicly condemn this plan, call for Kaler and Teague to withdraw it, urge prospective donors to sports expansion to rethink their plans and to publicly call upon Gov. Mark Dayton and the Legislature to stop this plan in its tracks.

Go Gophers!!

Can a MN Daily letter to the Editor qualify for a nomination for a dpodoll award?

I take strong issue with the upbeat message and feel-good tone of the M spring 2007 article about the new football stadium. I believe it is a total waste of taxpayer dollars and an insult and embarrassment to those of us who abhor the jock mentality that has spread from the Bierman Athletic Building to the office of Pres. Bruininks? How does a football stadium help Bruininks move toward his purported goal of making the U a top research university? Ski-U-Bah!

Willard B. Shapira

Opinion » Letters to the Editor Holding the Department of Athletics accountable
ByWillard Shapira, University alumnusOctober 11, 2012The news from the new director of athletics, Norwood Teague, that the University of Minnesota plans to hire a facilities-planning firm to help create a master plan for the next 10 years and beyond for the department of athletics is as arrogant as it is dispiriting.

At a time when every dollar must be carefully budgeted, this department continues to operate with impunity and seemingly no accountability to higher authority or responsibility to the taxpayers.

I urge you to contact Gov. Mark Dayton, your state senators and state representatives and the Board of Regents to demand that any further outside hiring to plan the future of the department of athletics at the University be put on hold while this entire process and program are thoroughly audited and examined by a state agency, say, the Department of the Attorney General. The behavior by the athletics department must be monitored for accountability.

My question always has been: What has big-time sports have to do with education? I have yet to hear a valid response joining the two.

Make this a part of your vetting of candidates for the Nov. 6 election. Ask them what they are going to do about reining in out-of-control spending on the totally wasteful University department of athletics that operates with singular impunity.

Now is the time to stop the tail from wagging the Gopher.

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No thanks to those who put sports before tuition

As a graduate of the University of Minnesota, I am outraged and embarrassed by the wrongheaded social priorities that have allowed the university to place such heavy emphasis on the new, on-campus football stadium, ahead of the primary need of students for affordable tuition ("Generation Debt," April 26). I always thought the U's mission was to educate our young people, not provide a playpen for the idle rich. Silly me.

There must be something in the air or water that has caused our alleged public servants to waste millions of our precious taxpayer dollars on stadiums when so many vital social programs go begging.


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October 22, 2007
By: Readers
Stop the stadiums

I have put my state Sen. Dan Larson and state Rep. Paul Thissen, as well as my Hennepin County Board Commissioner Gail Dorfman and Gov. Pawlenty, on notice that if they ever vote for public funding for any stadium (again), they will have lost my support forever and, in fact, I will work actively against their re-election to any public office.

As expected, the Star Tribune (Oct. 4) has begun its patented self-serving editorials in favor of a publicly funded stadium for the Vikings and billionaire Zygmunt Wilf. It worked for trillionaire Carl Pohlad and if we, the people, don't speak up now before the '08 legislative session, it may work again. Contact the governor, your state senator and state representative and your Hennepin County Board rep, and voice your opinion on public funding for a new Vikings stadium.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Willard B. Shapira
How to break ties with the NFL
ByWillard ShapiraMarch 02, 2010First, the team that is having more trouble extorting a new stadium out of its home city shall automatically be declared the winner.
Secondly, much like the NHL shootout, the two teams will engage in field-goal kicking competition. The team having more trouble extorting a new stadium out of its home city will use its regular kicker. The ball will be spotted on the five-yard line and will be kicked until a goal is made. The opponent then will begin with the ball at midfield, against the wind if outdoors, and will have its choice of Zygi Wilf, Lester Bagman, Sid or Barbara Flanagan as kicker for a one-kick-only attempt. Holder will be Margaret “Purple Ribbon” Kelliher. Snapper will be Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
Next, Sid will flip a coin until the team etc., etc. wins, after which Sid will pocket the coin. Dave Mona will help Sid determine whether it’s heads or tails.
Finally, The Star Tribune editorial board will take a vote and declare a winner.

Willard Shapira, University alumnus

I could go on and on. He doesn't need to be amplified. Don't repost his nonsense again.

"Athletics have absolutely no connection to the purpose of the University (education)"

I stopped reading after this line.

New athletic facilities plan is wrong for the University
By Willard Shapira, University alumnus

July 17, 2013

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and athletics director Norwood Teague are totally distorting the mission of our beloved university with their wrong-headed plan to raise millions from the private sector to expand the facilities of the Department of Athletics.

