Might as well be wearing long pants


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
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Some of NDSU's players have shorts that cover the top of their socks. If they weren't so full, they would be capri pants. I know I played back in the shorty-shorts era but, come on. If anyone would have brought one of those two-legged hula skirts in and said we were going to play in them - they would have been laughed out of the gym.

I was actually thinking the same thing. Maybe it's just that Felt kid, though. Everything on him looks far too long (hair included).

Oh bother, I'm starting to sound like my dad.

Ahh the old shortie shorts. I can remember playing in those and the first time I saw someone wearing more of a longer short I thought it looked so odd. But I just recently watched a replay of a game with Indiana with Alford....now the shortie shorts look bad.

We wore the Short shorts but pulled our socks up to just below the knee. Ufdah!

Ufdah, plus 1. Styles change but when I look back it is really funny.

I might be to blame for the long baggy short trend- I didn't realize the reach a kid from a small town in west central Minnesota could have and influence the game in this manner but it validates the butterfly theory. As a 5'6" sophmore getting a chance to dress for the varsity in 1980 I was the last kid to select a uniform-- guess what size shorts were left for me to choose from? yup--no choice, the only size left were XL. Everyone made fun of me that year but the Fab Five from Michigan somehow heard about how I must have made it look cool.

I might be to blame for the long baggy short trend- I didn't realize the reach a kid from a small town in west central Minnesota could have and influence the game in this manner but it validates the butterfly theory. As a 5'6" sophmore getting a chance to dress for the varsity in 1980 I was the last kid to select a uniform-- guess what size shorts were left for me to choose from? yup--no choice, the only size left were XL. Everyone made fun of me that year but the Fab Five from Michigan somehow heard about how I must have made it look cool.

Nice! You were a trend setter without even knowing it. You should check to see if you could earn some royalties for anyone who sells Capri pants for men.....manpri's.

Sorry, I like the long shorts look. Even though I wore the short shorts. I had a similar experience with baseball pants. By the way, I like the new style of those, too.

I might be to blame for the long baggy short trend- I didn't realize the reach a kid from a small town in west central Minnesota could have and influence the game in this manner but it validates the butterfly theory. As a 5'6" sophmore getting a chance to dress for the varsity in 1980 I was the last kid to select a uniform-- guess what size shorts were left for me to choose from? yup--no choice, the only size left were XL. Everyone made fun of me that year but the Fab Five from Michigan somehow heard about how I must have made it look cool.

Specifically? As a former, and slightly older, fellow west-central small town Minnesotan, my interest is piqued.

Sorry, I like the long shorts look. Even though I wore the short shorts. I had a similar experience with baseball pants. By the way, I like the new style of those, too.

Bring back the stirrups and hose.

Those were really decorative back in the day!

And let's not forget the white Converse All-Stars shoes.

Classics. I like the old style baseball pants as well. Keep the short shorts on the shelf though.

Not advocating a return to the shorty-shorts

As it's not even really the length of the current shorts that looks funny - it's how much material there is, or how full/blousy they look. Style something that fits like a pair of board shorts and I'd be fine with it. It looks like Nike/Adidas/UA/whoever is making unis today thinks the shorts need to use more fabric than your average parachute (just like Minnesconsin Fan getting the last pair of shorts - XL! - made me laugh, cause that's just what I imagine when I see some unis today - "hey, they sent the varsity unis to the grade school team!")

To be honest with you, I think that Men's Basketball uniforms should be Speedos, and Women's Basketball Uniforms should be Volleyball Uniform style. Boy, oh, boy...My, oh, My, would attendance numbers go UPPPPPP!!!!

Interestingly, the short-shorties are in vogue on the coasts and can be seen regularly, accessorized with suspenders, at most gay pride parades. Most likely just a matter of time until they surface again on the court at Duke.

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