Mitch Browning


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Jan 7, 2009
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I am a Miami Hurricane fan. It has been said that Mitch Browning has applied for the open OC position at our school. Most fans seem to be excited about this but I would like to hear honest opinions by people who watched mitch call plays as to how good or bad or average an OC he is. Thank you very much for your time and good luck next season and in your search for coaches as well.

Mitch Browning was a very good OC here at the U. Offense was
never the problem during the Mason era, and he put together some
of the best running games in recent college football history.

Let me put it this way:

In the 2003 Sun Bowl, the Gophers are the ONLY team I have ever
seen that successfully executed a 2-minute drill to win a football game
exclusively by running the football.

The guy can coach. Your school would be lucky to get him.

In my opinion he is just average. He had some really good backs here so running the ball was never the question, but the play calling was pretty bland, maybe cuz the talent around the backs wasn't top notch...My personal feel is "the U" could do a lot better then this. Not really sure what he has done for fans of your caliber team would naturally be excited for. Hope for the best for your sake.

I will probably name my first couple sons Mitch Browning. Other than that I have no opinion of him.

I will never forget the man who called "The Hail Mary on the Ground" against Michigan. Had 'em beat before the snap!

he definatly had the running game going here. the o-line did quite a good job in the zone blocking sceme they used. i hated the pass plays they had and it bothered me that they would never throw the ball to the running back or run any screens. too many 25 to 35 yard fade patterns on our own side of the field.

thank you very much for your opinions. Its always best to hear straight from the fans. A lot of people like the idea of chuck long until they talk to OU fans.

thank you very much for your opinions. Its always best to hear straight from the fans. A lot of people like the idea of chuck long until they talk to OU fans.

Long is being tossed around here also, what do OU fans say?

I loved the Mitch Browning offenses. I loved that our O-linemen could practically look accross the line and tell the defenders what the play was going to be and then go out and execute it. It was VERY predictable, but it was executed so well that it worked. And that was with linemen from places like Bismarck that no-one else was recruiting. I can't imagine how good those Browning offenses would have been with some highly heralded recruits.

I know a contractor who did some work on his house in Roseville and he said that Browning genuinely seemed to love the University of Minnesota. I wished that Brewster had kept him on as the OC. Oh well.

I wonder how well, though, he would "fit" with Miami. He is kind of old-school and may not be the best at recruiting high school kids.

The miami staff is filled with amazing recruiters. We just need an OC that can sell our Offense to kids by putting a product on the field but the talent is there. We are missing good gameplanning, adjustments, and execution.

By the way, OU fans hate Chuck Long. They say he was way too predictable and he is the only OC in the Stoops era that they all dislike.


Browing was a master at the running game and a very good coach. My only complaint was 3rd and ten was either zone running play, which actually got the first down from time to time or the sideline fade pattern.

Now, at Miami he would not have to worry about protecting his terrible defense as much so maybe he would actually throw the ball down the middle of the field once in a while.

Overall, very good football coach.

One of my favorite quotes was from a Michigan State defensive lineman (when we ran all over them for probably 400 yards) and he said something like "they didn't really do anything special up front, they just kind of got in our way." He runs a zone blocking scheme with the center often pulling and the entire line using cut blocks. Opposing fans always called us cheap but its perfectly legal. (they confuse cut blocking with chop blocking)

He recruited undersized athletic offensive linemen.

good luck to Mitch

Browning was no doubt a master running game type of coordinator. If you like rushing the football, you would love him. From 2002 - 2006 the Gophers saw some of the best rushing attacks in the history of college football. HOWEVER.

Maybe Miami wouldn't have had this problem, but the issue at Minnesota was that we never really were able to recruit great QB's or WR's. Those guys don't want to come to an offense that runs the ball 50 times per game. So your passing game would be limited. This becomes a big problem if you ever get behind by a couple touchdowns. If your QB ever needs to pass you back into a game, it would be difficult.

Your best bet would be if he balanced it out some, mixing in more passes than he did in Minnesota. He can successfully do that, then if you put talented kids like Miami has under his coaching I think he'd be pretty dang good.