Athletics have absolutely no connection to the purpose of the University (education) and would take away from private donations to vital education projects.

I also refuse to believe our sell-out governor will not, at some point, find a way to get state money involved, just as he did for a Vikings stadium.

What difference does it make to anyone whether the University not only wins or loses but even competes at any level in intercollegiate athletics except those whose careers depend on sports?

Our teams not only lose more than they win but have brought scandal and shame upon the University by the misbehavior of our “student athletes.”

I suggest students, faculty and others who back education over big-time sports publicly condemn this plan, call for Kaler and Teague to withdraw it, urge prospective donors to sports expansion to rethink their plans and to publicly call upon Gov. Mark Dayton and the Legislature to stop this plan in its tracks.

Go Gophers!!

As a family with two degrees from the "U", I couldn't disagree more with all that is said. Wow, its actually not worth commenting.. but I will anyway in terms of one point. Any money that I donate towards athletics (season tickets, TCF stadium, new practice facility) would not be donated to the University otherwise. Sorry, just a fact. Maybe Trout Unlimited or Friends of the BWCA or the Log Cabin Republican Fund for Orphans would get it, but not the U in general. Just how it is..

There is a mountain of evidence that shows a successful football team leads to increases in academic success by students, increased graduation rates, increased freshman application rates with higher test scores and increased non-athletic giving.

Not to mention that the prestige and name recognition of a successful program creates revenue opportunities in corporate america that otherwise would not be available.

The student athlete is less likely to get into trouble and more likely to graduate than the general student population(only the athletes who screw up end up in the paper).

The idea that sports from youth to high school to college doesn't have benefit to students and the community is so devoid of intellectual thought and reason as to only be considered absurd.

If we went the way of Chicago I wouldn't be upset. However, if we are going to play in division one then we should try to compete.

Except the university is trying to fix the wrong problem. I highly doubt high end facilities offer much return on investment in terms of actual wins in any sport. They help on the margins, if at all. It all comes down to recruiting.

We will never perennially contend in our conference in football unless Anoka, Minneapolis, and St. Paul restore middle school football. Those are three of the biggest districts in the state, and they have lousy football. It isn't believable to think you can compete in football in a state that produces a couple Big Ten caliber players every year. It is too hard to supplement a lack of in state talent with out state talent, especially when the border states are also low population states. You need too many good players to win consistently.

Basketball is different. This state produces high end talent, and you need fewer bodies to compete at a high level. We can compete in basketball.

Also, no one knows what the landscape of football will look in a decade or two. I would bet less kids will play as parents won't let them due to head injuries, and schools will likely cut football instead of ramp it up due insurance and liability concerns due to head injuries. Sinking long term money into football is a sucker's bet.

Sinking long term money into football is a sucker's bet.

Yes, what a fool to believe. How foolish spending all this money on a sport that makes ten times more than all the other sports combined (and we have sucked for 40 years). The investment in football is a wise one if only because we have no where else to make the same return. No matter how much we spend on BB it will NEVER earn as much as football or generate as much fan interest, booster interest or national recognition.

Sounds like it was written by a middle schooler for an assignment.

New athletic facilities plan is wrong for the University
By Willard Shapira, University alumnus

July 17, 2013

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and athletics director Norwood Teague are totally distorting the mission of our beloved university with their wrong-headed plan to raise millions from the private sector to expand the facilities of the Department of Athletics.

Athletics have absolutely no connection to the purpose of the University (education) and would take away from private donations to vital education projects.

I also refuse to believe our sell-out governor will not, at some point, find a way to get state money involved, just as he did for a Vikings stadium.

What difference does it make to anyone whether the University not only wins or loses but even competes at any level in intercollegiate athletics except those whose careers depend on sports?

Our teams not only lose more than they win but have brought scandal and shame upon the University by the misbehavior of our “student athletes.”

I suggest students, faculty and others who back education over big-time sports publicly condemn this plan, call for Kaler and Teague to withdraw it, urge prospective donors to sports expansion to rethink their plans and to publicly call upon Gov. Mark Dayton and the Legislature to stop this plan in its tracks.

Go Gophers!!

I really get irritated with posters that say things like "what a dumb fu_k head."

But what a dumb fu_k head.

Will Shapira is one helluva Mahjong player.

What difference does it make to anyone whether the University not only wins or loses but even competes at any level in intercollegiate athletics except those whose careers depend on sports?

I'm pretty sure I know the answer already but is he really so stupid that he believe only those who work in the athletic department care about Gopher sports?

