Mike Max


Apr 27, 2010
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I thought I heard MM say last night on the sports that the U is willing to pay $2.5 to $3 MM per year to coaches like Peterson, Patterson or Harbaugh. Anybody else hear that?

I thought I heard MM say last night on the sports that the U is willing to pay $2.5 to $3 MM per year to coaches like Peterson, Patterson or Harbaugh. Anybody else hear that?

Yup. Just went and checked the DVR. Also said if the front line names turn down the U they might look at Leach. Also said to look for some former players to be on the search or hiring committe. And, MN is very serious about this hire.

If it's any combination of Petersen, Patterson, and Harbaugh, followed by Leach as our top 4 choices, I would be very content with that.

All of this is good news, if true. I'll have to see it to believe it, but if we lay down $3m and get an absolute top-notch coach, it would be incredibly refreshing.

Best news I have heard yet regarding this hire. I sure hope they get a heavy hitter for us to rally behind. If Leach is really being considered as a "fall back", that is fantastic because going into this I was thinking to myself they would be lucky to snare someone of that caliber.

Even if the top guns turn us down, I want to know that they received serious consideration/offer,

Agreed, this would certainly be a real commitment for change if all is true.

Bruininks pretty much said the U was not going to shell out $3 million in Fuller's article this morning. However, it does sound like the U is committed to spending a whole lot more than they have in the past. The best line in article though was that Maturi will have the final "recommendation", not decision, on who the next coach will be. I don't know if that's the common phrase for a president to make or if it actually means that Joel's going to be on a short leash this time. The Fuller article's a pretty good read and seems to confirm that hiring a big time coach is a real priority for the prez.

Golden Gophers......Al Golden...Coincidence, I think not ;-)

Mike Max is an idiot. He is a homer and a butt kisser - just a younger Sid. I think his comments were just his opinion and unfortunately I think his opinion is wrong. Did Max sight any sources for his info?

Mike Max is an idiot. He is a homer and a butt kisser - just a younger Sid. I think his comments were just his opinion and unfortunately I think his opinion is wrong. Did Max sight any sources for his info?

Yep. Max is a pathetic excuse for a journalist. He should stick to yammering about D3 teams that nobody cares about.

I think it is funny. Nobody would say Dan Bareiro is a homer and look at how he is ripped on the Gopher Hole. Mike Max has a more positive outlook but he gets the same fate as Bareiro. Basically, if you have a microphone in front of you... you are and "idiot" in this town.

I think it is funny. Nobody would say Dan Bareiro is a homer and look at how he is ripped on the Gopher Hole. Mike Max has a more positive outlook but he gets the same fate as Bareiro. Basically, if you have a microphone in front of you... you are and "idiot" in this town.

Especially odd since he's one of the few not championing Marc Trestman.

I think it is funny. Nobody would say Dan Bareiro is a homer and look at how he is ripped on the Gopher Hole. Mike Max has a more positive outlook but he gets the same fate as Bareiro. Basically, if you have a microphone in front of you... you are and "idiot" in this town.

Well said.

Personaly I think Mike Max does a very good job. Do I agree with everything he says?..hell no.

The same people bitch about lack of press, negative press, and then bitch about homerism. Do you really want all coverage to be from 60 miniutes. Of course they are 'idiots' too.

BTW Dave Lee is really bad at play-by-play.

Barreiro is a journalist. He's not perfect, and trends toward the negative, but he's not afraid to ask tough questions and address tough topics.

Max is a drooling sycophant who wouldn't dare to disagree with someone, ask a prying question, or address anything remotely controversial. He's completely worthless - a talking head at best.

Barreiro is a journalist. He's not perfect, and trends toward the negative, but he's not afraid to ask tough questions and address tough topics.

Max is a drooling sycophant who wouldn't dare to disagree with someone, ask a prying question, or address anything remotely controversial. He's completely worthless - a talking head at best.

Chris Hawkey is that you?

Barreiro is a journalist. He's not perfect, and trends toward the negative, but he's not afraid to ask tough questions and address tough topics.

Max is a drooling sycophant who wouldn't dare to disagree with someone, ask a prying question, or address anything remotely controversial. He's completely worthless - a talking head at best.

When I see or hear Mike Max doing any interview, all I can think of is a softball pitcher just throwing up nice, soft, eazy questions to make the guest look good. The next time he asks a controversial question or really challenges a guest will be the first.

Barreiro is a journalist. He's not perfect, and trends toward the negative, but he's not afraid to ask tough questions and address tough topics.

Max is a drooling sycophant who wouldn't dare to disagree with someone, ask a prying question, or address anything remotely controversial. He's completely worthless - a talking head at best.

Barreiro is not a journalist. He is a columnist/opinionator.

Wasn't Mike Max the one who reported that Seantrel Henderson was coming to the University of Minnesota. We should take what he says with a grain of salt. There is no way any of the coaches on this list come to the University of Minnesota. We better start looking at our second and third tier candidates.

Barreiro is a journalist.

Barreiro is a journalist to the extent that I am a slice of pumpkin pie. I am not. He is not.

He is a shock-jock. He says stupid crap to get a rise out of people. He is perfectly willing to mis-inform and play fast a lose with the facts because the whole point of his show is retain listeners (though, in his finest moments, he would still probably only concede that it is to entertain them).

In any case, he is not a reliable source of information on any any topic. It's like getting your news from the "Weekend Update" segment on Saturday Night Live.

Barreiro is a journalist. He's not perfect, and trends toward the negative, but he's not afraid to ask tough questions and address tough topics.

Except when he's talking to Vince Flynn.

Barreiro is a journalist to the extent that I am a slice of pumpkin pie. I am not. He is not.

He is a shock-jock. He says stupid crap to get a rise out of people. He is perfectly willing to mis-inform and play fast a lose with the facts because the whole point of his show is retain listeners (though, in his finest moments, he would still probably only concede that it is to entertain them).

In any case, he is not a reliable source of information on any any topic. It's like getting your news from the "Weekend Update" segment on Saturday Night Live.

Barreiro left the paper to do radio alone. Before that, he'd been in the newspaper business his whole life, and I would most certainly consider him a journalist based on his history and background. You may not like the fact that he's not all smiles and sunshine, like drooling Max, but I'd rather hear someone with a critical take on something than the softball garbage Max spews out.

I lost what little respect for Max I had when he interviewed Phil Housley a couple years back. Max was more or less swinging from Housley's family jewels, saying things like "It sure would have been nice if the Wild could have signed the hometown hero for a season to finish his career."

Perhaps he should have asked "Do you think you didn't get signed because you were involved in the incident that ultimately got Theo Fleury banned for life from the NHL?"

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