MN Daily: Coach Jerry Kill connects with state in offseason

You just want him to do well here. He cares about people, it's refreshing.

In case anyone involved with setting the schedules in the athletic department is reading this - can you have at least one speaking event that is somewhere in the metro area and is intended for a general audience? Please? He does a lot of community outreach, and is to be commended for that, but all of his events are either way outstate, or intended for a specific audience (non-season-ticket holders, coaches, women, etc.). In order to hear him speak, I would either have to drive for hours, become a coach, give up my season tickets, or have a sex change. Since I won't be doing any of those things, can you please just schedule one event in the metro area that I, a non-coach, non-woman, metro area-residing season ticket holder, can reasonably attend? Just one? Please?

The Signing Day Social is a great way for the average fan to hear coach Kill.

In case anyone involved with setting the schedules in the athletic department is reading this - can you have at least one speaking event that is somewhere in the metro area and is intended for a general audience? Please? He does a lot of community outreach, and is to be commended for that, but all of his events are either way outstate, or intended for a specific audience (non-season-ticket holders, coaches, women, etc.). In order to hear him speak, I would either have to drive for hours, become a coach, give up my season tickets, or have a sex change. Since I won't be doing any of those things, can you please just schedule one event in the metro area that I, a non-coach, non-woman, metro area-residing season ticket holder, can reasonably attend? Just one? Please?

I don't know how his schedule works, but would it be that hard to have something like that before or after one of the open practices?

It is reasonable that he might already have that schedule filled with team meetings, film sessions, etc. But that seems like a logical fit to me.

Not a member of the Goal Line Club but their lunches would be a great way to hear coach Kill speak. You don't have to be a member to attend.

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