Our teams not only lose more than they win but have brought scandal and shame upon the University by the misbehavior of our “student athletes.”

Then shut down the whole university because non student athletes get in trouble all the time. Does he believe Harvard should be shut down after the big cheating scandal last year?

While the 99 scandal was bad, there are many great student athletes before and after that unfortunate event. Take someone like Andre Hollins no way can this baboon look Andre in the eye and say he bring shame to our University.

I couldn't help myself, I had to go on the Daily site and respond with a comment: Thank you Mr. Shapira for once again telling us how much you hate athletics. I'm an alumnus as well, an I've given to both the school of my major field of study (Music Education) as well as the Athletic Department. For me, the athletic events have been a great way for us to re-connect with our University as well as giving our student-athletes an opportunity to stay in our State rather than go to one of our neighboring schools to learn and participate. In fact, the only reason I ever attended the U was because my dear old Dad brought me to my first Gopher football game in the fall of 1960. It was the beginning of a love affair that continues this day with the University of Minnesota. Here's a bulletin for you, if you don't like athletics, fine, don't go to any games and don't contribute, but please don't impose your wishes on me or the thousands of others who take pride in Gopher Sports. Athletics and academics can and should coexist here at the U just like they do at other Big10 schools.

I couldn't help myself, I had to go on the Daily site and respond with a comment: Thank you Mr. Shapira for once again telling us how much you hate athletics. I'm an alumnus as well, an I've given to both the school of my major field of study (Music Education) as well as the Athletic Department. For me, the athletic events have been a great way for us to re-connect with our University as well as giving our student-athletes an opportunity to stay in our State rather than go to one of our neighboring schools to learn and participate. In fact, the only reason I ever attended the U was because my dear old Dad brought me to my first Gopher football game in the fall of 1960. It was the beginning of a love affair that continues this day with the University of Minnesota. Here's a bulletin for you, if you don't like athletics, fine, don't go to any games and don't contribute, but please don't impose your wishes on me or the thousands of others who take pride in Gopher Sports. Athletics and academics can and should coexist here at the U just like they do at other Big10 schools.

Good response. Kudos.

As FTB posted, that dude sends the Daily editorials all the same. He's your classic egghead. Likes to see his name in print.

Why do they keep publishing this clown?

I don't know why he is against private funding for this facilities complex. If he has real concerns he should ask questions like how much money will it cost the public to run and maintain these facilities (water, electricity, repairs, etc.). The cost that Teague sites only concerns the building cost. The public will be on the hook for maintenance and staffing costs, which universities notoriously never mention and hope that no one actually asks, especially when it comes to federal research grants.

He could also do some type of comparative analysis with other schools and see if modern facilities translates into more wins, or if not building modern facilities translates into more losses. I love TCF Bank stadium, but anyone who actually thought the new stadium would lead to more wins and better recruiting was a fool.

New athletic facilities plan is wrong for the University
By Willard Shapira, University alumnus

July 17, 2013

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and athletics director Norwood Teague are totally distorting the mission of our beloved university with their wrong-headed plan to raise millions from the private sector to expand the facilities of the Department of Athletics.

Athletics have absolutely no connection to the purpose of the University (education) and would take away from private donations to vital education projects.

I also refuse to believe our sell-out governor will not, at some point, find a way to get state money involved, just as he did for a Vikings stadium.

What difference does it make to anyone whether the University not only wins or loses but even competes at any level in intercollegiate athletics except those whose careers depend on sports?

Our teams not only lose more than they win but have brought scandal and shame upon the University by the misbehavior of our “student athletes.”

I suggest students, faculty and others who back education over big-time sports publicly condemn this plan, call for Kaler and Teague to withdraw it, urge prospective donors to sports expansion to rethink their plans and to publicly call upon Gov. Mark Dayton and the Legislature to stop this plan in its tracks.

Go Gophers!!

This guy should really read up on "The Flutie Effect"....

I don't know why he is against private funding for this facilities complex. If he has real concerns he should ask questions like how much money will it cost the public to run and maintain these facilities (water, electricity, repairs, etc.). The cost that Teague sites only concerns the building cost. The public will be on the hook for maintenance and staffing costs, which universities notoriously never mention and hope that no one actually asks, especially when it comes to federal research grants.

He could also do some type of comparative analysis with other schools and see if modern facilities translates into more wins, or if not building modern facilities translates into more losses. I love TCF Bank stadium, but anyone who actually thought the new stadium would lead to more wins and better recruiting was a fool.

