MN Daily column: Hiring Goetz would be a Gophers victory


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Martha Pietruszewski:

As I’m not a college athlete, I can’t speak to Goetz’s skills as well as others can. However, I think she’s done a great job stepping into a position that was under a lot of scrutiny before she filled it. Unfortunately, a search committee might replace her.

There would be several benefits to keeping Goetz as athletics director. She has been with the Gophers since 2013, and we needed her leadership expertise during a time when the men’s basketball team has come under fire for the role some of its members played in an illicit video.

Unless Goetz has some skeletons hidden deep in her closet, I don’t see why the University should waste money and time to lead a national search for a new athletics director. A fine candidate is already sitting in the position.

Another reason why Goetz makes the most sense for the job is because she’s a woman. It’s always a good thing to have more women in executive leadership. Women are capable, thoughtful leaders, and female athletes could use a strong role model.

Go Gophers!!

If she's the best candidate give her the job. If not, move on. My opinion.

Articles like this just hurt the public perception of Goetz imo. She SHOULD get the job, but the fact that she's a woman is not the reason, and actually kind of insulting to her that it's the main qualifier in the article.

How about this:

-Teauge fired, subsequent investigation on Teague & workplace climate
-Large facilities fundraising project breaks ground
-Head football coach steps down mid season
-Hiring of new head football coach
-Title IX investigation
-Sexual harassment "scandal", football team
-Sex tape scandal, basketball team

That's a busy year and a lot to manage with an interum label. What got botched?

What concerns me is that the capital campaign hasn't made any progress since Teague was fired. The AD absolutely has to be able to raise money, lots of it.

per Martha Pietruszewski:

While there are plenty of good arguments for Beth Goetz and I am in favor of keeping her, this is a very poor one. We should have a search committee and a search firm, we are a Big Ten school after all and nobody should get a job because of race, gender etc. You hire a person or elect someone because you feel they're the best choice.

Not sure if the U runs in the same manner, but when I worked at IU any open position had to be advertised and take applicants from the public. You couldn't just hire/promote from within without conducting a search.

Is Martha a women's studies major? Since when does having a vagina make you a better applicant for a job? The search committee definitely won't care and will hire the person they feel is best qualified regardless of sex, race or religious affiliation. There is no Rooney rule for hiring an AD.

When I stated on this board in the past how I would prefer someone other than Goetz, a certain someone told me I didn't like her because she had a vagina and how I was a Trump supporter (couldn't be further from the truth). Now someone thinks one of the reasons she should get the job is because she has a vagina. Vagina's. Causing trouble since the beginning of time.

Bleedgopher; you are ever so slightly too late here. You had forever to post:

"Unless Goetz has some skeletons hidden deep in her closet, I don’t see why the University should waste money and time to lead a national search for a new athletics director."

It took oodles of months to put together the committee and hire the search firm for 200k or whatever it will cost. The deed is done. She will not be selected. If you were the search firm would you recommend the person currently in the position. I think not. Kind of like an audit, you darn well better find something to rationalize your job.

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