Michigan Stadium's Premium Seating Brochure

wow, and I thought the U was a little pricey. shows how much more passion their fanbase has.

I have also heard that Michigan is more of a "wine and cheese" crowd. So I would think they would be much more likely to buy premium seating.

I have also heard that Michigan is more of a "wine and cheese" crowd. So I would think they would be much more likely to buy premium seating.

That would sync up nicely with their reputation for being the quietest 100,000 person crowd in sports.

That would sync up nicely with their reputation for being the quietest 100,000 person crowd in sports.

In all fairness, this is only partly due to the fact that Mich fans will sit on their hands real quick anytime things don't go their way. While that definitely happens and is a problem for them (I swear to god you can hear crickets chirp in the stadium if the momentum is totally against them ;)) the other (bigger?) issue was the stadium itself. It is a very open, shallow bowl. Even if Mich fans are being their loudest it still won't sound as loud as stadiums that keep sound in better. For example, Autzen Stadium (Oregon) is much louder (by reputation...I can't confirm via personal experience) than Michigan even though its just over 1/2 the size. Its also why the Horshoe and Happy Valley are much louder...their designs hold in more sound. I'm interested to see how this will change with the completion of the new additions. I'm betting they make Michigan Stadium a much louder (but certainly not the loudest) place to play.

I'm hoping the Bank holds in a fair amount of the sound. I guess we shall see.

I'm hoping the Bank holds in a fair amount of the sound. I guess we shall see.

Making the stadium loud was a major design consideration. As a result I think how loud TCF is will depend more on how loud our fans get rather than if the stadium will keep the sound in. At least that's what I'm hoping (I'm drinking that Phil Esten TCF Kool-Aid and boy does it taste good! :D)

Notice the design of the suites? All enclosed w/ operable windows. No outdoor seating (besides the outdoor club).
Camp Randall is the exact same way. You look over and see all these people sitting behind glass walls and you almost feel sorry for them.
I am sooooooooo glad the Gophers are doing this right with the seating being outside w/ an operable door that can swing clear or closed.

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