MN Daily: Leidner should start, ya feel me?


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per the Daily:

After Leidner led the Gophers to their most inspiring win of the season — a 43-24 victory over San Jose State — Kill proclaimed at his postgame press conference that the injured Philip Nelson will be the team’s starting quarterback going forward.

If that holds true, Kill and his coaches will renege on the injury policy they’ve preached all fall.

Gophers coaches have said through the first month of the season that if a starter gets hurt and the backup performs at a higher level, the backup then becomes the new starter.

And so far, Leidner has done just that.

Go Gophers!!

Regardless of who starts: the Coach ALWAYS gets to do what the coach WANTS...

per the Daily:

After Leidner led the Gophers to their most inspiring win of the season — a 43-24 victory over San Jose State — Kill proclaimed at his postgame press conference that the injured Philip Nelson will be the team’s starting quarterback going forward.

If that holds true, Kill and his coaches will renege on the injury policy they’ve preached all fall.

Gophers coaches have said through the first month of the season that if a starter gets hurt and the backup performs at a higher level, the backup then becomes the new starter.

And so far, Leidner has done just that.

Go Gophers!!

to do. The Coach IS the coach. As a fan, I root for all the players...and I know that the Coach always has the final say.

If the coach doesn't win enough Conference games...the Coach will be fired. So, I trust that the Coach will ALWAYS do what the Coach consideres to be the BEST thing to do given the situation...the circumstances and the Coach will prosper or feel the consequences of what the coach decides.

So, all you armchair coaches out don't count. Get yourself a contract IF you want to call the shots. Other wise, just settle in and root for which ever quarterback the coach decides to go with. In Coach Kill's system...he STRIVES to have at least two quarterbacks who are ready to run the show at any given time. What this fan...or that fan thinks is best just doesn't matter in the LEAST.

Persoanlly: I hope the quarterback...which ever is playing at any given time rips the hawgeyes up! IF they both play on Saturday, I hope they BOTH have great games. I like any and EVERY quarterback the coach may decide to hand the ball to! And THAT is exactly what the coach will do. The Coach will decide. End of story...

to do. The Coach IS the coach. As a fan, I root for all the players...and I know that the Coach always has the final say.

If the coach doesn't win enough Conference games...the Coach will be fired. So, I trust that the Coach will ALWAYS do what the Coach consideres to be the BEST thing to do given the situation...the circumstances and the Coach will prosper or feel the consequences of what the coach decides.

So, all you armchair coaches out don't count. Get yourself a contract IF you want to call the shots. Other wise, just settle in and root for which ever quarterback the coach decides to go with. In Coach Kill's system...he STRIVES to have at least two quarterbacks who are ready to run the show at any given time. What this fan...or that fan thinks is best just doesn't matter in the LEAST.

Persoanlly: I hope the quarterback...which ever is playing at any given time rips the hawgeyes up! IF they both play on Saturday, I hope they BOTH have great games. I like any and EVERY quarterback the coach may decide to hand the ball to! And THAT is exactly what the coach will do. The Coach will decide. End of story...
Cool story.

Cool story.

Oh my little pet Wren,

You never post, you submit a large, awkward, random assemblage of sentences. If fact, the sentences you apparently kidnapped in the dead of night and forced into this violent and arbitrary plan of yours clearly seemed to be placed on the pages against their will.

Whoever practices the best this week with the least mistakes, should play, Leidner or Nelson it is that simple. There is no repalcement for game experience at QB.
We will likely need both of them to play on Saturday to beat Iowa.
You can't do what Mitch did against SJSU against Iowa run the QB that much, the pounding he will take will cause turnovers as he was a little loose with the football on Saturday. Mitch enjoys contact and running people over but he will find people his size hitting him this Saturday, and Iowa is really good at creating turnovers, he will find players that are just as quick as him and not undersized.
The Gophers need to be able to throw the middle screen dump offs and the smoke screens outside to create some mismatches that move the chains. Nelson does this throw better than Leidner right now. There is no replacement for Big 10 game experience, I want the guy that is least likely to be nervous and crap his pants on Saturday starting out the game. Like I said whoever practices better this week should get the start and they should get equal repititions in practice to sort this out. I think we will likely need them both to play this week. We can create mismatches and take advantage of what they both do well, it will be harder for Iowa to gameplan against us if we have the threat of both playing and changing up the looks.

Bud Grant had a way to handle the injury situation that seemed to work well, even though some fans predictably disagreed. In short, the backup performs well until the starter recovers. Do your job, contribute to the team by fulfilling your role. Sadly, that method doesn't allow for endless controversy and distraction.

Wren, gopherdude, and maxwell have said it all. So with that, the only thing I will add is this: I am ready for a beer.

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