Michigan coach denies NCAA violations


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Jan 4, 2009
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Michigan coach denies NCAA violations
By LARRY LAGE, AP Sports Writer
Aug 31, 6:23 pm EDT

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)—Rich Rodriguez gripped the podium, bowed his head, paused and appeared to fight back tears. The click-click-click of cameras was the only sound.

Instead of being peppered with quarterback questions five days days before the season opener, the Michigan coach on Monday found himself addressing allegations that the Wolverines have been violating NCAA rules relating to how much time they spend training and practicing.

He insisted, repeatedly, that college football’s winningest program has followed the rules since he was put in charge 20 months ago.

Rodriguez became very emotional when he talked about the perception that he and his staff do not care about their players.

“That is disheartening,” he said, then paused before looking up to finish his thought for dozens of reporters and a long line of TV cameras. “To say that is misleading, inaccurate and goes against everything that I have ever believed in coaching.”

"gripped the podium, bowed his head," "appeared to fight back tears," "became very emotional," "'This is disheartening...'".

In my mind, these sort of actions by Roddy in reaction to this sort of allegation is a sure sign of guilt. I would be pissed off and act that way (at least act insensed). He knows it's true and he got caught. The Rodman is a beaten man...

(Place amateur Psychology license here;))

Michigan coach denies NCAA violations
By LARRY LAGE, AP Sports Writer
Aug 31, 6:23 pm EDT

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)—Rich Rodriguez gripped the podium, bowed his head, paused and appeared to fight back tears. The click-click-click of cameras was the only sound.

Instead of being peppered with quarterback questions five days days before the season opener, the Michigan coach on Monday found himself addressing allegations that the Wolverines have been violating NCAA rules relating to how much time they spend training and practicing.

He insisted, repeatedly, that college football’s winningest program has followed the rules since he was put in charge 20 months ago.

Rodriguez became very emotional when he talked about the perception that he and his staff do not care about their players.

“That is disheartening,” he said, then paused before looking up to finish his thought for dozens of reporters and a long line of TV cameras. “To say that is misleading, inaccurate and goes against everything that I have ever believed in coaching.”

"gripped the podium, bowed his head," "appeared to fight back tears," "became very emotional," "'This is disheartening...'".

In my mind, these sort of actions by Roddy in reaction to this sort of allegation is a sure sign of guilt. I would be pissed off and act that way (at least act insensed). He knows it's true and he got caught. The Rodman is a beaten man...

(Place amateur Psychology license here;))

I really recommend that folks take a look over at MGOBlog on this one (take the time to read some of the stuff he links too as well). Try here, here, here, here, and here if you want the full effect of MGO's anti Free-Press jihad.

Honestly, the more I've read up on this the more sure I am that this was a poorly reported POS and that its very likely that Michigan didn't break any rules. Remember how pissed Gopher fans were at the TC media (particularly the PP) over the Haskin's Scandal? This is that only without the cheating (probably). I'm also positive that no allegations will be proven and that the NCAA won't be sanctioning anyone over this.

"We're being punished for working hard..." I think those were "real" tears. He's a tool.

He has never denied the allegations

He has only stated that he is disheartened that people would think that he didn't care about his players...

When your own players throw you under the bus, you've got issues, pine riders or not. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some "real" michigan men in the background with an axe to grind fanning the flames. Players going to the media on their own is very unlikely....there's a mutiny afoot-and dick rod knows it...seeing a grown man cry is pretty, well, sad. More tears are coming, I predict..the only antidote is win, win, win.

He has only stated that he is disheartened that people would think that he didn't care about his players...

Actually Rich Rod and the A.D. Bill Martin have stated before that press conference that they believe they did not break any rules so he is denying it. It is a little disheartening that you could convict someone clearly based on the emotion someone shows in a press conference when you don't know the facts and either do I. However, I am waiting until the facts come out to say 100% that he is guilty or not. If I had to guess I would say that the program probably did not break any rules especially when the A.D. is coming out and saying the same thing.

If you ask me Rodriguez is proving he's in way over his head. He's learned the hard way that West Virginia is not Michigan. Any D-I football coach that cries over something like that is really weak, rather pathetic. If you can't handle the heat Rich, get out.

No sympathy here, especially for a guy who acts like the program he inherited was in shambles. Give me a break Rich. A tradition-laden program like Michigan was in such shambles that in the previous season it beat Florida/Tim Tebow in a New Year's Day bowl? As much as I couldn't stand Lloyd Carr & his constant whining, what a huge difference between his leadership at the top of the Wolverine program and that of Rodriguez. Carr commanded respect, Rodriguez only brings guffaws & snickers. I doubt that's what Martin had in mind when he hired him.

If Big Blue goes 0-3 vs. Notre Dame, Michigan State & Ohio State (very possible), I don't think he'll survive another year, not with all the antics & theatrics he's provided. If he does, he better win the other 9 games.