It looks like I am less enamored than most. He could coach the running game, but I thought his play-calling ability left something to be desired. He (and Peterson) never developed a QB when they were here.

I would probably give Browning some credit as a recruiter as well. Didn't he get Maroney and most of the Ohio guys (we can debate them to some degree, I know).

A very capable coach

Who would probably do well at Miami with the talent available in Florida. He was architect of a terrific running game, as others have posted. Rarely used the shotgun, so I don't know what kind of spread offense he'd tailor for Miami - lots of sideline fades, which got to be a bore - and low percentage, besides. A pretty good recruiter. Overall, probably a good get for Miami, but off hand I don't know his age - not young, if that's a factor.

Mitch Browning = Denver Bronco's running scheme

If you have Mitch Browning as your OC expect to have at least one if not two RB's rush for 1000 yards every season. The running game and blocking schemes are identical to what the Bronco's ran under Shanahan and the Gophers and Bronco's coaching staffs were very close (our former DC was the son of the Bronco's line coach before going to coach at Denver). The Gophers have the second most starting RB's in the NFL behind your beloved Miami (sorry, every state calls their local University the U so I won't give you that honor). Some of the RB's that played under Browning offenses are Laurence Maroney, Marion Barber III, Gary Russell, Thomas Tapeh, Tellis Redmon, and Thomas Hamner.

He ran a very plain vanilla passing game that consisted of four plays: fade route to WR's, slant route to WR's, an outside WR screen play in a trips formation, and an absolutely beautiful naked bootleg (with Play Action off of an outside zone running play) where the TE fakes a block and then runs a delayed out pattern and he is always the only player on that half of the field so it went for 30-50 yards.

It should be easier for Miami to recruit talent at QB & WR so I would hope for your sake that he runs a more complex passing game. When we had experienced QB's with talent he was more willing to air it out and his last QB actually set the school record for passing yardage. It was always a staple that the QB's had a high passing efficiency and the Gophers generally were amongst the leaders in turnover margin.

I agree that he was a good OC and had a balanced attach. However, your WR's will only need to run one route, the sideline fade.

Your question would indicate

that you are an intelligent fan doing some research on a coach.

Your handle indicates that you know very little about which college is The Real U.

To put another stamp on the already long list of responses - Browning is a good coach. But at the same time you must consider the source. We are fans of The U (or the University of Minnesota, no need to claim our authenticity) and therefore we were willing to grasp on to anything that didn't resemble putrid.

Browning seemed to do a respectable job with what he was given. Take that for what it's worth. As long as he doesn't bring the Grinster and Dead Wood Ankney along with him, you will likely see some quality results.

Browning would be a good hire and with the talent you can get to your school he would be able to do even more than he did here. You will score no less than 35 points a game

NO PASSING GAME. Run, Run, Run, and throw a weak-ars go-route down the sideline.

The only part of the passing game that Browning handled at MN was the blocking. So IMHO the OP should pretty much disregard anything (good or bad) posted about browning as it relates to QB's, WR's, routes or pass play calling.

I think it was mason that said our offensive scheme had more to do with the kind of recruits we could get than their philosophy. That being said it's possible that what we saw here at Minnesota was a very good coaching job and not an indication of a run happy pass poor philosophy. I'd be inclined to believe that Browning could architect any offensive scheme that fit the recruits you got.

I'm not saying that I want Mitch Browning back, though I thought he did a good job.

I think a lot of people on this board don't understand there is a correlation between being a good running team and having a good defense. Why? Your on the field for longer periods of time on offense.

Our defense would have been better this year if our offense could have sustained some drives. How many short TD or scoring drives did our opponents have this year because of a turnover?

I would get sick of our basic throwing scheme but, for the most part it worked.

Does any one know why we threw a lot of fades? (People had to put more players in the box, therefore we had one on one on the outside)

Why not have more complex routes? ( With all the people in the box to stop the run it's hard to pass block 7 and 8 people.)

THe fade looked pretty good when Ron Johnson was catching them, maybe our newly toughted 4 star studs WR recruits will be do the same.


Well his offenses surely did some nice things. What bothered me was playcalling late in games with a lead. Clock management was an issue. But boy, when his running game was humming it was beautiful.

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