MN Daily: Former Gopher LB Mike Rallis chasing his WWE dream


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Daily:

Rallis is now getting a shot to live out that dream. He was one of five athletes to try out for the WWE earlier this month in Orlando, Fla., and was invited back for a second tryout in December.

The Carlson School of Management double major played for the Gophers from 2008-12 and was the team’s second-leading tackler last season. He said he was hoping for a shot with an NFL team but has since moved on to the WWE.

“They kept talking about how it’s not just a job — it’s a lifestyle,” Rallis said. “And that’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

Now, Rallis is training for the next tryout. Klein volunteered to make him another training regimen, which will last about eight weeks.

“This year, I got to strap on an NFL helmet,” Rallis said, “I also got to step into a WWE wrestling ring, and I don’t think a lot of people can say that — especially not in the same year.”

Go Gophers!!

Mike Rallis should reach out to Shelton Benjamen or Brock Lesnar former M men

For Advice on what it takes to become Pro wreslter. Not saying they would help the kid but you never know as former
M men at the University of Minnesota they may be able to offer him some advice on the psychology of selling moves and making fans get in to the matches and cheer or boo. Coach Morgan who works for Brock Lesnar in training is also a former U guy that may be able to help. Jay Robinson at the U may even be a resource for Mike to seek out Shelton Benjamen or Lesnar. I know I have read that Lesnar is a pretty difficult guy to reach or get a hold of but he may be interested in helping a kid like Mike out, I'm sure people helped Brock along the way but you can say Brock is a freak athlete.

Would not hurt too for Mike Rallis to try and get in touch with a Joe Henning another Minnesota guy that currently works there in WWE. Anything for an edge can help a guy pursue training and development. Those guys may be able to demonstrate or teach some stuff about the business advice wise that others cannot give. He must have already got there attention if he passed the first tryout, as he must have shown enough athleticisim and upside that he has potential to be able to work at that trade.

Mike Rallis is a good enough athlete that I could see him making this type of transition to a WWE type of career as an entertainer.
I wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors. One last thing he should grow his hair extra long or get back the mane he had in his football playing days if he is pursuing that wrestling career, the fans like Unique and different types of looks that you do not see every day. Things like the wild hair and the physique get guys to stand out from the crowd. He seemed like a talker as a player too, use that your advantage,(Being half crazy in wrestling is a good thing) you have to be able to get people fired up in both a good or bad way to make it over, and showing charisma on the microphone is as much as important as the wrestling and technical stuff (Watch Jessie the Body old wrestling videos and promos for stylization) he is a boob of a person but he was good at the talk in wrestling.

I don't follow the wrestling that much anymore but was a geek for the AWA type of stuff back in the day.
One last thing, stay away from the Pain killers, to many good athletes and wrestlers have died at young ages and have gone crazy getting addicted to the meds and the roids or HGH.

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