"Minnesota didn't deserve it."


Oct 17, 2009
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To hear the Augustana play-by-play clown express that Minnesota didn't deserve to win really bothered me. Who is this joker? Regardless of the circumstance, it is outrageously unprofessional to say something like that after your team loses to a better team. I think that last comment just pushed me over the edge. His call of the game was beyond pathetic. His constant sarcasm about the fouls was ridiculous. When he said "Of course you're going to get those calls against Ohio State and Michigan State in Big Ten play (sarcastically)" I almost lost it; and then he made that last comment. I think we should complain to the radio station about this clown. Honestly. He does not deserve to be on the radio.

I get where you're coming from. And I'm not even going to try to change your mind, because I don't have much to argue with.

If you want to complain to the radio station, feel free. But he's been with Augie and KIKN for 20+ years I want to say, so I don't know how much luck you'll have.

Either way, sorry you didn't enjoy the experience.

I was at the game and can confirm the refs kept us in this one in the first half, lead could have been doubled probably, FTs were 16-2. I actually said to my buddy "Trevor won't get that call in the big ten so it's not helping him to bail him out in this game", so I guess I can see where he was coming from.

Tubby has no shot at a tourny win this year or next, that will be zero wins in six years here, and we are thinking of extending him 5 more...... LOL!

I was at the game and can confirm the refs kept us in this one in the first half, lead could have been doubled probably, FTs were 16-2. I actually said to my buddy "Trevor won't get that call in the big ten so it's not helping him to bail him out in this game", so I guess I can see where he was coming from.

Tubby has no shot at a tourny win this year or next, that will be zero wins in six years here, and we are thinking of extending him 5 more...... LOL!

I'm quite confident he would have had at least one last year if not for Nolen's injury, which was beyond his control.

I'm quite confident he would have had at least one last year if not for Nolen's injury, which was beyond his control.

I disagree, he could have signed someone a heck of a lot better than Mav, or he could not be an old stubborn SOB who players don't like to play for resulting in Cobbs and Devoe leaving the team. Quit making excuses for a sub par coach who is far past his prime yet can't realize it and make an adjustment.

Not worth trying to make a man unemployed. At least we got a lot of free throw practice tonight.

sonnygarcia said:
I disagree, he could have signed someone a heck of a lot better than Mav, or he could not be an old stubborn SOB who players don't like to play for resulting in Cobbs and Devoe leaving the team. Quit making excuses for a sub par coach who is far past his prime yet can't realize it and make an adjustment.

Lol this is one of those parody accounts, like on twitter, right? Haha you got us good!

Easy to say. To say they would make the tourney and win a game? That's a reach.

I disagree, he could have signed someone a heck of a lot better than Mav, or he could not be an old stubborn SOB who players don't like to play for resulting in Cobbs and Devoe leaving the team. Quit making excuses for a sub par coach who is far past his prime yet can't realize it and make an adjustment.

He took Mav because he wanted Cory Joseph, who signed rather late in the game, so we got burned on that deal, it can be debated whether it was right for Tubby to go after him in the first place. At that point, I don't think it was possible to get someone a heck of a lot better than Mav. I have heard Cobbs was homesick, and Devoe got suspended twice last season, so I wouldn't say Devoe left because Tubby wronged him , even if he may have seen it that way. Also you never exactly said that we wouldn't have won a tourney game if not for Nolen's injury.

Lol this is one of those parody accounts, like on twitter, right? Haha you got us good!

Good to see you are happy with what's going on over at Williams, there are about 4 guys on scholly who should be playing a level down

Easy to say. To say they would make the tourney and win a game? That's a reach.

Why is it a reach to say that a top 15 team could win a tourney game? Lots of ranked teams go to the tourney every year, and lots of ranked teams win games in the tourney. You're basically saying that an 11 to 14 seed team would have been favored against us.

Why is it a reach to say that a top 15 team could win a tourney game? Lots of ranked teams go to the tourney every year, and lots of ranked teams win games in the tourney. You're basically saying that an 11 to 14 seed team would have been favored against us.

Being a top 15 team and being ranked top 15(for a short period of time) are not necesarily the same thing.

sonnygarcia said:
Good to see you are happy with what's going on over at Williams, there are about 4 guys on scholly who should be playing a level down

You mean the 0-0 record? Yup. Horrendous.

You mean the 0-0 record? Yup. Horrendous.

So I take it you are not able to watch a third of the players on this team and have enough basketball sense to understand they shouldn't be playing in the big ten? Also, I assume you didn't watch this squad the second half of last season when one player went down, a player who we don't have on this years team. Keep your head buried in the sand, seems to be working out well for you.


