Mighty quiet in Madison

Unregistered User

Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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My guess is that those dirty, stinking red weasels to the east know exactly what went on and who was involved, and they are covering their hind quarters until after signing day. I believe they know this situation could be devastating for them.

I really can't believe there haven't been ANY whispers coming out of any dark corners.

Oh cool, I was hoping there would be a Friday the 13th thread.

BB is working hard to hire Tim Brewster as Asst. head coach/OC. Says he would be a tremendous hire. Sent him some used to Rose Bowl turf to try to seal the deal.

"guess it's a good time to be a Badger fan"

Maybe the real reason for the mass exodus of the coaches. They know more then we do.

Maybe the real reason for silence is there is no story. Maybe the guy resigned because he's a weasel or got pulled over drunk with a male prostitute in LA. Who knows, but since the rumor mill doesn't appear to be rolling, my guess is it is nothing. Sometimes no news means no news.

Maybe the real reason for silence is there is no story. Maybe the guy resigned because he's a weasel or got pulled over drunk with a male prostitute in LA. Who knows, but since the rumor mill doesn't appear to be rolling, my guess is it is nothing. Sometimes no news means no news.

Yep, PSU would agree with you. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.
Sandusky who? Nope, move along, no rumors means no news. Move along.

This guy was Barry's personal garbage cleanup man for his entire career at UW, he's suddenly out with no reported reason after 2 rose bowl berths in a row.
I absolutely don't trust anyone in madison, it stinks, and should stink to everyone until the reason is reported.

one would think there is somethig being hidden in this story, the pieces don't fit together.

Why would a LONG standing and important member of the program be 'removed' and distanced from the school/team VERY quickly? Even more interesting no police reports have been filed (that I know of) so that would remove a drunk driving/assult/solitication piece of it...perhaps those records are not public unitl charges are filed (if at all).

What would have occured that was significant enough to get pushed out right away but with out any legal missteps? If there was improper dealings would the program have to report it to the NCAA? (i.e. a $ kick back, ticket scalping, party with players and boosters)?

Intirgueing to say the least.

I simply hope no one was harmed in the 'events'.

one would think there is somethig being hidden in this story, the pieces don't fit together.

Why would a LONG standing and important member of the program be 'removed' and distanced from the school/team VERY quickly? Even more interesting no police reports have been filed (that I know of) so that would remove a drunk driving/assult/solitication piece of it...perhaps those records are not public unitl charges are filed (if at all).

What would have occured that was significant enough to get pushed out right away but with out any legal missteps? If there was improper dealings would the program have to report it to the NCAA? (i.e. a $ kick back, ticket scalping, party with players and boosters)?

Intirgueing to say the least.

I simply hope no one was harmed in the 'events'.

I'm sure ESPN would have been all over it

Clearly there is something going on here but what it is or how serious it may or may not be remains to be seen. I would think with all the scandals around college football if it is something minor Wisconsin would want to get out in front of the rumors but to this point they have been really quiet and apparently have instructed people internally to be quiet about it as well.

Where there is smoke their is usually fire, but as to what this fire involves it is pretty much anyones guess at this point. Hopefully it is a 4 alarm one but that might just be wishful thinking on the part of a Gopher fan....:)

Probably led a bunch of underagers back to his hotel room for champagne.

Where's that turd who likes to go on and on about how he's only here because it's such great comedy and if there weren't any threads about Wisconsin, he wouldn't post here? He's been a quiet little mouse lately.

Can you imagine how drunk and embarrassing he must have been to be MORE drunk and embarrassing than the other drunk badgers at the rose bowl?
Good god, they don't even charge you with DWI in sconnie unless you're a 0.3 BAC.

I miss the Wisconsin game days on the Metrodome Plaza, especially those 11 o'clock games. There would always be at least a couple of vomit-covered Weasels slumped on a plaza curb by 9 AM. Even in my best (or worst I guess) days, I had a hard time achieving that. Old times.

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