MN Daily Column: Education lost in athleticism


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per the Daily:

Wednesday, college football fans across the country will flip on their television screens to see if some of the big-name college football prospects will head to their favorite teams.

This day is one full of wonder and excitement for many, but is disturbing — on far too many levels — for someone, like me, to enjoy.

Teenagers will go before crowded audiences of reporters, photographers and camera crews to announce where they will be continuing their education.

Because college is still about furthering education, remember?

Go Gophers!!

What a bunch of B.S. Each young man or on another stage young women is given a gift. An opportunity for a scholarship to a University. The families are thrilled to see the youngster get a chance to further a dream. While the hoopla is around the recruiting class, Kill is all about the young man graduating. Now if we sign 22 or 24, you will probably see 8-10 still playing as seniors. There will be injuries and roster competition. And the occasional lack of passion. But of graduation rate of those signing today, is higher than the population at large in that 4 year period. Yes, its about education and discipline for the rest of their lives.

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