Some act as if he has never fielded a team that was good enough to win a tournament game. If not for bad luck we would have likely won one last year. We had a good team last year. I think it's hard to argue that with Nolen, we wouldn't have been at least a 6 seed last year.

So I take it you are not able to watch a third of the players on this team and have enough basketball sense to understand they shouldn't be playing in the big ten? Also, I assume you didn't watch this squad the second half of last season when one player went down, a player who we don't have on this years team. Keep your head buried in the sand, seems to be working out well for you.

We didn't have a suitable replacement for that player last season. We didn't have Andre Hollins and Julian Welch on the team then; we do now.

Some act as if he has never fielded a team that was good enough to win a tournament game. If not for bad luck we would have likely won one last year. We had a good team last year. I think it's hard to argue that with Nolen, we wouldn't have been at least a 6 seed last year.

Yes, very good chance we could have won one game last year. But one ncaa tournament win in four years is not what most expected.

Yes, very good chance we could have won one game last year. But one ncaa tournament win in four years is not what most expected.

Considering they've only done it 5 times since 1970 (3 officially) and not since 96-97 (88-89 officially) what exactly were your expectations through 4 years?

I was up in the second deck with all those Viking fans. They were insufferable, just whining and complaining the whole game. At one point, Tubby called a timeout, and these jackasses were bitching about that. I never thought I'd use this phrase, but 'worse than Badger fans' comes to mind - at least in some ways. These goat-ropers just seemed to have an underlying inferiority complex. I rarely have a bad word to say about opposing fans, but these clowns struck me as pissants from a pissant college.

I was up in the second deck with all those Viking fans. They were insufferable, just whining and complaining the whole game. At one point, Tubby called a timeout, and these jackasses were bitching about that. I never thought I'd use this phrase, but 'worse than Badger fans' comes to mind - at least in some ways. These goat-ropers just seemed to have an underlying inferiority complex. I rarely have a bad word to say about opposing fans, but these clowns struck me as pissants from a pissant college.

Sounds like they got to you a little bit. Also, goat-ropers is a really funny insult. I'll need to remember that one.

Sounds like they got to you a little bit. Also, goat-ropers is a really funny insult. I'll need to remember that one.

But I didn't get to you. You're better than me, and that's sincere.

I was up in the second deck with all those Viking fans. They were insufferable, just whining and complaining the whole game. At one point, Tubby called a timeout, and these jackasses were bitching about that. I never thought I'd use this phrase, but 'worse than Badger fans' comes to mind - at least in some ways. These goat-ropers just seemed to have an underlying inferiority complex. I rarely have a bad word to say about opposing fans, but these clowns struck me as pissants from a pissant college.

See bold in reply...absolutely no way possible!!!

I have to admit, the Augustana students' passion was partly inspirational, and partly humorous. There were some salty Lutherans upstairs in 219. My buddies and I were laughing at how seriously they were taking the proceedings, but as I am a man who was almost kicked out of the game by a referee at the Barn for calling him Donaghy last year, I don't probably have much room to talk.

I have to admit, the Augustana students' passion was partly inspirational, and partly humorous. There were some salty Lutherans upstairs in 219. My buddies and I were laughing at how seriously they were taking the proceedings, but as I am a man who was almost kicked out of the game by a referee at the Barn for calling him Donaghy last year, I don't probably have much room to talk.

I will say that a lot of the Augie basketball guys really enjoy playing in front of that group. That turnout at the Barn was about half of what we usually get for good NSIC home games (Winona State, Mankato, St. Cloud), and some of the louder Augieholics typically have a little more liquid courage in their systems for home games, so it can get a pretty crazy (especially in a smaller gym that only seats about 3500-4000). Early on, the old folks weren't big fans of the Augieholics, but I think they've warmed up to them over the years.

It's always fun when they get a bus and go on the road though. They usually make it a point to be louder and more active than the home team's student section and they rarely fail. Even if it is pretty obnoxious for the home team's fans (as I'm sure it was last night).

Come on give them a break..they are form South Dakota. This was a big deal for them.

guys...preseason...getting kinks out, acclimating new players, seeing who really doesn't belong, seeing who has chemistry together...give it a few games.

Not saying the Gophers did or did not deserve the win, just that it is preseason and an opportunity to work on a few things.

guys...preseason...getting kinks out, acclimating new players, seeing who really doesn't belong, seeing who has chemistry together...give it a few games.

Not saying the Gophers did or did not deserve the win, just that it is preseason and an opportunity to work on a few things.

Isn't it preseason for Bermidji and Augustana also.

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