Actually Rich Rod and the A.D. Bill Martin have stated before that press conference that they believe they did not break any rules so he is denying it. It is a little disheartening that you could convict someone clearly based on the emotion someone shows in a press conference when you don't know the facts and either do I. However, I am waiting until the facts come out to say 100% that he is guilty or not. If I had to guess I would say that the program probably did not break any rules especially when the A.D. is coming out and saying the same thing.

Actually, I meant he's never denied the hours that the players supposedly "worked". He's only denied he didn't break any rules. That's an easy one to do, it's called "justifable deniability". If you didn't see them put in those hours, they didn't put them in and you didn't break any rules.

Actually, I meant he's never denied the hours that the players supposedly "worked". He's only denied he didn't break any rules. That's an easy one to do, it's called "justifable deniability". If you didn't see them put in those hours, they didn't put them in and you didn't break any rules.

Or just as likely (moreso IMO) the players put in those hours voluntarily. RR is known for saying that the extra effort from players is not mandatory but neither is playing time. When I played D-III bball, there was plenty of "voluntary" off-season and even in season stuff that we didn't dare skip. Partly b/c we knew we'd hear about it from the coaches (technically a violation) and partly b/c we knew this is what we had to do if we wanted to get better and start winning more games.

If you think the Gophers are any different under Brewster then you are kidding yourself. I don't say that to accuse Brew of cheating b/c I don't think he is. But I do think he's setting a high bar for effort from his players and that to meet that bar players will be putting in plenty of voluntary hours to get better.

The other thing is that there are plenty of mandatory activities that don't count to the 20 hour limit. And if you take the time to read the critiques of the story you'll see that the folks writing the articles often didn't get that distinction.

Or just as likely (moreso IMO) the players put in those hours voluntarily. RR is known for saying that the extra effort from players is not mandatory but neither is playing time. When I played D-III bball, there was plenty of "voluntary" off-season and even in season stuff that we didn't dare skip. Partly b/c we knew we'd hear about it from the coaches (technically a violation) and partly b/c we knew this is what we had to do if we wanted to get better and start winning more games.

If you think the Gophers are any different under Brewster then you are kidding yourself. I don't say that to accuse Brew of cheating b/c I don't think he is. But I do think he's setting a high bar for effort from his players and that to meet that bar players will be putting in plenty of voluntary hours to get better.

The other thing is that there are plenty of mandatory activities that don't count to the 20 hour limit. And if you take the time to read the critiques of the story you'll see that the folks writing the articles often didn't get that distinction.

I could not agree more, as Tressel said are they supposed to padlock the doors shut to the athetic complex to keep players out, no. The players realize on their own that in order to play they need to put in the extra effort to improve themselves. Those that put in the extra effort tend to improve more than those that do not and therefore get more playing time. Also, one of the players dads(Je'Ron Stokes) who was referenced in the Detroit Free Press said his sons comments were taken out of context and that he the dad has always told his son he needs to put in the extra effort and the player was just relaying how hard he is working to improve based on what he was taught by his father and the reporters ran with it implying that Rich Rod was behind this. The father then goes on to say that Rich Rod and the coaches have been treated his son great and cared for him greatly.


I just love the fact that when faced with the media as a response he starts sobbing. Of course he's going to deny it and it probably is a bunch of crap, but getting up to the podium and bawling isn't exactly the response I would be hoping for as a MICH fan and/or player. His tenure will last no more than 3 years, and that's probably being generous.

Wow...this was mostly a joke thread

I really did this as a "you know, I just hate Michigan and it seemed fun," but now I regret it. I figure you should just slam the enemy and not let up. We have too long showed empathy and "credit" to the other BigTen schools.

I support the Gophers wholeheartedly, both financially and in my heart. I guess it comes down to personality--Roddy and Bulemia seem a$$holes, and I think Brew is sincere. Maybe the koolaid tastes too good.

I guess if it was Iowa or the Budgies, this would have been received better. Good luck to Michigan and their pansy-ass coach. We will never play a game against Rod-man. We will not speak of this again.

When your own players throw you under the bus, you've got issues, pine riders or not. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some "real" michigan men in the background with an axe to grind fanning the flames. Players going to the media on their own is very unlikely....there's a mutiny afoot-and dick rod knows it...seeing a grown man cry is pretty, well, sad. More tears are coming, I predict..the only antidote is win, win, win.

I think that he was crying because he defaulted on a $3.6M loan to a bank. That would make me cry too.

I just love the fact that when faced with the media as a response he starts sobbing. Of course he's going to deny it and it probably is a bunch of crap, but getting up to the podium and bawling isn't exactly the response I would be hoping for as a MICH fan and/or player. His tenure will last no more than 3 years, and that's probably being generous.

The last I checked Michigan had the top rated QB recruit for next year so I don't think that Rich Rod will be going anywhere anytime soon.

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