Mini Strib Rant: Page C10


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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I grabbed my old-school paper edition of the Star Tribune this morning and looked for the Gopher hoops story. A small header on the sports front page referred me to page C10.

Page 10 of the Sports Page. Really?

Page 2 was stuff about Kluwe, (and he is who?), The Twins minor league machinations and a variety of other sports tidbits I had no interest in.

Page 3 was highlighted by Sid, the Astros, Selig, and the NL Cy Young. I admit the NL Cy Young is of interest.

Page 4: NHL

Page 5: Hunting

Page 6 and 7: College Football

Page 8: NFL

Page 9: College Hockey

Page 10: Prep High school, Thursday scores, Syracuse pedophile, and the Gopher basketball game story.

Is this really how an actual game of the lone division 1 college basketball team in the state should be placed and covered in the local paper?


Based on your summary of the paper (I don't have it in front of me)-the story was on the back page. Is this correct? If so, you would be wise to realize the back page is generally a second front page, appealing more or less often times to more local interests.

However, I'll assume that wasn't the case and even if the Gophers were buried in the back of the paper, that is likely (in contrast with other sports stories) where this game story belongs. Regardless of whether or not it was a D-I program, we played Fairfield and are in the stretch of our easy non-conference games--there is very little interest. Outside of fans on this board and other fans who follow the gophs heavily, there is very little interest in the metro area with the first few non-conference games (significantly less than all of the stories you mentioned on earlier pages). Also, if you read the paper with some frequency, you would realize a lot of the story locations (page 2 for example about Kluwe) are features or sports that generally have a predetermined spot.

Before you continue your pathetic complaining any further, take a look at the lack of interest even on this board about last nights game. Now take into context the entire metro area--the story was where it belonged from a readership viewpoint.

Based on your summary of the paper (I don't have it in front of me)-the story was on the back page. Is this correct? If so, you would be wise to realize the back page is generally a second front page, appealing more or less often times to more local interests.

However, I'll assume that wasn't the case and even if the Gophers were buried in the back of the paper, that is likely (in contrast with other sports stories) where this game story belongs. Regardless of whether or not it was a D-I program, we played Fairfield and are in the stretch of our easy non-conference games--there is very little interest. Outside of fans on this board and other fans who follow the gophs heavily, there is very little interest in the metro area with the first few non-conference games (significantly less than all of the stories you mentioned on earlier pages). Also, if you read the paper with some frequency, you would realize a lot of the story locations (page 2 for example about Kluwe) are features or sports that generally have a predetermined spot.

Before you continue your pathetic complaining any further, take a look at the lack of interest even on this board about last nights game. Now take into context the entire metro area--the story was where it belonged from a readership viewpoint.

Sorry you found my complaint pathetic. Your point regarding the back page has merit. However, there were in fact 12 pages to this mornings sports page. The back page had High School football tourney previews.

Strikes me that in most cases, a D1 hoops game, played in town the day before, regardless of the foe would be of more interest than ANY of the stuff not related to yesterdays actual contests or activities.

To me the rest of the stuff is blah-blah filler. Just IMHO.

I apologize for this pathetic response.

C'mon. In a 12-page section, C-10 is the 11th most important page!!

No intro on the main page with continuation on C-10?

C'mon. In a 12-page section, C-10 is the 11th most important page!!

No intro on the main page with continuation on C-10?

No intro or start of the story on the front page. There was only a small reference to the story on Page C10, including a small picture, in the upper right hand corner of the front page.

Newspapers have pages? But seriously it was near the top of the website, not just the sports section. So maybe that makes up for it?

maybe they filed the story late and that was the only room left?

it does seem odd that it's on the 10th page though.

Just so you know, Page 2 never really has anything important on it, ever.

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