I'll gladly take my position in that long line.

I thankfully realize and think what most of us agree to is that this guy makes about as much sense as do lots of commentors to articles in the Strib.

I thankfully realize and think what most of us agree to is that this guy makes about as much sense as do lots of commentors to articles in the Strib.

Yeah. There are some legitimate concerns, but his article is really horrible.

I'll gladly take my position in that long line.

Does that mean you bought what they're selling, but now you realize it was an empty selling point? Or do you believe the stadium has already produced more wins and better recruits than we would have had otherwise? I suppose there is a third choice. Do you believe the stadium will produce more wins and better recruits in the future (If you believe this to be true then you really are a fool as a new stadium should manifest the results early on not later on because it will no longer be a new or exciting stadium later on)?

Does that mean you bought what they're selling, but now you realize it was an empty selling point? Or do you believe the stadium has already produced more wins and better recruits than we would have had otherwise? I suppose there is a third choice. Do you believe the stadium will produce more wins and better recruits in the future (If you believe this to be true then you really are a fool as a new stadium should manifest the results early on not later on because it will no longer be a new or exciting stadium later on)?

It has only been open for a few years. And yes, it is a recruiting tool. Don't fool yourself.

It has only been open for a few years. And yes, it is a recruiting tool. Don't fool yourself.

Really? Oh that's too bad. How foolish of me. Anything can be a tool, even people like you. Perhaps you're implying that the stadium is a good recruiting tool. If so, then I'm afraid you've got me. I afraid those pesky results in team record and recruiting may have led me astray. Perhaps I should have taken those platitudes of the new stadium being a great recruiting tool to heart without any critical thinking. If only I did, I could have been and continued to be part of the uneducated masses with you.

Unfortunately, I'm not one of them, so I'll bore you with what the results of TCF Bank have given us. I do hope you'll sing me a happy song to convince me how wrong I am.

Below are where the Gophers ranked in the Big Ten in recruiting by year per rivals. Nebraska has been retroactively added.

2002: 10th
2003: 4th
2004: 10th
2005: 11th
2006: 10th
2007: 10th
2008: 3rd
2009: 7th
2010: 7th
2011: 9th
2012: 12th
2013: 12th

Twice since 2002 the Gophers have been in the upper half of recruiting in the Big Ten, once at the dome and once at the newer stadium. I don't see anything that indicates that the new stadium was or is a good recruiting tool.

TCF Bank opened in 2009. Our best recruiting year occurred a year before the stadium opened in the first season with coach Brewster, a known recruiter. But, perhaps the promise of the new stadium attracted the good players. However, if like me, you think the stadium is nothing but a nice facility sold with empty promises, then you'll see no appreciable difference in recruiting. Perhaps it made recruiting better for its first few seasons, perhaps the coach known as a recruiter made a slight difference, or perhaps their really is no difference, especially considering the Gophers have ranked last the past two seasons with their shiny new stadium.

But recruiting results aren't the best indicator. After all, recruiting rankings are nothing but opinions, and opinions are nothing but written words, like platitudes are spoken. Words are wind. I prefer action and results, so let's look at team record.

Here are records by year.

2002: 8-5
2003: 10-3
2004: 7-5
2005: 7-5
2006: 6-7
2007: 1-11
2008: 7-6
2009: 6-7
2010: 3-9
2011: 3-9
2012: 6-7

Again, my eyes lie all the time, it's why I'm such a good sleeper. But it sure looks like the dome produced better results than TCF Bank stadium.

I don't know why a basketball practice facility would contribute to better recruiting based on the football results. But they are two different sports.

Perhaps some birds can sing me a few songs to help me understand why the results are wrong and the platitudes and words are right. Words are wind, and how the wind makes birds soar.

Wow, lets just hate on our own Football Stadium now. I thought this was about the athletic facilities that are planned to be built, not our FB stadium.

Wow, lets just hate on our own Football Stadium now. I thought this was about the athletic facilities that are planned to be built, not our FB stadium.

Perhaps you didn't didn't read critically, who said anything about hating the stadium?

I love going to multiple games at the stadium every year, that it's outdoors, that it's on campus, and that it has better food and wider concourses.

I'm simply challenging the idea that it's a good recruiting tool, and questioning whether more facilities will make a difference by examining what our newest facility has produced based on actual results as opposed to platitudes that were used to sell it to the public. If you can't handle someone challenging you or holding those beliefs while also enjoying football and basketball that shows your own shortcomings.

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