Michigan fans vandalize Michigan State's Magic Johnson statue prior to game


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Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

They're resourceful. If you can't get to statue Sparty, the next best thing is to spray paint statue Magic Man.

Love the tweet with the Morgan Freeman reference. If you'eve ever seen the Magic statue in person, it's a dead ringer for Freeman. Looks nothing like Magic, though the pose is dead-on.

They're resourceful. If you can't get to statue Sparty, the next best thing is to spray paint statue Magic Man.

Love the tweet with the Morgan Freeman reference. If you'eve ever seen the Magic statue in person, it's a dead ringer for Freeman. Looks nothing like Magic, though the pose is dead-on.

I'd say more like Samuel Jackson. :cool:

It'll be fun to watch scUM lose this weekend

Wish I were as confident of that as you are. If MSU plays like it has most of the season, it could be payback time for Michigan. The one huge advantage Sparty has is at the QB position, but in order for that to be a factor Sparty's OL needs to keep Cook upright.

Think how mad Penn State would be if somebody spray painted their statue, I remember how upset they were when a MN fan put a scarf on it.

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